Electric vehicles and snow

JohnM20 replied on 02/03/2018 08:23

Posted on 02/03/2018 08:23

Has anyone on here any experience of driving in the snow and very cold weather with an electric car? Are they better, worse or no different to a conventional engine? My thoughts, and it is purely a guess, is that they will not perform that well. I believe that if any battery gets very cold it's performance drops off and what about heating for the inside of the car? Imagine being stuck in the snow for hours on end as many vehicles are at the moment with a battery that rapidly becomes flat. I know that weather like this is not common but if the scientists are correct then we can expect more of these sorts of extremes. It is interesting to note that 4 x 4 vehicle owners have been asked by the authorities to come to their rescue to get staff and medical supplies around the country. I don't think an electric vehicle would be much use for this.

Randomcamper replied on 02/03/2018 11:17

Posted on 02/03/2018 10:59 by EmilysDad

What are these 3 pedals & gear lever you speak of ...... 🤔 Mine has a go pedal and stop pedal and gear selector for forwards or backwards 😉

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:17

As soon as I typed that MM i thought you would be along soon......wink

I was going to change that, but I re-read my post and saw that I said "conventional" so left it as it was, my logic being that I think most UK cars have a manual tranny....different in the USA I know.....

My 3 series beemer is auto so I do know they exist......smile

But most of our mileage is done in her Audi which is a manual....

I'm enjoying the experience of playing with a clutch and gear lever because we've just bought it and it will be the last car like that I ever own. My next purchase will be an EV............(and a new anorak...)

brue replied on 02/03/2018 11:29

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:29

Our little BMW i3 can be preheated and defrosted before we get in it, so no loss of battery from a home start. Good to hear you like your BMW too. wink

EmilysDad replied on 02/03/2018 11:36

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:36

I don' think I could live with an electric only vehicle. Range anxiety would make me get a hybrid such as Vauxhalls Ampera ie it only ever drives via a motor but the engine powers a genny of some kind. I could just imagine standing at a strangers front door with one end of a charging cable asking to be plugged in 🤔

brue replied on 02/03/2018 11:45

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:45

The rex is a little generator that tops up the battery to a consistent level. It's been very handy on our motorway drives using minimal fuel. If needed we would just top up with fuel to keep the battery going. But we don't need it most of the time. 

I would hope all the EVs coming on to the market have been tested in varying weather conditions. We have a friend who tested Land Rovers in extreme conditions but others cars are usually tested for a variety of normal uses. 

Navigateur replied on 02/03/2018 11:50

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:50

I wear warm clothes, hat & if need be gloves and take a hot flask of coffee with me. You have to keep the fan sucking cold air in to prevent the windows steaming up. It gets very cold.

Ah, the memories!  Takes me back to my Series One Land Rover in the 1950s. A small piece of perspex sheet to keep scraping the ice off the inside of the windows (no credit cards in those days !!)

brue replied on 02/03/2018 11:56

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:56

Ah yes, being asked as a passenger to lean out of the windows to see where the kerb was or even keep the wipers going. Not to mention the odd chilly hand signal when the flick up indicator jammed...that was with my intrepid mother driving...laughing

EmilysDad replied on 02/03/2018 12:05

Posted on 02/03/2018 11:10 by

As we get older I suppose that the fewer pedals the better in order to avoid confusion 

Posted on 02/03/2018 12:05

It's often that some of the spectacular crashes into shop windows or up/over fences are by oldies in autos ......

Navigateur replied on 02/03/2018 12:07

Posted on 02/03/2018 12:05 by EmilysDad

It's often that some of the spectacular crashes into shop windows or up/over fences are by oldies in autos ......

Posted on 02/03/2018 12:07

. . . . with electric parking brakes that need a good rev of the engine to get them to release automatically.

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