Where have site reviews gone?

ScreenNameB73802CC24 replied on 17/09/2022 08:50

Posted on 17/09/2022 08:50

Trying to use the website to find reviews for CLs. Before the “upgrade” to the site, it seemed easy to search by map and quickly check out a few different sites, read reviews, compare price and then contact the CL and book. Now the map moving is slow and clunky, the prices aren’t shown, I can’t see reviews anymore? Any tips?

nelliethehooker replied on 03/10/2022 22:59

Posted on 03/10/2022 21:34 by Putt Family

Found another way around to locate a CL although not ideal still not as easy as it once was.

Basically use the off grid CL map see link below, select an area / site more or less where you are planning to visit, then this takes you to the Caravan / Motorhome CL web pages including directions to the site.  Once there it's possible to see nearby sites in the location also.

Maybe a little better to use ? maybe not ?  at least it's possible to search using a map.



Posted on 03/10/2022 22:59

Well done, however one only gets 4 other sites maximum to view initially, and there is still no filters available, one just has to work each site separately. However it is still better than the "proper" system.

Martyn6073 replied on 12/10/2022 16:43

Posted on 12/10/2022 16:43

Can anyone advise what happened to the favourites that I had save on the app for certified locations? I can use the app ok but I don’t seem to have any saved sites or be able to save? Thanks 

SteveL replied on 13/10/2022 07:26

Posted on 12/10/2022 16:43 by Martyn6073

Can anyone advise what happened to the favourites that I had save on the app for certified locations? I can use the app ok but I don’t seem to have any saved sites or be able to save? Thanks 

Posted on 13/10/2022 07:26

I assume you are using the new App. Data such as you mention would normally be stored within the App and would therefore have been Deleted User when you removed the old version. Generally when a new version of an App is released it is offered as an update and in those cases saved data is kept. However, the CC have opted to release a completely new and separate App.

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