
Firedragon replied on 08/11/2016 09:36

Posted on 08/11/2016 09:36

Try to stay positive (and preferably beligerant too Wink) Mick, the radiology is tiring (just been through seven & a half weeks of it with my OH) weekends off and by sunday just starting to recover and realise it all starts again monday!! but the time did pass quite quickly believe it or not, it just takes as many weeks again to settle down to 'normality' but hopefully you will adjust to it and not have too many side effects. We are all thinking of you and willing you on Kiss

Alison xx

Kennine replied on 08/11/2016 10:46

Posted on 08/11/2016 10:46

All the best Mick

The Mcmillan organisation supporting cancer sufferers is fantastic. --- Excellent caring people..

What would be great, is if there was a Mcmillan type organisation supporting those in the acute stages of Pulminory, Cardiac, and the many more terminal illnesses.  

Pippah45 replied on 09/11/2016 12:14

Posted on 09/11/2016 12:14

Marie Curie is now there for any terminal illness - not just Cancer - hence the recent "rebranding" so please tell anyone in need of end of life care.   And of course please give generously when the collectors are about Smile

I am humbled at the amount people give when I do collections - its not a job I enjoy a lot but it can be very heart warming.  And I hope I will get end of life care when I need it - so on with the thermals and the smile Happy

Kennine replied on 09/11/2016 12:32

Posted on 09/11/2016 12:32

Marie Curie is now there for any terminal illness - not just Cancer - hence the recent "rebranding" so please tell anyone in need of end of life care.   And of course please give generously when the collectors are about Smile

I am humbled at the amount people give when I do collections - its not a job I enjoy a lot but it can be very heart warming.  And I hope I will get end of life care when I need it - so on with the thermals and the smil

Write your comments here...Thats useful information Pippa - Thanks. 


ABM replied on 09/11/2016 15:30

Posted on 09/11/2016 15:30

Pippah,  I  find  fewer  &  fewer  Collecting  Boxes  etc  around  These  Days.

I  save  all  coppers  &  5s  &  10s  put  them  in  my  camera  bag  in  little  containers ( actually  the  'pots'  my  blood-test  strips  come  in  !! )  But  only a  few  Fair  Organs  &  very,  very  few  Engines  collect  now  so I  have  to  wander  round  the  stalls  activly  looking  for  somewhere  to  leave  my  money !!  The  Result  is  in  a  few  weeks  the  Round  Table  Santa  Claus  Collectors  will  find  a  Stone  &  a  Quarter  of  (very)  small  change  dumped  on  them  !!  Sometimes  I  think  they  only send  the  youngest,  or  the  loser  of  their  own  raffle  to  my  door  ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Pippah45 replied on 09/11/2016 17:22

Posted on 09/11/2016 17:22

Its very hard to find people who will stand with a tin - main collections are now done at Supermarkets etc.  I find it difficult to get hold of a Poppy or two at this time  of year too. 

So if anyone hears the call to give a couple of hours to Macmillan or Marie Curie - please think of doing it!  I am very tempted to open my mouth at the rude non-givers who might well need the service one day.  It's absolutely fine walking past but totally unnecessary to get stroppy!   Marie Curie suggest £1 donation - I wish people knew that - as counting all those pennies is quite a task - but hey every little helps! 

ValDa replied on 09/11/2016 20:50

Posted on 09/11/2016 20:50

I don't think charities should have a minimum donation, to be honest.  I can understand the idea behind it, but surely the few pence from someone who has very very little, should be just as welcome as the fat cheque from a fat cat?   

I was quite shocked to see a notice on the poppy stall in our local supermarket that the minimum donation was £1 - and witnessed a little girl walk away crying because she read the notice and obviously didn't think she had enough to buy a poppy. 

I'll continue to give whatever I can to those charities I support, but come the day when I can only afford a smaller amount, should I stop giving?

ABM replied on 09/11/2016 21:32

Posted on 09/11/2016 21:32

NO  NO  NO  !!

You  can  give  What  You  Can,  Where  you  can,  Because  you  can  and  just  be  satisfied  That  You  Have  Helped,  Valda  !!  Your  few  pennies  or whatever  just  might  be  the  vital  funds  to  help  keep somebody  alive  !

Pippah45 replied on 09/11/2016 21:34

Posted on 09/11/2016 21:34

Yes ValDa I quite agree there should be no minimum and all the collectors I know ignore the "dictate" from above.  With Marie Curie it is "suggested donation" although I can see that small change takes more time to count - its all part of the whole thing - if youngsters are put off donating - it bodes badly for the future. 

Bakers2 replied on 09/11/2016 21:44

Posted on 09/11/2016 21:44

Yes ValDa I quite agree there should be no minimum and all the collectors I know ignore the "dictate" from above.  With Marie Curie it is "suggested donation" although I can see that small change takes more time to count - its all part of the whole thing - if youngsters are put off donating - it bodes badly for the future. 

I put the small coins to one side, this is 1, 2 and 5 pences, larger coins if I have a lot.  We are not allowed to pay them into the bank without limits and there are counting machines which take a percentage.  I know they take time to count etc but they are better than nothing.  I am quite happy to empty my pot of schapnel for charity, if they're lucky they may get quite a bit. I'm very happy to donate what I can to charities I support but will give casually too, but it won't be notes! 

It's slightly off topic but if no-one and that includes charities wants the small coins maybe they should be scrapped and we go over to Swedish rounding (they use it in New Zealand 5 and under down 6 up to nearest dollar, payment by card to the cent, there few carry cash so charity boxes are generally light).  Such things a poppies, daffodils etc will be very hard to acquire, leading to more people buying once and never giving again???

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