COVID - general discussion - Temp Locked

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 11/01/2021 10:18

Posted on 11/01/2021 09:26 by JollyKernow


Very similar to you, my motorhome and car are registered in Cambs. I'm locked down at work in Cirencester. In March I'm hopefully headed to north Devon.

As for supermarkets, we couldn't get a delivery slot for 3 weeks so we braved the local Tesco's on Friday. Traffic light system in place and majority of people distanced ok. I think folk get frustrated when they get to the trolley cleaning / hand sanitizing station just inside the door, many people just pushing past not bothering. In store was ok if an aisle was busy we'd just go back later. The queues were too big at the self serve check outs so we waited at a manned one. Overall we felt ok with our masks, visors and gloves on. On the way out I fuelled the car at pay at pump.

It's a large Tesco extra but I think they are limiting numbers as the queue outside was around 50 deep but inside it felt ok. We managed to get all our supplies, especially the bulky ones, so for the next few weeks I'll just walk to the local Tesco metro. On the way back I thrashed the car half way to Swindon and back as it's not been out since November. Glad to be back to the feeling of safety on site with the gates locked!

Talking of gates, Saturday morning I had to call the authorities as there were so many cars trying to park up in our driveway. There were 3 particular cars that were together with 12 people aiming to walk in the park. Obviously not a bubble and no distancing at all. The Police turned up on quad bikes 10 minutes later. We had intended to attempt a walk in the park ourselves but the amount of people strolling past was unbelievable, decided to clean the car again!


Posted on 11/01/2021 10:18

+1, it’s very frustrating watching folk without a care in the world with no intention of even attempting to help the cause of bringing the numbers down, ie save lives & health care stress levels🙁. Each of these people potentially have parents, grandparents, friends, children yet they just don’t care. We see the Police herding the anti-vaxers away from joe public as they impose their beliefs on us all🤷🏻‍♂️. We need strong leadership-arrest them, fine them on the spot. It’s beyond their human rights, really?-it’s our Human right to life not theirs to endanger it. I’m done-I’ll go & find a stout cushion to scream into👍🏻

Wherenext replied on 11/01/2021 10:19

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:19

We are the "like to see what we are buying and don't trust the pickers" type of shoppers for fresh produce but do manage to get a slot about every 3 weeks for the non perishables such as toilet roll, detergents etc.

I have an allergy to Wheat, Rye and Spelt and quite frankly I don't trust the picker to get that bit right. I once ordered some Gluten Free Muesli, when it used to be on the breakfast cereal shelf and I got ordinary muesli with wheat in despite the note to the picker. They've now moved that cereal to the Free From section. Last time I inadvertently had some Rye I was very ill for 2 days and lost half a stone so I want to see the product but at least with the Click and Collect we spend as little time in there as is necessary.

JVB66 replied on 11/01/2021 10:22

Posted on 11/01/2021 08:20 by Whittakerr

and applied immediate fine if vehicle registered more than 10 miles from the location might discourage what appears to be a lot of unnecessary travel.

I agree with the sprit of what you sat but it wouldn't work in practice. My company car was registered at the companies head office 80 miles away so would i be fined for having the car outside my house?

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:22

Your driving licence will give your address ,when the police queried itwink

JohnM20 replied on 11/01/2021 10:29

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:29

The issue of the two ladies at Foremark Reservoir still rumbles on here. Matt Hancock and Priti Patel have said that the police were correct whilst the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner seemed to sit on the fence this morning being non-committal apart from saying that all fines issued during this lockdown were being reviewed. If they are reviewing the incidents, to my mind they are not certain of their position. It has been stated that it is up to the individual police officer to use his opinion and judgement at the time so there could be as many different opinions as there are officers on the force. 

The word 'local' is what needs defining. The fact that this has still not been determined by the government makes me suspect that even they cannot agree on a definition. It needs a specific distance from home to be stated but additionally this should be 'as the crow flies' which is more specific than distance by road which can be variable.

Staying very local, ie walking from home was proved by a friend last week as to be not necessarily the best advice. On Wednesday my friend and his wife drove four miles and then did a six mile walk. They saw no-one. The following day, because of the hoo-haa they walked from home on a housing estate. They walked about 2 miles and passed 51 people. Another friend walked from home around the village where he lives. He said there were many people and family groups about that he had to warily walk past. Which walks were the safest? I know that these are only two examples but both good illustrations. The messages seem to be 'concentrate all people exercising in as small an area as possible. Don't allow them to use their common sense'.

Our local favourite place to go is Calke Abbey, 4½ miles from home but a place where there was a sizeable police presence over recent days. The car-park at Calke is enormous and due to the NT booking system people arrive at different times. When we have been there we  have seen relatively few people in the 600 acres on the many miles of paths. Most of these people were at a very safe distance even though there might be a hundred or so cars in the car-park. I just cannot see any logic being applied in the guidance.

The medics have stressed that exercise is very important for us  particularly in green spaces, and is good for both physical and mental health. Walking from my home the only green that I see is the occasional front lawn of houses. Hardly what the medics are advocating. Derby has several very big parks and heritage sites where people can be 'lost' in woods and green spaces but for most people getting to them would require a relatively short drive, isolated in their own cars. 


