UK sites with metered electricity

eurortraveller replied on 11/11/2021 09:59

Posted on 11/11/2021 09:59

Can people please post some examples of UK sites where electricity.usage is metered.

The one I know of is Pier Collage on the waterside at Coniston - a family owned site with 15 pitches . The system there is to pay on departure for the amount of electricity used, but other sites sell pre paid cards on arrival, so comments on the different ways of working may be helpful.

Likes and dislikes will inevitably crop up - they always do on here - but I was rather looking for practical ways of working. 


Cornersteady replied on 13/11/2021 10:41

Posted on 13/11/2021 09:16 by young thomas

If we are all going to 'do a bit' to reduce power usage then solar will certainly help. Folk have it on their houses to provide their own power and then any spare can also be sold to the grid...good idea...

now, when on a campsite, I can generate my own power but the site can't let me have the pitch cheaper even if I don't want to plug in.

they could meter the pitch so that 'my charges' would be smaller than someone more profligate, but the 'investment' in managing and recording an overall reduction would push prices that one out...

Our Spanish winter site has the latest remotely metered leccy can get a reading anytime to check levels, the cost is added to the bill when you leave...again, this can't be done with the 'normal' CC practice of paying on arrival...

this one site seems to be able to fund the cost of these meters, perhaps over a period of time, by the overall reduction in their leccy costs...if they don't, what's the point?

customers get a fairer deal, the site reduces its overheads, the planet is saved!

we always seem to highlight the cost to the club by throwing out huge numbers based on multiple sites, but surely, each site has to run its own budget (just as in my example) and relative costs then seem far lower and 'less sensational'.


Posted on 13/11/2021 10:41

but surely, each site has to run its own budget

Does it? maybe but do you know that for certain as you've said surely? And even if it does for running costs would each site have to pay for it's own installation then? On my last club site that would be, at a very low estimate of £50 per EHU that's about £10,000? Does a site have that sort of money in reserve?  And again where would this money come from?

this one site seems to be able to fund the cost of these meters, perhaps over a period of time, by the overall reduction in their leccy costs...if they don't, what's the point?

That doesn't make sense at all, if the energy costs go down the site will pay less on those costs. You're also assuming electricity costs will go down? You pay for the electricity you use, simple as that. Before meters the site had to pay £x, after metering the site pays £y and that is the money it has to pay so their is no 'saving' to the site to fund anything? 

There is also the idea that the club or site makes money currently under the present system. 



Cornersteady replied on 13/11/2021 10:47

Posted on 13/11/2021 10:30 by obbernockle

Exactly my opinion. Spanish sites can do it, so why can't ours? Inflating the imaginable cost of metering to £500 per pitch as an excuse to do nothing is just stupid. Using modern methods (like they do over there) the metered reading is permanently shown on a computer screen at the reception desk. When you check-out you settle your bill, or if you chose to, you swipe your card on checking in, it can be settled without contact at check out. Long stayers worrying about their accumulated charge can ask at reception if they wish, no problem. (We have a meter in our caravan, so we know) Ii is quite simple to include a modest amount of electricity in the pitch fee. Regarding excessive usage, we know of one Spanish site where some of their overnight motor caravan pitches were consuming 40 KWH per night, and that was the reason for introducing metered charging.  The Club should go public and tell us what the average electricity consumption is on each occupied pitch / on each site seasonally, so that awareness can at least begin.

Posted on 13/11/2021 10:47

First of all not all Spanish sites do it, some have inclusive prices as well? Certainly the case for the Italian sites I've been on although there is the option not to have EHU, which I support.

But again do you ask other holiday companies such questions or just the club? Personally, and yes shame on me no doubt, I am not bothered about how much is used and don't want to know. I just want to have a holiday.

KjellNN replied on 13/11/2021 11:10

Posted on 13/11/2021 10:25 by Cornersteady

About your last paragraph, I learnt very early on that there is nothing worse (OK there probably is but you get the idea) than coming back in winter to a freezing cold caravan and having to sit with your coat on waiting for it to warm up. So yes I do leave the heating on during such times, perhaps set at 18C and the 900W setting. No doubt when I get my next caravan and it has one of these apps to switch the heating from a hour or so before getting back I would use that or if there were some other way (why don't caravans have timers) but at present there isn't.

I don't apologise for doing that and I personally don't see it as wasted heat. We would expect the same in a hotel/B&B and will do the same in our forthcoming cottage in December (unless there are timers). Also there is the point of view that one wastes more energy in letting a caravan cool down then reheat it than keeping it at an even temperature? And of course the heating isn't on all the time, the thermostat will cycle on and off.

And yes I would do the same if it was metered but the cost of running 900W (call it 1Kw) for one hour is about 20p so six hours while we're out would cost £1.20.Really not worth worrying about, a coffee/tea... anywhere will cost more than that. 

