Old manuals

dave the rave replied on 10/07/2021 19:19

Posted on 10/07/2021 19:19

Many years ago a chap with the surname Haynes had an idea which made him a very wealthy man.These books were designed to give an insight  in to repairs on motor vehicles.Many,many people bought them and you can probably find one for your vehicle on one of the auction sites on the interweb.Be aware that they can be far from correct in their instructions but they can be of use to people with auto experience.

geoffeales replied on 03/08/2021 15:52

Posted on 03/08/2021 15:52

speaking as one who used to work for Haynes' biggest rivals I couldn't possibly recommend them!  I'd suggest you take a look at YouTube, particularly if you know what job you're looking for. You can find a video for just about anything there. 

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