The demise of the tow car?

mdr replied on 13/12/2016 10:30

Posted on 13/12/2016 10:30

The PCP on my car is shortly coming to an end, and I was wondering whether to swallow the pill and pay the balloon payment or change it for another one.   Looking around and reading the news I saw that our humble hobby is in danger of becoming a thing of the past due to the changes that are occurring at the moment, for example:

1. Germany and Norway have set a date to ban the sale of Fossil fuelled cars, in the not too distant future.  The Netherlands are on the verge of doing the same.

2. France is bringing in an act that everyone must show a clean vehicle sticker and that anyone without it will be prevented from entering the cities.

3. London and Manchester are talking about pollution levels, and looking at banning diesels.   And how long will it be before the UK follows the EU and sets a date to ban the sale of fossil fuelled cars?

4.  Traditional big cars like the LR Discovery are shedding 1/2 a ton to be more fuel efficient, making finding a tow car for the 2 tonne vans more of a challenge.

5.  Electric cars have a minimum range (some up to 200miles), I bet that this decreases significantly if you stick a caravan on the back.   Then imaging trying to charge your car at Motorway services with a caravan hooked up!

So where does that leave us and our hobby?   Will we still be able to buy a tow car in 5 years?   If we have a diesel car will we be able to use it to tour around once we have parked up our caravan?

So what does the future hold for us?   Any thoughts?

jfrancis replied on 25/02/2017 10:46

Posted on 13/12/2016 16:04 by EJB986

Now you know why the travellers have kept their horsessurprisedsmile

Posted on 25/02/2017 10:46

Re comment on Diesels and Travelers using horses.

I was going to replace my 250hp diesel with 250 horses but my great grandson pointed out that the exhaust from them will exceed the nox from my blue motion diesel. I am 86, disabled and want to tow for the next 20 years at least. Oh! what shall I do?


Fysherman replied on 25/02/2017 11:34

Posted on 25/02/2017 11:34

Lets be honest, there is nothing "Green" about electric vehicles.

They are made in carbon consuming factories, use batteries that contain noxious chemicals and are recharged by using electricity generated from carbon producing power stations.

Might have a look at a Hydrogen fuel cell car one day but not the current generation of electric vehicles.

Heethers replied on 26/02/2017 07:07

Posted on 26/02/2017 07:07

If all what is being said that the end is nigh for the diesel, then l will have a 37k show car sat on my drive going nowhere, l don't think so. The SF l have just bought is Euro6 if the transport secretary pushes through with his idiotic idea then all the country will come to a stop, no heavy machinery industry at a stand still, no doubt he will ban Diesels from cities but who wants to go their in our hobby l personally give them a wide berth.l intend to keep the Santa FE for ten years as l have done with all my tow cars by then the value whats left is neither here nor their.So bring it on if they dare l will still keep tugging along

catherinef replied on 26/02/2017 08:40

Posted on 26/02/2017 08:40

I work in the motor trade and looking at the model range plans and model life cycles for our manufacturers I'm not concerned.

Yes there is a definite move to lower capacity engines (petrol and diesel) and yes there is a shift to lower weight materials all with a view to improving fuel economy and emissions.

I'm not seeing anything that could be considered as a serious alternative as when it comes to Hybrids or EV.   I'm sure their time will come, but I believe they are still a few model cycles away from providing a serious challenge.

Our new caravan will have an MTPL of 1,700 Kgs and there are currently 8 models from our 6 manufacturers that could tow our caravan.  All of those 8 are current generation cars that have a remaining life cycle of 5-7 years.  

mdr replied on 26/02/2017 10:49

Posted on 26/02/2017 10:49

It is more than just lifespan of cars though.  Recently london have said that there will be an extra £10 charge to take a diesel into london, other cities are looking at the same.    Government ministers are telling people not to buy diesels, this is just the start.

This has all suddenly kicked off by the eu court saying we are on a final warning to reduce emisssions and as usual it is the motorist rather than the councils busses and commercial vans that are the biggest pollutants.  

But to summarise, diesels are becoming a pariah.   Whilst they may still be in the line up of cars, this change in tide of opinion means that in a few years diesel resale values will be hard hit.   So if you have a diesel car that works now better to hang on to it rather than exposing yourself to possible huge depreciation by changing it.   

But unless a viable alternative is found soon our pastime be it caravans or motorhomes will be severely impacted.

flatcoat replied on 27/02/2017 13:05

Posted on 27/02/2017 13:05

In reality the so called 'diesel ban' talked about in London is actually a ban on diesel AND PETROL cars which do not meet EU4 emmissions standards. Look at the small print on TfL website. Unfortunately the 'press' in their wisdom (and usual practice) are more interested in the easy headlines than giving the full details. Diesels are simply today's easy target whilst ignoring all the other sources of pollution from particulates and dust from tyres, brakes, trendy wood and pellet burning stoves, older worn petrol engines (which are probably much worse for humans than diesel particulates) for just a few examples. Non of this excuses diesel however until an alternative propulsion system is in place which is as good as diesel and is acceptable to the wider market, EV's will be a side show. Maybe hydrogen will be answer (I am still unsure but like the concept), hybrids are just  step along the way and suspect the whole life costs have not been truly and objectively factored and compared with clean synthetic diesel fuels such as from coal. Now that would give us energy security.......

crusader replied on 01/03/2017 17:15

Posted on 13/12/2016 19:58 by IanH

Yes but who wants a Transit van as their tow vehicle? undecided

Posted on 01/03/2017 17:15

It's a bit like company cars they will tow anything loo wink

My Jeep is a late 2005 and it still goes well,  mind you it is maintaned well and wants for nothing and my recent MOT smoke test was only 0.5 which is lower than what Jeep say it should be

Tigi replied on 01/03/2017 20:45

Posted on 01/03/2017 20:45

I don`t know why everybody is jumping around over another story to fill the news. Nobody has yet come up with a cost effective viable alternative to the combustion engine. Yes there are some "toys" coming along for the wealthy to play with but average joe is not going to be running out to buy one in the near future, the change will be gradual as it always is. The braver ones are those splashing out   £50K+ for motorhomes a much smaller market where second hand values could drop if diesel does really start to lose favour. On the other hand  alternative engines for larger vehicles still seem to be along way away at least those that have to do any distance.

replied on 02/08/2018 07:48

Posted on 02/08/2018 07:48

I shall hang on to my Land Rover as long as possible.It is an excellent tow car.Hopefully it will last as long as or until my caravanning days are over.I just cannot see how battery powered cars are ever going to be any use for long distance towing. We are being sold down the line as usual by the blame the motorist for everything brigade. Electric lorries standing around waiting to recharge with diesel refrigerators humming away for hours. It is so impractical in so many areas it beggars belief.

I am in my late 60s now and can honestly say my enjoyment in motoring knows no bounds, sadly it appears to be coming to an end so goodbye dear old infernal combustion engine and hello half baked electric boredom.

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