Takethedogalong replied on 11/01/2021 10:39

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:19 by Wherenext

We are the "like to see what we are buying and don't trust the pickers" type of shoppers for fresh produce but do manage to get a slot about every 3 weeks for the non perishables such as toilet roll, detergents etc.

I have an allergy to Wheat, Rye and Spelt and quite frankly I don't trust the picker to get that bit right. I once ordered some Gluten Free Muesli, when it used to be on the breakfast cereal shelf and I got ordinary muesli with wheat in despite the note to the picker. They've now moved that cereal to the Free From section. Last time I inadvertently had some Rye I was very ill for 2 days and lost half a stone so I want to see the product but at least with the Click and Collect we spend as little time in there as is necessary.

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:39

Difficult for you WN, what you can eat might be brand specific etc.... so deliveries much more difficult.

We have had to stop walking our nearby park, it’s so full of family’s, groups walking together and it doesn’t feel safe. We drive to woodland a couple of miles away to walk pooch. (Sadly his arthritis wont let him walk that far, and it’s steep hills as well, we aren’t being lazy)

I think much of the advice is coming with a lot of vagueness, too easily misinterpreted not only by general public, but by police as well. 


brue replied on 11/01/2021 10:58

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:58

Have you tried on line buying for gluten free WN? I'm thinking of places like Planet Organic, my DIL has the same need for gluten free. I'm only thinking of this on a temporary basis whilst we get through this horrible stage of high infection rates, obviously many people prefer to shop personally.

heddlo replied on 11/01/2021 11:09

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:29 by JohnM20

The issue of the two ladies at Foremark Reservoir still rumbles on here. Matt Hancock and Priti Patel have said that the police were correct whilst the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner seemed to sit on the fence this morning being non-committal apart from saying that all fines issued during this lockdown were being reviewed. If they are reviewing the incidents, to my mind they are not certain of their position. It has been stated that it is up to the individual police officer to use his opinion and judgement at the time so there could be as many different opinions as there are officers on the force. 

The word 'local' is what needs defining. The fact that this has still not been determined by the government makes me suspect that even they cannot agree on a definition. It needs a specific distance from home to be stated but additionally this should be 'as the crow flies' which is more specific than distance by road which can be variable.

Staying very local, ie walking from home was proved by a friend last week as to be not necessarily the best advice. On Wednesday my friend and his wife drove four miles and then did a six mile walk. They saw no-one. The following day, because of the hoo-haa they walked from home on a housing estate. They walked about 2 miles and passed 51 people. Another friend walked from home around the village where he lives. He said there were many people and family groups about that he had to warily walk past. Which walks were the safest? I know that these are only two examples but both good illustrations. The messages seem to be 'concentrate all people exercising in as small an area as possible. Don't allow them to use their common sense'.

Our local favourite place to go is Calke Abbey, 4½ miles from home but a place where there was a sizeable police presence over recent days. The car-park at Calke is enormous and due to the NT booking system people arrive at different times. When we have been there we  have seen relatively few people in the 600 acres on the many miles of paths. Most of these people were at a very safe distance even though there might be a hundred or so cars in the car-park. I just cannot see any logic being applied in the guidance.

The medics have stressed that exercise is very important for us  particularly in green spaces, and is good for both physical and mental health. Walking from my home the only green that I see is the occasional front lawn of houses. Hardly what the medics are advocating. Derby has several very big parks and heritage sites where people can be 'lost' in woods and green spaces but for most people getting to them would require a relatively short drive, isolated in their own cars. 


Posted on 11/01/2021 11:09

You are so right John.  Walking around our ‘local’ area is a case of dodging others most of the time.  A short drive to the Yorkshire Wolds and we can walk, in lovely green spaces not houses, and see no one!  I know which one we prefer. 

replied on 11/01/2021 11:14

Posted on 11/01/2021 11:14

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JohnM20 replied on 11/01/2021 11:28

Posted on 11/01/2021 11:14 by

I suspect that after seeing the "Derbyshire  two" interview that being confident types  that they picked up the fine for not saying "yes sir no sir three bags full sir"

Posted on 11/01/2021 11:28

You may well be right AD although there has been no suggestion of this as yet. They were also told that a cup of takeaway tea / coffee that they had with them was deemed to be a picnic. If takeaway establishments are allowed to be open where is one supposed to consume ones drink?  The photos of the ladies suggest that they had not even sat down to consume the drinks. The logical extension of this illogical, ridiculous  claim is that one can't eat a sweet whilst walking.

I'm normally a great supporter of the police but they are going the right way to make me rethink why I do support them. I know they have a very difficult job but surely they could make life a bit easier for themselves by them or those above them handing down instructions using common sense.

Wherenext replied on 11/01/2021 11:30

Posted on 11/01/2021 10:58 by brue

Have you tried on line buying for gluten free WN? I'm thinking of places like Planet Organic, my DIL has the same need for gluten free. I'm only thinking of this on a temporary basis whilst we get through this horrible stage of high infection rates, obviously many people prefer to shop personally.

Posted on 11/01/2021 11:30

Brie, it's my fault for not making myself clear.

I have no problems finding what I need from normal supermarkets. I use specialist shops but only for things like flour.

5 years ago I couldn't buy a sausage without wheat in it. Now Tesco, Sainsbury, M&S etc stock normal sausages and use rice flour etc. Just have to make sure I get the right ones but don't trust pickets to check for things like that.

Same for a lot of products.

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