Campsite costs

tonker replied on 28/05/2022 17:11

Posted on 28/05/2022 17:11

Is anyone else finding sites really expensive?

No hook up and a minimal toilet block seem to be £20. They were not always this price, were they?


Oneputt replied on 29/05/2022 11:34

Posted on 29/05/2022 11:34

There is a new CL a few hundred yards from where we are. The new CL is large with elect, water and waste.  The cost is £22/night compared to the £18/night we are paying for full facility including WiFi.  Speaking to the owner of the CL we are currently on he told me the new CL spent £30k on setup charges including £10k on an electric gate.  Owner complains about the lack of visitors

brue replied on 29/05/2022 11:34

Posted on 29/05/2022 11:34

I expect the advice is to look at others in the area etc but not actual charging advice which is individual to each offering. smile

HelenandTrevor replied on 29/05/2022 11:56

Posted on 29/05/2022 10:18 by DavidKlyne

New CLs I believe are advised by the club what to charge, again its in the clubs interest that CLs aren't to cheap or no one would use the club sites.


I seem to recall the CMC denying that they suggested a price to charge for new CL's? I thought they suggested that the new owners look at what other established CL's are charging locally, and their facilities and and coming to a decision on what price to charge based on the information gathered. I could be wrong but I thought that was the official position?


Posted on 29/05/2022 11:56

David, the club has always denied that they advise CL'S what to charge,  but having spoken to quite a few CL owners over the years it seems that is not always the case. One CL owner we spoke to said he'd been strongly advised to put his fees up as he wasn't charging enough! He did increase his fees, but only by a much smaller amount. As he said he was only offering a basic grass field with ehu, not the Ritz 😂

Tinwheeler replied on 29/05/2022 12:25

Posted on 29/05/2022 12:25

Maybe there's a difference between the club recommending a price a new CL should charge and the local volunteer inspector saying in the course of conversation "Oh, I'd think you could charge £× for this".  🤷‍♂️

replied on 29/05/2022 12:52

Posted on 29/05/2022 12:52

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Rocky 2 buckets replied on 29/05/2022 13:23

Posted on 29/05/2022 11:03 by Tinwheeler

I read the same statement from CAMC, David.

Posted on 29/05/2022 13:23

Tbh, it must be true or CL owners will post to explain that C&MC dictate prices-they have not posted that🤷🏻‍♂️. I don’t have a set amount I’ll pay, I will decide by the area I want to be & facilities available. When away I live out of pubs & shops. I was paying £17/20 3yrs ago.

replied on 29/05/2022 14:00

Posted on 29/05/2022 13:24 by Tinwheeler

Better lobby your MP then, DD.

Posted on 29/05/2022 14:00

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Tinwheeler replied on 29/05/2022 14:16

Posted on 29/05/2022 14:00 by

No point.  It is very unlikely that I will use a CC Ltd CL.  Other CL's and CS sites maybe if they are offer me what I want and at a fair price, but it is generally much nicer "over there" 😉.

Posted on 29/05/2022 14:16

One could be forgiven for wondering at the point of posting such a statement in a thread in the CAMC CL section🤷🏻‍♂️

Burgundy replied on 29/05/2022 14:29

Posted on 29/05/2022 11:34 by Oneputt

There is a new CL a few hundred yards from where we are. The new CL is large with elect, water and waste.  The cost is £22/night compared to the £18/night we are paying for full facility including WiFi.  Speaking to the owner of the CL we are currently on he told me the new CL spent £30k on setup charges including £10k on an electric gate.  Owner complains about the lack of visitors

Posted on 29/05/2022 14:29

Looks like the electric gate’s working - keeping people out laughing

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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