Website feedback

groovy cleaner replied on 05/05/2017 10:57

Posted on 05/05/2017 10:57

good morning folks hope you are all well ,sat here on my lap top looking at Ct ,scrolling along looking for anything of interest when suddenly in the bottom right hand corner a little box pops up how likely are you to recommend this site to others ??

anyone else had this smile

ValDa replied on 06/05/2017 07:36

Posted on 05/05/2017 12:36 by sjdap

I know there are weakens in the club site but nothing compared to the campingtravelclub.I now can not look at sites to use up 3 Camping Cheques.

Posted on 06/05/2017 07:36

Having used Camping Cheques for years, I don't think they've done themselves any favours, but there are two methods I use to find sites on the Camping Travel Club.

The website: Firstly allow a couple of seconds to let the website download properly, then select the country you want to look at.

All sites will pop up and there will be a number of 'pages' listed at the top.  Click through those pages, and the sites will be displayed visually down the left hand side of the screen, and on the map.  Page 1 are sites in northern France, and as you click page 2, page 3, page 4, etc the sites displayed move 'down' the map.

Download 'Archies Camping'

However, if you can't find sites then I'd be more than happy to send you my Camping Cheques guide which is the 'old-fashioned' way of looking up sites.  Email me on  Equally, I'd be more than happy to re-home your unused Camping Cheques.

I've only had one 'pop-up' so haven't had a chance to put in a lower score than two, even though I've had two error messages already this morning, and one post is doing the 'redirect' thing again.

replied on 06/05/2017 08:30

Posted on 06/05/2017 08:30

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Oneputt replied on 06/05/2017 08:32

Posted on 06/05/2017 08:32

Just completed my third 'review' using my phone, average across 3 reviews, a lowly 1surprised as high as that I hear you cry, in defence I was feeling generouswink

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