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:10

I believe, if you look into the idea that it is more economical to leave heating on all day at a lower level than to turn it off and heat from "cold", you will find that this has been shown not to be the case.  It has been discussed many time on the MSE forum for example.

young thomas replied on 13/11/2021 11:12

Posted on 13/11/2021 10:26 by

 I have been on sites where the electricity  bill is paid on departure  along with the site fees and there are no queues and delay but maybe it's the "dribble " in and out that prevails on the continent.  I have also stayed (and will again) at a site where the electricity  bill is paid at the end of the month irrespective of how long one is staying. However  no matter how its billed it doesn't make the experience  any better 

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:12

Yes, we've paid monthly....better for us and the site...and on the last month (or end of stay) we go into the office the evening before (open till 10pm) and pay the usage from then till leaving next morning is deemed to be minimal, this is not included in the bill (imaging that a CC site?).

There is oft mention of 'not doing this at hotels or B&B'....the difference is that, at those establishments you have no method of generating your own power, whereas on a campsite, you can be totally self contained....water, power etc.

this is where CC sites start to look mightily're on tour, pull in late, going next morning, hardly worth getting the hook up out as it has to be put away next, £25-£40 is way off beam, and why some would like to keep costs down by not paying for hook up....or other ways of not charging for leccy.

again, a good reason to use CL/THS sites for touring with such short stops.

Takethedogalong replied on 13/11/2021 11:20

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:20

BB says “this is where CC sites start to look mightily're on tour, pull in late, going next morning, hardly worth getting the hook up out as it has to be put away next, £25-£40 is way off beam, and why some would like to keep costs down by not paying for hook up....or other ways of not charging for leccy.”


Cornersteady replied on 13/11/2021 11:43

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:10 by KjellNN

I believe, if you look into the idea that it is more economical to leave heating on all day at a lower level than to turn it off and heat from "cold", you will find that this has been shown not to be the case.  It has been discussed many time on the MSE forum for example.

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:43

As I said a point of view. True or not I won't be going back to a cold caravan. 

KjellNN replied on 13/11/2021 12:04

Posted on 13/11/2021 10:41 by Cornersteady

but surely, each site has to run its own budget

Does it? maybe but do you know that for certain as you've said surely? And even if it does for running costs would each site have to pay for it's own installation then? On my last club site that would be, at a very low estimate of £50 per EHU that's about £10,000? Does a site have that sort of money in reserve?  And again where would this money come from?

this one site seems to be able to fund the cost of these meters, perhaps over a period of time, by the overall reduction in their leccy costs...if they don't, what's the point?

That doesn't make sense at all, if the energy costs go down the site will pay less on those costs. You're also assuming electricity costs will go down? You pay for the electricity you use, simple as that. Before meters the site had to pay £x, after metering the site pays £y and that is the money it has to pay so their is no 'saving' to the site to fund anything? 

There is also the idea that the club or site makes money currently under the present system. 



Posted on 13/11/2021 12:04

They could well be making money.....or losing money.

At the moment we do not know how much electricity is being used by those staying on sites, or the size of the bill.   Does the Club itself know what is consumed via the EHUs?

Nor do we know how much of the site fee is reckoned to be needed to cover what we consume.  It will obviously be more in winter than in summer is about all we can say.

So  if the Club are reckoning that the average use is £2 per day in summer and £5 per day in winter but allocate £4 per day overall for this, then they may be adding more to fees than the actual cost.  So a small additional "profit".   The amount they have added to cover the bill may be much more per night, so possibly a bigger profit, we have no way of knowing.

But if they get it wrong, maybe weather is very cold, or more people using sites in winter than anticipated, that could easily become a small, or even large, "loss".

With metering, that uncertainty would be removed, people would pay for what they use, their payments would cover the bill and the risk of the Club losing money on this would be removed.

As others have said, for most people, metering would "concentrate the mind", and IMO lead to less power being used.  As at home, that would be a decision for each of us to make.


KjellNN replied on 13/11/2021 12:11

Posted on 13/11/2021 11:43 by Cornersteady

As I said a point of view. True or not I won't be going back to a cold caravan. 

Posted on 13/11/2021 12:11

It is actually a scientific fact.

You need to get a van with Alde heating!    Even in our 2008 model van, the Alde can be set to come on at a specified time (it is quite complicated but certainly possible), and can be started remotely via a text message as we fitted an optional extra that enables that.

peedee replied on 13/11/2021 12:21

Posted on 13/11/2021 12:21

First of all not all Spanish sites do it, some have inclusive prices as well?

These are usually only applied to short stays where you pay more to pitch. Long stays are metered and the pitch price is much much cheaper.

I don't know how the meter readings are collected on the Spanish and German sites I have stayed on but what I do know is much of the technology that DK refers to above is already available and the Club already has some of the technology in place. Its called WiFi. WiFi is one of the technologies used to collect readings to be logged at a central point.

While the Club would not profit by fitting meters it would have better control of its electricity costs. It would not have to estimate customer usage.

Any improvemetns to sites has a price, a very expensive one if all done at once. A metering system could be fitted in the same way any other site upgrades take place,. gradually over time.


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