Swift command problems

lornalou1 replied on 23/01/2018 21:57

Posted on 23/01/2018 21:57

not got a swift so cannot help but read somewhere that the sim card in the system is a high rate number and costs a fortune every time you send messages to it. could be wrong though.

GeordieBiker replied on 24/01/2018 19:00

Posted on 23/01/2018 21:57 by lornalou1

not got a swift so cannot help but read somewhere that the sim card in the system is a high rate number and costs a fortune every time you send messages to it. could be wrong though.

Posted on 24/01/2018 19:00

The sim card installed in the vehicle for the Swift Command system is free to use for the first 3 years. I’ve no idea what the cost is likely to be from year 4 onwards.

Regarding the OP’s question, I regularly use the ‘Locate’ feature of the app to check that my 2018 Challenger is still residing on its storage site. I don’t seem to be able to display the battery level or temperatures on the instantaneous display but I suspect that’s because I leave the main power supply unit turned off to conserve battery life during the winter months. However, I can display the History for the battery level!!!

i have had some problems with the alarm system false triggering so I can definitely confirm that the unit sends me texts and emails when it activates! I have had excellent help from Sargent Electrical who have sent me a complete new alarm system that I have now installed and it has not sent me any texts or emails for 2 weeks now. Fingers crossed that the problem is now sorted. (I did deliberately activate the alarm after fitting the new one to ensure that it was functioning correctly and would send a text and email if activated.)

Rab replied on 08/02/2018 18:30

Posted on 24/01/2018 19:00 by GeordieBiker

The sim card installed in the vehicle for the Swift Command system is free to use for the first 3 years. I’ve no idea what the cost is likely to be from year 4 onwards.

Regarding the OP’s question, I regularly use the ‘Locate’ feature of the app to check that my 2018 Challenger is still residing on its storage site. I don’t seem to be able to display the battery level or temperatures on the instantaneous display but I suspect that’s because I leave the main power supply unit turned off to conserve battery life during the winter months. However, I can display the History for the battery level!!!

i have had some problems with the alarm system false triggering so I can definitely confirm that the unit sends me texts and emails when it activates! I have had excellent help from Sargent Electrical who have sent me a complete new alarm system that I have now installed and it has not sent me any texts or emails for 2 weeks now. Fingers crossed that the problem is now sorted. (I did deliberately activate the alarm after fitting the new one to ensure that it was functioning correctly and would send a text and email if activated.)

Posted on 08/02/2018 18:30

when you use the App to see whats doing in your van after youve checked where it is go back click on levels then you must click on download,it will then give you up to date readings for your battery and temp levels, hope this helps if not phone sergeant electrical they are very helpfull.

GeordieBiker replied on 09/02/2018 16:30

Posted on 08/02/2018 18:30 by Rab

when you use the App to see whats doing in your van after youve checked where it is go back click on levels then you must click on download,it will then give you up to date readings for your battery and temp levels, hope this helps if not phone sergeant electrical they are very helpfull.

Posted on 09/02/2018 16:30

On my caravan that only seems to work if you’ve left the main power supply unit switched on.

Vickie Slater replied on 17/06/2018 20:27

Posted on 24/01/2018 19:00 by GeordieBiker

The sim card installed in the vehicle for the Swift Command system is free to use for the first 3 years. I’ve no idea what the cost is likely to be from year 4 onwards.

Regarding the OP’s question, I regularly use the ‘Locate’ feature of the app to check that my 2018 Challenger is still residing on its storage site. I don’t seem to be able to display the battery level or temperatures on the instantaneous display but I suspect that’s because I leave the main power supply unit turned off to conserve battery life during the winter months. However, I can display the History for the battery level!!!

i have had some problems with the alarm system false triggering so I can definitely confirm that the unit sends me texts and emails when it activates! I have had excellent help from Sargent Electrical who have sent me a complete new alarm system that I have now installed and it has not sent me any texts or emails for 2 weeks now. Fingers crossed that the problem is now sorted. (I did deliberately activate the alarm after fitting the new one to ensure that it was functioning correctly and would send a text and email if activated.)

Posted on 17/06/2018 20:27

We have had trouble with our alarm going off when nothing untoward is happening. We too are getting a new alarm system. Hope it resolves the issue as it has done with you.

Ricky4810 replied on 23/03/2019 14:17

Posted on 23/03/2019 14:17

Ours pretty good, the only slight announce is the unit beeps and comes on by itself or if close the door it’s beeps and comes on, and sometimes the screen will jump through a couple of screens by itself.

Tayls67 replied on 22/06/2019 03:01

Posted on 23/03/2019 14:17 by Ricky4810

Ours pretty good, the only slight announce is the unit beeps and comes on by itself or if close the door it’s beeps and comes on, and sometimes the screen will jump through a couple of screens by itself.

Posted on 22/06/2019 03:01

Ours has just done the same thing! Have managed to find out why or how to stop it?

lornalou1 replied on 22/06/2019 11:57

Posted on 22/06/2019 11:57

for any difficulties with the command, give Sargent a call as always found them very helpful but sometimes have to wait a few minutes while in a queue.

777 replied on 07/07/2019 15:50

Posted on 07/07/2019 15:50

Command is great, but we don't use the app. The only exercise I get is getting up and down to adjust something on the panel. Same with the alde heating - want to change the temperature?  Get up and do it. Saves going to the gym!!  Tracker?  Never registered it - costs a bit more through lost Insurance discount, but they seem to be prone to many false alarms.  So,for the sake of your cardiovascular system, don't bother with the app😄

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