Toilet flush leakage

JimGillespie replied on 06/03/2023 10:28

Posted on 06/03/2023 10:28

I am writing to let you know about a problem that I had with my caravan last year that may be useful to warn others about.

In February last year I took my 11 month old Bailey Unicorn van for its first service. I was told that there was significant damp arising from “pink coloured” water around the toilet area, probably caused by flush water spilling from the toilet whilst travelling. Although I thought this highly unlikely, at the time I could not explain the cause of the damp, and I had a rather expensive bill for drying and treatment.

It was only whilst caravanning in the summer that I discovered that it is quite easy, when replacing the toilet cassette , to knock off the small spigot that seals the drainage tube from the flush tank, and I nearly had a further leak of flush water into the cassette locker.

I have now added a further clamp to the offending tube, (see photo attached) which hopefully will prevent future problems, but I feel it might be wise to share my experience,  so that others do not have similar, rather costly  problems themselves.

Jim Gillespie

Moderator Comment - Moved from Story Section

Freedom a whitebox replied on 06/03/2023 14:42

Posted on 06/03/2023 14:42

Hi Jim, that tube should be located in a bracket just above the opening. You should find it located in the middle. The tube just rests on it out of the way until you need to use it to drain the tank.

TimboC replied on 07/03/2023 08:29

Posted on 07/03/2023 08:29

Do you drain the flush tank before each journey?. If you do, this shouldn't happen.

Just drain it into an old plastic container ( I use an old one that had windscreen wash in it) and then replace it when you get to site

dunton10 replied on 09/03/2023 16:23

Posted on 09/03/2023 16:23

i dont drain mine, as in remove the bung and lower the rubber tube. But I do empty the flush tank completely into the waste tank before emptying it for the last time prior to leaving site.

I only ever completely drain down prior to laying up for the winter. ps the first response is correct the tube should be clipped just above the door opening until needed thus avoiding catching it inadvertently. 

Paul Richards replied on 09/03/2023 17:06

Posted on 09/03/2023 17:06

Yes. It should be clipped up out of the way, but I too find it best to drain into an old plastic bottle for use next time.

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