Best 4x4 tyre replacement

handsj replied on 12/06/2018 10:03

Posted on 12/06/2018 10:03

Our Freelander tyres are all down to 3mm at 5 years so for safety's sake it's time for change. Michelin's Cross climate appear to be the very best option but come in at a hefty best price £530 for 4 tyres.

Alternatively the Avon ZX7 seems an excellent tyre and outperforms the Michelin scoring an A for wet road grip/braking compared against a B for the Michelin. And for a much more affordable £365 the set.

We're towing a 1450Kg caravan.

Any informed comments welcome. And would members choose a 104 0r 108 load rating for their tyres for their towcars?





replied on 29/06/2018 16:13

Posted on 27/06/2018 19:17 by handsj

We made our final decision on the tyres, going for the dearer Michelin Cross climates. They are rated 'All Season' whereas the cheaper Avons are only rated as summer tyres so we decided not to risk it.  

We managed to get a further discount so it cushioned the blow. The new tyres are much smoother and quieter, but then I guess they're more pliable when they're new. Just hope they last a long time now.

Thanks for everyone who commented.



Posted on 29/06/2018 16:13

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