Is this a correct assumption

JohnM20 replied on 24/05/2022 10:27

Posted on 24/05/2022 10:27

It seems logical but can I ask the opinion of others please? I weigh the nose weight of my caravan by the age old method of a piece of wood into the hitch and onto bathroom scales, aiming at just under 90kg. Am I right in assuming that if I then put the scales under the jockey wheel (having first wound down the front corner steadies for support whilst putting the scales under the jockey wheel), it will give me a figure just below that of the hitch figure. If so, what is wrong with using the jockey wheel each time and aim for this slightly lower figure?

I've always considered that poking a piece of wood into the hitch has the potential to damage the stabiliser pads. 

Am I right with my assumptions which seem logical to me?

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 25/05/2022 12:19

Posted on 25/05/2022 09:01 by JohnM20

Rocky, I don't know about you but I tend not to carry passengers in my caravan.

Posted on 25/05/2022 12:19

You may not but I’m happy to pick up hitchers @ £10 a pop👍🏻😊

viatorem replied on 26/05/2022 19:45

Posted on 26/05/2022 19:45

Eriba has the right approach. It's like a lever so making it shorter gives negative mechanical advantage, the weight gets heavier closer to the axle


Lutz replied on 27/05/2022 09:43

Posted on 25/05/2022 08:16 by Rocky 2 buckets

I’ve used this method⤵️

Posted on 27/05/2022 09:43

But going by the 7% of the caravan's weight will often exceed the permissible towbar limit, especially in the case of heavier caravans. Many car manufacturers specify a limit of only 4% of the maximum permissible caravan weight for the towbar because that's what the regulations demand.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 27/05/2022 12:03

Posted on 27/05/2022 09:43 by Lutz

But going by the 7% of the caravan's weight will often exceed the permissible towbar limit, especially in the case of heavier caravans. Many car manufacturers specify a limit of only 4% of the maximum permissible caravan weight for the towbar because that's what the regulations demand.

Posted on 27/05/2022 12:03

I did it & lived to tell the tale😊, no old Bill pulling me over no hassles nor accidents. I know it’s a shocker but some folk can think outside the box without freaking over an nth degree👍🏻

jennyc replied on 28/05/2022 07:35

Posted on 28/05/2022 07:35

You are right to assume that the jockey wheel will show a different  weight than the hitch. However, it’ll be higher, not lower. But in the grand scheme of things you need never guess again and you can leave your scales at home if you buy a proper nose weight scale. Buy a Milenco one and you’ll never need another. It’ll be £35 we’ll spent.

JohnM20 replied on 28/05/2022 07:51

Posted on 28/05/2022 07:35 by jennyc

You are right to assume that the jockey wheel will show a different  weight than the hitch. However, it’ll be higher, not lower. But in the grand scheme of things you need never guess again and you can leave your scales at home if you buy a proper nose weight scale. Buy a Milenco one and you’ll never need another. It’ll be £35 we’ll spent.

Posted on 28/05/2022 07:51

I've got a proper nose weight gauge but find it is not so accurate as the bathroom scales. Once I have checked the weight at home before a trip the scales stay at home as everything is put back in the caravan in it's original place whilst we are away so the weight balance shouldn't change.

jennyc replied on 28/05/2022 08:05

Posted on 28/05/2022 08:05

We’ve had cheaper, and inaccurate nose weight gauges in the past, which is why I’ve specifically named Milenco, which we once checked against our bathroom scales.

viatorem replied on 28/05/2022 12:02

Posted on 27/05/2022 12:03 by Rocky 2 buckets

I did it & lived to tell the tale😊, no old Bill pulling me over no hassles nor accidents. I know it’s a shocker but some folk can think outside the box without freaking over an nth degree👍🏻

Posted on 28/05/2022 12:02

I think Lutz is just pointing out that the vehicle and towbar spec overules the guideline. Should an accident occur exceeding the design weight could result in invalid insurance. 

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