Breakaway Cable Attachment in Holland

GTP replied on 01/05/2018 17:57

Posted on 01/05/2018 17:57

I don't know why...but it appears the various Vehicle Inspection agencies throughout Europe have a delight in pulling me over to inspect my outfit. I mean its not as if we have old vehicles, or exceed the speed limits of the country. The tow car is 1yr old and the caravan is just 6 mnths old.

The latest such inspection was on Saturday around 3-0pm on the A15 just 5 miles short of the Rotterdam Europort ferry terminal (We were scheduled on the overnight ferry to Hull)...when out of nowhere appeared a police motorcycle, waived and pointed to his 'Follow Me' sign...which i duly did following him off the next junction, around a couple of roundabouts to a vehicle inspection station...full of Caravans and Motorhomes. 

First up was the request for driving licence, V5 for both car and caravan. No problem, even accepting the electronic version on the OH iPhone. (although one Police Officer wasn't convinced but let it pass) Note to self, take copies of V5's...Next was to move onto weighing pads, both car and caravan, checked against plates...No problem, Phew !!!...then asked to pull into next bay where the car and caravan where given a roadworthy test, you name it they looked at it. No problem , passed with flying being new vehicles, should have.

But then wait...hold the phone, one of the inspectors pointed to the breakaway cable....At this point I will refer you to my previous post and encounter with the UK equivalent inspectors when i was issued a prohibition notice for incorrect attachment..later squashed when the the club intervened...It was at that point that I also changed to the direct attachment ALKO specific cable. This is what I had in place when inspected..a direct attachment to a designated fixing point. 

Not good said the inspector....must be looped trough a karabiner...which he produced, fitted and charged me 4€...followed by a police officer issuing me with a ticket (to be sent) for incorrect attachment of breakaway cable...Some one on the ferry said the fine could be 130€.  The ticket has yet to arrive so I cannot post a photo but I attach a photo of the karabiner the inspector fitted....

Happy caravanning ...

Tinwheeler replied on 04/12/2018 10:18

Posted on 04/12/2018 10:12 by GTP

A few Majito's will sort him out..tongue-out...

With apologies to TW for going 'off topic'...


Posted on 04/12/2018 10:18

No apology needed. It’s your thread, not mine. 

DS3 replied on 24/01/2019 05:15

Posted on 24/01/2019 05:15

Forget all that. If it is legal in the country where the car is registered, then it is legal in ALL member states. That is fact. I would still be there arguing with them. I travel the length and breadth of Europe and have all sorts of problems with foreign police regarding this type of rubbish. They carry the caribiners and sell them? Right there is why you got pulled over. Many cars, including mine don't have the facility to fix the breakaway cable the way they want it.

I have been put in a cell on more than one occassion because of over zealous or ignorant police officers and I will stand my ground if I am in the right, even had guns pointed at me for refusing to change a headlight bulb of my coach on the hard shoulder of a French motorway at 3am in the pissing rain. I had to take the whole front bumper off in order to replace the bulb and I was more than willing to do it in a safe place, like the aire that was 1500 meters further down the motorway, but I was not prepared to do it on the hard shoulder, putting my passengers in danger, which, incidently, were children. He was so mad I honestly thought he was going to shoot me. Any way, a teacher who spoke fluent French managed to sort it out and I changed it in the aire down the road, while he watched from his warm, dry police car. Grrrr!

Then the time I had a car on a trailer coming from Italy into Switzerland. They pulled me over because the car on the trailer did not have a Vignette. "I'm sorry...WHAT?!" sealed

They really do take the pee sometimes.

It will all change if we leave the EU with no deal. We will have to register our caravans and have separate number plates for them. Plus some of you won't have a licence to tow one and all sorts of complicated problems. haha!


GTP replied on 24/01/2019 10:30

Posted on 24/01/2019 05:15 by DS3

Forget all that. If it is legal in the country where the car is registered, then it is legal in ALL member states. That is fact. I would still be there arguing with them. I travel the length and breadth of Europe and have all sorts of problems with foreign police regarding this type of rubbish. They carry the caribiners and sell them? Right there is why you got pulled over. Many cars, including mine don't have the facility to fix the breakaway cable the way they want it.

