Be Prepared as Essex Police stop Caravans on A12

The Bridges replied on 03/05/2017 23:54

Posted on 03/05/2017 23:54

ALMOST 40 drivers have been stopped during a roads policing operation in Chelmsford targeting vehicles towing caravans and trailers.

Officers were stopping vehicles at the Boreham Interchange at Junction 19 on the A12.

In total 39 vehicles were stopped during the operation including 13 towing trailers, 19 towing caravans, two vans and three cars.

Of the vehicles towing caravans or trailers, 12 were found to have faults.

Four of those had either incorrectly fitted or no breakaway cables fitted at all. £50 fines were given and immediate prohibitions put in place on the trailers until a cable was fitted.

Some of the tyres fitted were over the recommended five years and leaflets and advice were given about changing these as soon as possible.

Five vehicles towing caravans or trailers were found to have no extendable mirrors fitted and were fine £50.

The drivers were found to be driving otherwise in accordance with their licence, fined £100 and given three points on their licence.

Four drivers were dealt with for using mobile phone behind the wheel.

Three fines of £100 were given out to drivers for index plate offences on trailers.

One van was also found to be over its allowed 3.5 tonne weight limit and the driver was fined a total of £300.

Pc Gary Winfield, of Essex Police’s Casualty Reduction Unit, said: “This was a successful operation, helping to keep Essex’s roads safe.

“Whilst these appear relatively small issues they still pose a risk.

“Any defect of a car, any caravan or trailer not attached properly, or any vehicle overweight could potentially pose a danger other road users.

“This operation highlights that Essex Police is determined to tackle these issues and anyone flouting the law will be dealt with.

“Road traffic collisions can have a devastating impact on those affected and we all have a responsibility to keep the county’s roads safe.”

Extugger replied on 06/05/2017 09:39

Posted on 06/05/2017 09:39

As long as we all remember to treat every other road user as an imbecile, hopefully we'll all reach our pitches safely and enjoy the delights of our 'towed boxes!'

As a footnote, does anyone else play the 'how many caravans will we see on this journey?' 

tigerfish replied on 07/05/2017 01:07

Posted on 07/05/2017 01:07

As JVB66 suggested "Defensive Driving" is what I was taught from a very early age.  I passed my test in 1962, and since then have driven in very many different Countries, for over 1.3 million miles. I became a Police class 1 driver in 1974.

Since that time I have had no accidents, or suffered any convictions or offences. I believe implacably that the most important skill of all drivers is what I call "Situational awareness" - the ability to sense what is happening about you, and what other drivers are doing.

I am 72 now, still doing about 12k per year, towing about 3k.  But I sense that my skills are starting to decay, and in about 2 years time I suspect that will surrender the license that I am so proud of. I promised myself that when I surrender it, it will be as clean as the day I received it, And I will not risk that position.


Milothedog replied on 07/05/2017 10:07

Posted on 07/05/2017 01:07 by tigerfish

As JVB66 suggested "Defensive Driving" is what I was taught from a very early age.  I passed my test in 1962, and since then have driven in very many different Countries, for over 1.3 million miles. I became a Police class 1 driver in 1974.

Since that time I have had no accidents, or suffered any convictions or offences. I believe implacably that the most important skill of all drivers is what I call "Situational awareness" - the ability to sense what is happening about you, and what other drivers are doing.

I am 72 now, still doing about 12k per year, towing about 3k.  But I sense that my skills are starting to decay, and in about 2 years time I suspect that will surrender the license that I am so proud of. I promised myself that when I surrender it, it will be as clean as the day I received it, And I will not risk that position.


Posted on 07/05/2017 10:07

"I am 72 now, still doing about 12k per year, towing about 3k. But I sense that my skills are starting to decay, and in about 2 years time I suspect that will surrender the license."

