
Merve replied on 14/06/2016 05:05

Posted on 14/06/2016 05:05

Well, I for one have reached that age when the pounds gather around the lower regions almost secretly- you wake up one morning and realise that you are not what you were. You find that you are more tired, can't move so well and get out of breath a little quicker than you used to. If you look down, you may see the reason why and if you havent got to that stage, grab your midriff and you'll discover the reason why.  I lived with this for a number of years I suppose, telling myself that 'you put weight on as you get older' and indeed you are more likely to but you can do something about it. Apart from a fantastic app I found called Nutracheck I also watched a programme by Dr Michael Moseley in which he was investigating 'fasting' To cut a long story short, I decided to fast for three days just having tea, no sugar, lots of water some with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in and fruit. My daily intake of calories was 100 - 150 a day for 3 days. What happened next was amazing. I was dreading it and thought that on the afternoon of the fist day I would be trying to eat anything I wasn't disciplined enough to say no to. Not a bit of it! Yes, I got hungry at the times I would have normally got hungry but then I found it passed and I wasn't bothered about eating. Into the second day and exactly the same. The tiny bits I did eat were entered into the app to keep a check on the cals I was having. I was having my daily Kefir with fruit in it( see food and drink section) but very little else. But the thing that really amazed me was that rather than feeling I wanted to sit around through lack of food, my energy levels went through the roof- I was actually working all day ( not hard physical work but very active) and I didn't find myself wanting 40 winks as had been the case before I started this regime. On the evening of the second day, now two days without a meal I bent down to tie my boots and found I wasn't panting for breath!!  in fact it was all pretty easy!! On the third day, much the same and I had lost about 7 lb! Fasting is a fantastic way of cleansing the body and reducing weight. It's a natural thing and I have now moved on to 5 days eating normally( with reduced portions) followed by 2 days fasting. I havent felt this good for years!! It works for me.

Tammygirl replied on 14/06/2016 16:36

Posted on 14/06/2016 16:36

I don't think Merves suggestion of 2 days fasting followed by 5 days sensible eating will do any harm. I have been doing Sw for years and if at times I over indulge (holidays) I just do a couple of days of what SW call free food, a bit like Merves fasting. Provided you drink plenty and have fruit or salad you won't starve your body. The trouble with being on diets is that the body gets used yo having less calories and you stop loosing weight if you don't up the exercise. So shaking it up from time to time helps. Well done Merve nice to see a differant topic for a change.

Kerry Watkins replied on 14/06/2016 17:32

Posted on 14/06/2016 17:32

I have been on the 5-2 diet since Christmas. Two days of eating 600 calories and 5 days eating sensibly. It works for me. On you 600 day if you fancy something you cannot have you know you only have to wait till the next day. You do not have to do without for months on end

ValDa replied on 14/06/2016 22:46

Posted on 14/06/2016 22:46

Just eat lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of whole grains and nuts,a little bit of meat, poultry and fish (but modest portions), some dairy, (because as older people we need the calcium to avoid osteoporosis), a glass of wine per day (or slightly more to maintain health!!!!) and you'll find that you're always full, don't need to diet, and maintain a steady weight.  Mine has been the same since my youngest son was born thirty years ago!

Just don't eat processed food - make your own - too much fried food, and lots of fizzy drinks or colas.  Water is the best drink of all and is free!

EmilysDad replied on 14/06/2016 23:05

Posted on 14/06/2016 23:05

One thing you should never, ever do is "fasting", eg, liquid diet as Merve is doing.  Its healthy, you are not getting your daily vitamins.   ....

Did you miss out NOT? ie Its NOT healthy .....Undecided

tombar replied on 14/06/2016 23:49

Posted on 14/06/2016 23:49

One thing you should never, ever do is "fasting", eg, liquid diet as Merve is doing.  Its healthy, you are not getting your daily vitamins.   ....

Did you miss out NOT? ie Its NOT healthy .....Undecided

I did notice.  But you're correct, its unhealthy

tombar replied on 14/06/2016 23:50

Posted on 14/06/2016 23:50

The thing is that if you starve yourself, even for a couple of days, your body will shut down parts of your body to survive, and this is what is unhealthy about it

ABM replied on 14/06/2016 23:53

Posted on 14/06/2016 23:53

I did a crash course in weight reduction after christmas.I cut out white bread and cakes altogether and stopped snacking inbetween meals have smaller portions and less beer and within eight weeks i lost one and a half stone and i,ve maintained that weight since Happy


It's  ok  Peter,  I  found  your  stone  and  a  half  and  I 'm  keeping  it  warm  for  you  ,, ,, ,, ,,


Merve replied on 15/06/2016 00:27

Posted on 15/06/2016 00:27

One thing you should never, ever do is "fasting", eg, liquid diet as Merve is doing.  Its healthy, you are not getting your daily vitamins.  You need a properly controlled diet.  To diet, you need to eat about 1,000 calories a day not 150.  You are actually starving yourself to death.  Those in the concentration camps were on more than you are eating (or drinking).  You will have health issues in the not too distant future.  I myself am attending Slimming World.  You have a healthy diet, you eat 3 meals per day (you can even have a full English breakfast) and still lose weight.  If so, go to your GP and he will give you a diet sheet to lose weight and believe me, it will not include drinking only days

Write your comments here..I'm sorry but that is.pure myth! The human body is perfectly capable of going without food for 3 days! Yes, I would agree that if I carried on like that I would starve myself to death but it's for 3 days for goodness sake. That allows the body to cleanse and go into 'repair mode'. If I have health problems as you put it, it will have been ushered in by a period of feeling full of energy and health. I would rather believe a doctor who has studied and done it and my own experiences. 

Merve replied on 15/06/2016 00:34

Posted on 15/06/2016 00:34

The thing is that if you starve yourself, even for a couple of days, your body will shut down parts of your body to survive, and this is what is unhealthy about it

Write your comments here...Sorry, if that's the case, I'd like to know which parts? All that happened to me is I felt great- better than I had felt in months. I am now on the 5.2 diet. Fasting is good for the body, not bad. We eat far too much in the west with the resulting health and obesity problems. That's what causes health issues- pie eating and filling your face to excess. A little discipline and restraint does wonders.

SteveL replied on 15/06/2016 09:08

Posted on 15/06/2016 09:08

About 12 years ago, after a period of ill health, we changed our eating regime. Aimed for a 'no fat' diet, but of course ate some. Made a determined effort to eat lots of fresh stuff and avoided the pies and the donuts and fried food. Over a year lost about 5 stone between us. In the main, weights stayed off. Put a bit back now retired and not quite so active.

we put the success down to a change of eating habits that worked for us, rather than thinking of it as a diet.

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