I have been put in a cell on more than one occassion because of over zealous or ignorant police officers and I will stand my ground if I am in the right, even had guns pointed at me for refusing to change a headlight bulb of my coach on the hard shoulder of a French motorway at 3am in the pissing rain. I had to take the whole front bumper off in order to replace the bulb and I was more than willing to do it in a safe place, like the aire that was 1500 meters further down the motorway, but I was not prepared to do it on the hard shoulder, putting my passengers in danger, which, incidently, were children. He was so mad I honestly thought he was going to shoot me. Any way, a teacher who spoke fluent French managed to sort it out and I changed it in the aire down the road, while he watched from his warm, dry police car. Grrrr!

Then the time I had a car on a trailer coming from Italy into Switzerland. They pulled me over because the car on the trailer did not have a Vignette. "I'm sorry...WHAT?!" sealed

They really do take the pee sometimes.

It will all change if we leave the EU with no deal. We will have to register our caravans and have separate number plates for them. Plus some of you won't have a licence to tow one and all sorts of complicated problems. haha!


Posted on 24/01/2019 10:30

A timely reminder to note that I have not received any further communication from the Openbaar Ministerie regarding my appeal.

The last communication stated that a decision had not yet been made and under the General Administrative Law Act, they were extending the Staututory Decision period by 10 weeks. That letter was dated 8 October 2018.

Given that the 10 weeks extension is past its sell by date....and with an impending visit to the Netherlands, it may be the right time to fire off a message, via their excellent 'on-line message centre', and request an update. Watch this space !!.

 DS3.... I'm no lawyer and can only proceed on advice given....both by this club (with previous experience of a similar case) and the Royal Dutch ANWB...with reference to your point about a licence to tow etc in the EU.....I have just dug out my old International Driving License (IDL)....pre Common Market (as the EU used to be called).which has also reminded me that this is the 1949 IDL issued in 1964 pre the 1968 IDL..It clearly shows the exact driving cats as on my UK license. 

replied on 24/01/2019 13:50

Posted on 24/01/2019 13:50

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Tigi replied on 24/01/2019 19:32

Posted on 24/01/2019 13:50 by

Whilst I have found this interesting and will get the Karibinier before I go to Holland this year I worry that newcomers to yet to begin continental touring will think gun toting police, on the spot fines and disputes with the courts are regular occurrences because they are not.

Perhaps I have just been lucky in my very extensive continental tours , 52 trips over the last 39 years in that I can count on one hand the times I have spoken to a police officer and even then its been them helping me out of embarrassing circumstances of my own making such as getting snarled up in a market place .

Posted on 24/01/2019 19:32

Yes I agree you can be unlucky and get caught out by the ever increasing rule book but we`ve never had an issue in twenty years of travelling around Europe

GTP replied on 25/01/2019 10:43

Posted on 25/01/2019 10:43

David...Similar to myself..extensive driving throughout Europe since '64 never had any issues with police...and I did not on this occasion. The police were very polite and almost apologetic having to issue the even talked about hoping to afford the electric version of my car (Mitsubishi outlander PHEV)..if he got promotion !!.

I have sent a message, as mentioned in previous post, and am waiting for a response. In the absence of any definitive decision by the Openbaar Ministerie to date...may I suggest anyone going to the Netherlands (or Germany) in the very near follow the correct attachment advice given by the Royal Dutch ANWB to their members. as shown in the link below...Select the Holiday Tab/Caravan/Driving with caravan.

ANWB Caravan Cable Attachment

Wildwood replied on 25/01/2019 12:05

Posted on 25/01/2019 12:05

 Possibly the club should include the regulations on the web site, as I cannot find any reference to them either in the section an breakaway cables or driving overseas.

replied on 25/01/2019 12:18

Posted on 25/01/2019 10:43 by GTP

David...Similar to myself..extensive driving throughout Europe since '64 never had any issues with police...and I did not on this occasion. The police were very polite and almost apologetic having to issue the even talked about hoping to afford the electric version of my car (Mitsubishi outlander PHEV)..if he got promotion !!.

I have sent a message, as mentioned in previous post, and am waiting for a response. In the absence of any definitive decision by the Openbaar Ministerie to date...may I suggest anyone going to the Netherlands (or Germany) in the very near follow the correct attachment advice given by the Royal Dutch ANWB to their members. as shown in the link below...Select the Holiday Tab/Caravan/Driving with caravan.

ANWB Caravan Cable Attachment

Posted on 25/01/2019 12:18

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