That seems a bit harsh on yourself TF. Could you not just get yourself booked in with someone like the Advanced Drivers people and sit an assessment. ?

groovy cleaner replied on 07/05/2017 10:21

Posted on 04/05/2017 11:01 by EmilysDad
  1. And you've never had a cretin that squeezes in front of you on the motorway rather than tuck in behind or pull out of a side road at the last second causing you to brake harder than expected or force their way onto a motorway, just because they have to be in front of the caravan?

Posted on 07/05/2017 10:21

Happens to me all the time and I'm not towing ,I drive a camper which is only small but I use it as my everyday car ,so when folk see it it's like a red flag to them I get overtaken undertaken ,had some idiot in a pick up truck on my right in the middle lane on the M62 ,when suddenly he pulled in front of me and went off to my left ,outside my house even thought it's a built up area is 40 MPH I am always getting overtaken It's like ohh it's a camper van must get past it it's going slow ,I do not drive slow just at the correct speed on whichever road I am on that the time !!!!

JVB66 replied on 07/05/2017 10:34

Posted on 07/05/2017 01:07 by tigerfish

As JVB66 suggested "Defensive Driving" is what I was taught from a very early age.  I passed my test in 1962, and since then have driven in very many different Countries, for over 1.3 million miles. I became a Police class 1 driver in 1974.

Since that time I have had no accidents, or suffered any convictions or offences. I believe implacably that the most important skill of all drivers is what I call "Situational awareness" - the ability to sense what is happening about you, and what other drivers are doing.

I am 72 now, still doing about 12k per year, towing about 3k.  But I sense that my skills are starting to decay, and in about 2 years time I suspect that will surrender the license that I am so proud of. I promised myself that when I surrender it, it will be as clean as the day I received it, And I will not risk that position.


Posted on 07/05/2017 10:34

TF I am 3yrs older than you and do about 9000 miles a year Buses and Trains do the rest,is it your back that makes you want to give up?i tend to need to move arround more when driving but much less than when we had motor caravans with their much firmer ride

Wildwood replied on 07/05/2017 11:29

Posted on 07/05/2017 11:29

Not sure about the in correctly fitted breakaway cable point as there was an earlier thread where the governments own inspectors got it wrong so exactly what they regarded as correct may need to be clarified.

As for the rest then these are clear breaches of the legal requirements and those caught deserve all they got.

I do wonder how targeted they were or if this was a random stop. I have interviewed police many times in connection with accidents and what was clear that the more common stops of commercial vehicles was they were generally not random but targeted. They were looking for older lorries, those that looked to be in poorer condition or overloaded or operators with a record of problems so any statistics people tried to get from them would not be accurate. If the police were looking for problem outfits they might have increased the yield that way.

tigerfish replied on 07/05/2017 12:42

Posted on 07/05/2017 12:42

Milo.  Perhaps I should have said, that I have been an IAM member for nearly 20 Years!

To answer those who question why I said I might hand my license in in a couple of years, It is merely that I have seen far too many drivers go on for far too long.  I never want to be in the position whereby someone suggests to me that its time to give up.  So I suppose that what I really meant was, that as soon as I detect a lessening of my skills to any real extent, I will not risk spoiling my record.  

To JVB, no its not my back.  Driving is actually the most pain free activity that I retain.


EmilysDad replied on 07/05/2017 22:40

Posted on 07/05/2017 12:42 by tigerfish

Milo.  Perhaps I should have said, that I have been an IAM member for nearly 20 Years!

To answer those who question why I said I might hand my license in in a couple of years, It is merely that I have seen far too many drivers go on for far too long.  I never want to be in the position whereby someone suggests to me that its time to give up.  So I suppose that what I really meant was, that as soon as I detect a lessening of my skills to any real extent, I will not risk spoiling my record.  

To JVB, no its not my back.  Driving is actually the most pain free activity that I retain.


Posted on 07/05/2017 22:40

My Dad has nearly 8 yrs on you Brian,  & I'm quite happy to be a passenger in his car. I'd  say there was no reason to surrender your  licence  (Americans have a license innocent) just yet. cool

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