
Takethedogalong replied on 06/10/2019 19:04

Posted on 06/10/2019 19:04

We renewed the insurance on our Jeep last week. Got a good renewal quote, but as you should, decided to phone up and see if we could get any better. We had a couple of changes to give them, namely my changing from housewife to retired, but also the fact that we had now got a tow ball on new Jeep. After a discussion, we got a bit off for change of my status, but they gave us another £50 off (yes, OFF)😁 because we had a tow ball fitted. Apparently it’s because it lessens the possible damage to our car if we are in a rear end shunt!😱 We had never come across this before, and rather happy to have it work in our favour. Not sure on removable/retractable tow balls though.......

Cornersteady replied on 15/10/2019 22:56

Posted on 15/10/2019 20:21 by

Those two figures are alone totally meaningless.  Are they Is it based on miles driven towing compared to miles driven not towing or some other factors of which there could be dozens.  Insurance companies may have made the decision that towing does not raise the risk profile but not based on such a naive bit of information laughing.

Posted on 15/10/2019 22:56

or some other factors of which there could be dozens.

easy to write but far harder to actually say what they are? And of which of course you know about but the government didn't when putting together the figures?. Sorry DD I'll believe the government and I'm amazed that insurance companies would ignore government figures.

mmm who to believe eh?

Takethedogalong replied on 16/10/2019 09:56

Posted on 15/10/2019 21:39 by EmilysDad

My towbar won't protect the back of my car as it stows out of the way when not towing .... & I've just insured with LV but never asked innocent

Posted on 16/10/2019 09:56

We declared the modifications that we had done to Jeep after buying, one of which was the tow hitch, so when we mentioned that, there was an “I’ll see what we can do” pause. Our hearts sank of course, as they do, but we were pleasantly surprised. We did ponder on the now you see it, now you don’t type of tow-bar and wondered if this gave the same sort of discount. 

I can haggle in a friendly but firm way until the person I am haggling with finally waves a white flag! It’s rather surprising what you can achieve, mainly because most things have some form of discount built in, but so few bother to ask. The list of extras I got from Jeep dealer runs into hundreds of pounds, extra storage bag for roof panels, new padded sleeves for roll cage, lots of Jeep branded merchandise........ What would cost Joe Public a lot of money is peanuts to dealers as ordered in bulk and at cost. OH is off today to have an alarm upgrade done as part of deal. I would come back with a Jeep courtesy car, he’ll come back with some sort of Fiat🤣

EmilysDad replied on 16/10/2019 14:15

Posted on 16/10/2019 13:00 by rayjsj

Love the convenience of the drain holes, more should have them.

Posted on 16/10/2019 14:15

So what's to stop the water getting IN the car if you drive though water? 😉

Takethedogalong replied on 16/10/2019 14:40

Posted on 16/10/2019 14:40

Grommets. We drove through some deep fords last week up on Moors with no ill effects😁

moulesy replied on 16/10/2019 14:49

Posted on 15/10/2019 20:33 by

I'm with you TG; I love a good haggle.  Always aim to pay less, much less if possible, of the first asking price.  I cut my teeth really early in life in the UK but honed them firstly in Janpath Market and then the Middle East.  The original Dubai gold souk was always great fun.   

Posted on 16/10/2019 14:49

Well, DD, you sound like just the chap to negotiate on behalf of the club for the installation of meters at all EHUs. Do you reckon you could get it down to about a quid per unit?  wink

twocals replied on 31/10/2019 16:12

Posted on 07/10/2019 19:33 by Takethedogalong

LV TG, we find them very competitive. The renewal quotes are never in the stupid zone, but we still do the haggle bit and usually get something off every time. We have never made a claim while using them, but have no reason to think they would be any worse than most firms to deal with. We do tend to take such comments with a touch of “yeah, ok, whatever you say” but this one did surprise us. You normally expect them to up the premium rather than lower it, so we were very pleased.😁 

Posted on 31/10/2019 16:12

Want a stupid zone,try nfu.Our insurance is due, usual trawl through companies to get the price down. Final price £1100 ,renewal price from a Spanish bank £275. The mind boggles .

Tinwheeler replied on 31/10/2019 16:28

Posted on 31/10/2019 16:28

It does indeed. We insure car and MH with NFU and find them very reasonable and efficient. How strange that they were so expensive for you, Twocals.

replied on 31/10/2019 16:39

Posted on 31/10/2019 16:39

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Oneputt replied on 31/10/2019 16:45

Posted on 31/10/2019 16:39 by

We use NFU Mutual to cover both car and MH.  It seems very competitive and I have just renewed but did come across an anomaly.  Dorset Lady is covered for both vehicles but never drives the MH.  I spoke to NFUM about removing her from that vehicle but that would have put the premium up by over £60 p.a.

Posted on 31/10/2019 16:45

Seems your the risk DD

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