The future

malnik replied on 07/10/2020 22:04

Posted on 07/10/2020 22:04

I have been a member for 3 years now, I don't think i can continue my membership for the years ahead. As a young family i find this club not exactly "family friendly". More to the point, I have been looking at the make up of the people at the head of the table, the council members and commitee. 

We live in a diverse country and our nation is much better for that amazing diversity. Unfortunately the club seems to be a relic of the 70s, diversity seems to be something we as a club are unaware of. I'm sure they are all doing a great job but how can we go ahead without our club reflecting the make up of the country and the people they represent. Dont get me started on age groups being represented. I have no idea what ages everyone is, but i don't see young families represented and once again, they can't be ignored. Unless ofcourse the club is for elderly white people only. Again, this is no criticism of those people.

The easy answer is anyone can apply or put themselves forward. But the aptmosphere has to be right, it has to be friendly to people from other groups to be able to apply. Is it? What is the cub doing to encourage more diversity? Younger representation? It has to be more than just a token "anyone can apply". And this direction has to be from the leader, Mr Lomas.

On the basis of the above, I can't continue to be a member when it comes time to renew. 

replied on 13/11/2020 09:08

Posted on 13/11/2020 08:46 by mbee1

I'm surprised you've not walked already then Metheven because "giving value" they're certainly not.

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:08

Depends on what it is that a person values. I find the CMC sites of value as they often represent 50% of my site choice when touring.

I would have thought mbee that they offered something that you want as you are a member it seems. Did you join by mistake and then forget to cancel your direct debit?

replied on 13/11/2020 09:11

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:11

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replied on 13/11/2020 09:17

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:11 by

I take reviews with a "pinch of salt " especially since a fellow guest at a hotel posted a toxic and untrue review.  However  out of curiosity I have just looked at the Trustoilot reviews about the C&CC and I think it's the worst overall series of complaints I have ever seen leveled at one organisation.  If it's even half true they are in trouble. I don't use the sites but have their overseas travel insurance and am wondering if this is an organisation to trust. 

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:17

I have not had a problem with the staff on either clubs' sites. I have found less interaction on C&CC sites but that is all. I may not particularly like various things about C&CC procedures but that is not due to site staff 

Takethedogalong replied on 13/11/2020 09:27

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:27

I was astonished at how low the overall rating is to be honest. I haven’t read all the reviews, but worryingly a good few do seem to be from long term Members. I think there are some misconceptions for whatever reason on some of them, but more worryingly, the Club isn’t handling responses so it’s just goes on from one side only. If a company is going to use TP, then it needs to make sure it’s monitored. 

It wouldn’t stop me using a C&CC Site, we do our own research around Sites, thoroughly as we can if it’s somewhere we haven’t used before. 


brue replied on 13/11/2020 09:41

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:41

My experiences with the C&Cc have been good this year. Their approach to the VAT reduction annoyed me somewhat but it was counterbalanced by a memberships extension. A phone call to move a deposit and rearrange bookings was helpful, polite and successful.

It looks as though trustpilot is receiving the full blast of people who haven't read the details, can't find phone numbers, feel offended etc. But I wouldnt defend the C&Cc in it's lack of response. Both clubs rarely respond to reviews, good or bad especially on their own web sites. The C&Cc has always prechecked reviews and have been slow to update them this year.

I had a smile when I read the popular searches alongside the complaints. CAMC and Thompson and Morgan the plant merchants.

Normally I'd never use Trustpilot and it puzzles me about the lack of response. I feel sorry for the staff in these circumstances, but perhaps it's not their top priority just now. It doesn't represent the experiences I've had this year.

replied on 13/11/2020 09:51

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:51

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

DavidKlyne replied on 13/11/2020 09:58

Posted on 13/11/2020 09:58

I think review sites like Trust Pilot can be very toxic, they just give people with axes to grind the opportunity to sound off in a very public environment without any responsibility for possible outcomes. I am not even sure that the C&CC replying to the comments would make any difference as the damage has already been done. It seems to me that the C&CC are much more of a closed shop in terms of communications with members than even the CMC so perhaps that is perhaps part of the problem?


SeasideBill replied on 13/11/2020 10:00

Posted on 13/11/2020 10:00

I use reviews a lot, but generally I’m looking for some specific comment on an aspect I value like ‘good pub close by’, ‘walking distance to town etc. I can’t relate to criticism of subjective things like push button showers etc, because it’s not important to me. Staff are transient so if one is a miserable old whatsit it’s unlikely to impact me. I’ve spent enough time on C&CC sites to value most of them irrespective of what people choose to put in reviews. Some are better than CMC sites some are worse.

peedee replied on 13/11/2020 10:03

Posted on 13/11/2020 10:03

I haven't had any problems with either Club but during COVID I have had next to no dealings with either other than to cancel a C&MC and a C&CC booking due to illness and had to return home. The former was  with a days notice and no rap on the knuckles and the latter at a weeks notice for which I lost my deposit. I just took it on the chin and had no grounds for complaint.


Takethedogalong replied on 13/11/2020 11:35

Posted on 13/11/2020 11:35

Reviews can be useful, and lots of organisations use them to great effect, dealing positively where they can even with bad and ill informed reviews. I sort of feel it’s a bit of a glitch with C&CC, as all our dealings with them as an organisation, Sites, insurance etc.... have been comparable with CAMC, and the current circumstances are outside the comfort zones of a lot of companies/organisations at this moment. 

One organisation who’s have been simply superb in terms of giving membership/subscription value, and keeping customers informed have been Cadw. We had a three months extension on our membership due to early lockdown, and just had our renewal which is again at a lower price as they haven’t been able to keep properties open as they would have liked👍 Can’t ask fairer than this, we shall be out there supporting them as soon as we get the chance. Meantime I will be looking at online shop if they have one.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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