Baltic Wharf Campsite Update

RowenaBCAMC replied on 16/12/2020 13:09

Posted on 16/12/2020 13:09

Hi everyone,

The Club has been operating Baltic Wharf campsite for several years on a renewable, short term lease while the Council planned for the redevelopment of the site into up to 190 new homes.
Sadly, notice has now been served to us, which means that we will be required to vacate Baltic Wharf by 31 May 2021. However, pitches at the campsite are still on sale for arrivals up to 16 May 2021, departing no later than 12pm, 17 May.

In 2017, we purchased a new location, just one mile away near Ashton Court, and we recently received a positive response from the local planning office. There are still a number of hurdles for us to get through before planning consent is granted, but we are hopeful that this new location will be approved for development into a touring site soon. We will, of course, make sure we keep you up-to-date with the latest news about this potential new campsite.

Update 10 May 2021:

We are pleased to advise that notice to vacate the site has now been extended by 4 months. We are now welcoming arrivals up to and including Sunday 19 September 2021, departing no later than 12noon, 20 September.

jlseagull replied on 24/03/2021 15:46

Posted on 18/12/2020 10:45 by brue

Well I hope it will help those who are less mobile. There is a good cycle route too. smile

Posted on 24/03/2021 15:46

The appeal is by the CAMC so i assume the planning application was turned down.  Many of the objections seem to be based on the site spoiling the view from the bridge etc. and the risk of flooding.  There are many in support of it  particularly those in the tourist trade.  The Clubs response is also good.   Fingers crossed it will be passed.

peedee replied on 24/03/2021 16:48

Posted on 24/03/2021 16:48

I did not get the impression the C&MC had appealed. I am no expert on planning jargon but I thought it was the S of S wanting to see all the documentation regarding the propsal and in addition further clarification to tabled questions. He has appointed an inspector to lead the July enquiry and advise with a target decision sceduled for October 2021.

I think everybody who made representation to the Bristol Council planning officer will get an email asking if they want to make further representation.

No doubt all this will incur further costs to the Club.


brue replied on 24/03/2021 16:56

Posted on 24/03/2021 16:56

See further back in the thread Peedee, it's with the Secretary of State for the appeal process. If a plan has been rejected the State can review and make a decision if it can't be resolved locally.


peedee replied on 24/03/2021 17:02

Posted on 24/03/2021 16:56 by brue

See further back in the thread Peedee, it's with the Secretary of State for the appeal process. If a plan has been rejected the State can review and make a decision if it can't be resolved locally.

Posted on 24/03/2021 17:02

It wasn't reject by Bristol Council but was sent to the S of S for a final decision because of Flood plain and Green belt issues which from what I understood the council could make a decisson on. They could only approve the plan in principle which was what they did. If they had chosen to reject it, it would not have gone to the S of S Did the S of S reject the original application?


brue replied on 24/03/2021 17:08

Posted on 24/03/2021 17:08

Rejected plans can be forwarded to the Secretary of State for appeal but in this case I'm not the expert! wink

peedee replied on 24/03/2021 17:16

Posted on 24/03/2021 17:16

This from the

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has the power to take over (‘call in’) planning applications rather than letting the local authority decide. The secretary of state will normally only do this if the application conflicts with national policy in important ways, or is nationally significant.

He or she has to take published government policy into account when deciding whether or not to call in a planning application, and when making the decision. If the secretary of state decides to call in a planning application, an inspector is appointed to carry out an inquiry into the proposal. The secretary of state has to take the inspector’s findings into account when making the decision.

He or she has particularly request information on:

a)The extent to which the proposed development is consistent with Government policies for meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change (NPPF Chapter 14);

b)The extent to which the proposed development is consistent with Government policies for protecting Green Belt land (NPPF Chapter 13);

c)The extentto which the proposed development is consistent with Government policies for conserving and enhancing the historic environment (NPPF Chapter 16)

;d)The extent to which the proposed development is consistent with the development plan for the area; and

e)any other matters the Inspector considers relevant.


peedee replied on 24/03/2021 17:29

Posted on 24/03/2021 17:29

It wasn't reject by Bristol Council but was sent to the S of S for a final decision because of Flood plain and Green belt issues which from what I understood the council could make a decisson on.

Sorry, in my post above this of course should have read the council couldn't make a decission.


RowenaBCAMC replied on 25/03/2021 16:26

Posted on 25/03/2021 16:26

Thank you for your comments and support. We also wanted to give you an update from the Club. Although the planning application was approved by Bristol City Council's Planning Committee, the application has been called in for decision by the Secretary of State by way of a Public Inquiry. The Inquiry will start on 20th July and we will update you when we have further news and information.

In the meantime, whilst we have had notice to vacate Baltic Wharf, we are exploring the possibility to try and extend our occupation on this site due to delays in the Council's plans to redevelop the site. Again we will keep you updated on any developments with this. 

brue replied on 26/03/2021 09:54

Posted on 26/03/2021 09:54

Lockdown boredom led me to look at the reasons and I would imagine the flood zone and the Ashton Court conservation area are sticking points.

It is indeed a change of use but horses in a paddock and related accomodation isn't on the scale of a busy caravan site where proposals to fell trees and add infrastructure is intended.

Anyway I wonder if CAMC will get a longer stay at Baltic Wharf?  Thanks Rowena for the update. smile

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