Money saving ideas.

DEBSC replied on 01/08/2022 08:59

Posted on 01/08/2022 08:59

Ive just been scrolling through the ‘Discussions’ and reading how some are switching to CLs and not travelling so far in an attempt to save money. With the hike in gas and electric prices this will need to be thought about at home as well, especially as winter approaches. We have been away for 3 weeks but even with no one here our electricity usage has, surprisingly, been creeping up. This will focus me to emptying the chest freezer and defrosting it, as that may be the biggest culprit. I’m also scouring recipe books in an attempt to become more proficient at making many more meals in the slow cooker, double batches then freezing some, in an attempt not to keep putting the oven on. The washing machine never goes on now unless it is really full. And, living in the South West, where water prices are astronomical, it’s always showers over baths. Anyone else got any tips, that might be useful.

Takethedogalong replied on 01/08/2022 10:11

Posted on 01/08/2022 10:11

Yes, you don’t have to be in house for bills to be rising. Like you, we suspect our two freezers. Might empty one, and leave it off. I was looking at Remoska cookers the other day, not sure how energy efficient they might be. I think our kettle might be going onto stove top as well. We forage for wood through Summer months for stove. Just take a couple of bags into woods with us, fill with stuff for kindling and a bit larger. It drys out lovely for Winter. We have been collecting big logs as well, as someone cut a tree down and left nicely sized stuff in woods. We dry the wood out, and it burns clean. There are folks like us with a stove doing same.

DavidKlyne replied on 01/08/2022 10:40

Posted on 01/08/2022 10:40

I have an App on my phone where I can monitor electric and gas usage on a daily basis when we are away. Obviously at this time of year we don't use any gas but the electric ticks along. Currently, on average, we are using about £2 worth of energy a day whilst we are at home. I imagine that figure is nearer a £1 a day when we are away. What I can't quite work out is whether the daily standing charge is included in the Smart Meter reading? Will obviously be a very different picture as we head into winter!!!



DEBSC replied on 01/08/2022 11:00

Posted on 01/08/2022 11:00

When we are away in the static caravan we don’t pay the daily standing charge on electric and the water is free! It’s about the only thing that is though! But it does make a difference. Obviously we are paying for it really by paying out big time for the ground rent but it’s so nice not to have to think too hard before we turn a tap on or rinse out some washing.

We have decided to cut back a bit on our wine buying in Tesco, it’s become a habit, not that we drink that much but we have decided it will be one saving. In Devon buying juice might be cheaper than drinking tap water though. ( ok I’m joking, just) 

brue replied on 01/08/2022 11:19

Posted on 01/08/2022 11:19

Just been reading about Hinckley B finally being shut down which means we'll need more gas energy to make up the difference until the new power station comes on line. Can't make up my mind where to try and save, gas or electricity? 

We really use our two freezers, I'm filling them now with garden produce but I'm sure they guzzle up power. It just seems like a balancing act. I'm afraid we'll be burning more wood which isn't good for the planet but most of it comes from our garden or nearby. We are on a fixed dual fuel rate till next year, then the big shock will come. frown

DEBSC replied on 01/08/2022 12:08

Posted on 01/08/2022 12:08

Brue, I’m the same on where to save. I used to boil a kettle and pour the water over the spuds before turning the gas on but not sure anymore.

We bought the chest freezer for all the allotment produce, a necessity then, but now we no longer have the allotment. However most of the batch cooking goes in it now. Also if there is a special offer on frozen food that we normally buy then I try to stock up a bit. So I think the big freezer is worth it but, as I said, it does need defrosting. 

DavidKlyne replied on 02/08/2022 09:38

Posted on 02/08/2022 09:38

I decided to contact Octopus Energy about the standing charge and they, as usual, very efficiently replied within a couple of hours informing me that the standing charge is added at 1.00am each morning! It is only our Combi Boiler that uses gas and obviously at the moment it's only being used to heat a modest amount of hot water each day. I fear that come the winter the current modest use of energy will balloon!!!

But here is a question. Is anyone thinking of having solar panels fitted? Supposedly the prices have comedown and now there is no VAT on them but even so it is still quite a large investment.


peedee replied on 02/08/2022 09:57

Posted on 02/08/2022 09:57

I have recently considered it David and decided at my time of life the hastle and return, you  would be lucky to get your investment back in 10 years, is not worth it. If i was younger and could look forward to a longer life or perhaps struggling to pay the bills and had the capital to make the investment, I think it would be worth it.


P.S. As for ideas for savings, I would review all my expenditure especially subscriptions, I am sure I could cancel some of them.


DavidKlyne replied on 02/08/2022 12:29

Posted on 02/08/2022 09:57 by peedee

I have recently considered it David and decided at my time of life the hastle and return, you  would be lucky to get your investment back in 10 years, is not worth it. If i was younger and could look forward to a longer life or perhaps struggling to pay the bills and had the capital to make the investment, I think it would be worth it.


P.S. As for ideas for savings, I would review all my expenditure especially subscriptions, I am sure I could cancel some of them.


Posted on 02/08/2022 12:29


That is more or less how I have thought about things. We have no idea how much longer we will live where we do although we have no plans but sometimes events happen. Obviously it also depends of how long the current energy crisis persists for. If for example it carried on for another five years then the investment would probably break even a lot earlier. I don't think anyone is predicting  it will go on that long. You could argue that amount of the capital investment could subsidise you energy bills for several years. But then I see projected energy bills increasing to something like £3600 a year which is getting on for four times what I paid a couple of years ago you do wonder? Another uncertainty is how much support the Government will provide which even at its most generous is unlikely to cover all of the increase. I am reluctant to change my lifestyle but as they say, when push comes to shove!!!


peedee replied on 02/08/2022 13:22

Posted on 02/08/2022 13:22

Those I have talked to about it say with a 4Kw panel (the max you can have without more red tape) they do not use all that is generated especially in the summer months and are only getting 4p a Kw feed in tariff. The general concensus is it is better to go the whole hog and fit batteries as well. Thats about another £3000 for a 5Kw battery.

I have forgotten about moving, we have been toying with the idea but it is only likely if my health deteriorates dramatically. Nevertheless we are half heartedly looking around. It would be a big upheaval but you never know what is around the corner and something may trigger a greater urgency to downsize. At least it might save on rates and energy costs!



brue replied on 02/08/2022 14:54

Posted on 02/08/2022 14:54

If decided we should all try to use solar panels I'd be happy with the idea at a reduced price! Until that day they're not worth it for us and I don't think OH or myself are the type of spreadsheet enthusiasts to keep a tally on usage or potential savings. 

I've cut out one subscription, there is another one due to go soon. 

Something has Improved along with bank rates as interest rates go up. I'd make sure you are getting the best rates for any savings, we have to look outside the bank we use for better rates. So move your savings if needed. smile

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