Not moving with the times

Del Sandy replied on 21/08/2020 12:37

Posted on 21/08/2020 12:37

This club could be fantastic, if only it was to listen to its members, some reasons below;

1. Very slow website, cannot find a website as slow as this one, even ones you do not have to pay for!

2. Inability to search for fully serviced pitches (perhaps because they do not have many)

3. Being superseded by free forums such as Adults only caravan sites on Facebook

4. Wasting money, why does the club not ask all members if they need a magazine, I would have been happy to have an electronic version, also helping the environment

5. With all my posts asking for reasons for these issues not being addressed and approaching the site directly no action has been taken, or even reasons why they cannot

I have enjoyed the discussions on the site and interestingly my concerns have been covered several times by others. Note the times I go on the website has to be on off peak times due to the slow website.

It is sad that I will not be renewing my membership, as I do not intend to pay for membership where there is no official feedback from the club when issues are raised.

Hopefully I will rejoin when basic issues are sorted out.

Kind Regards



JVB66 replied on 30/08/2020 10:54

Posted on 29/08/2020 23:29 by Phishing

Eddie, I will start by saying I value the club and what it does but it has real issues that need addressing. 

You say the membership is diverse, it really is no not. I would suggest the membership is predominantly older, white, and economically A,B, or C1s. I would be interested in any stats or initiatives from the club on diversity but I dont think this is available. It should be a key policy for a corporate body of this size. 

I totally agree the club is about provision of leisure time opportunities and that when on site things are splendid. 

The main issue and the core to the OPs post is that the world has changed. This is not the club of old, it is huge commercial enterprise fighting for survival in a shark pool. 

The rules have changed, everything has to be fast, automated, information led, and on trend. If they dont get better they will find themselves with a product that people dont want and a platform that nobody wants to use. 

What benchmarking do they do on current trends in the commercials?

How do they monitor and adapt to counter the many new platforms now available?

Have they identified the megatrends driving the industry?

If you just keep asking the current members if everything is OK then they will never change and when their current members are no more then what?




Posted on 30/08/2020 10:54

 what is your take on diverse?

replied on 30/08/2020 11:05

Posted on 30/08/2020 09:04 by eurortraveller

Sounds to me as though this staffing model might be due for change too - with more permanent UK staff instead of this shuttle of temporary staff to and from Spain - with better employment contracts and the provision of decent permanent staff accommodation on sites instead of bring your caravan and park it by the office. 

Posted on 30/08/2020 11:05

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Takethedogalong replied on 30/08/2020 11:58

Posted on 30/08/2020 11:58

I am assuming that this relates to folks who over Winter abroad, doing their own thing, then come and work as Wardens (both Clubs) for the Summer here, much as JK does? I could be wrong of course. 

One of the very first questions I asked years ago on CT was about how diverse the Club was. Didn’t get much of an answer then, either from Club or other posters, but put simply, in our experience, depending on the time of year you visit a Club Site, you can almost guarantee the demographic you will find pitched up around you. It varies slightly between older couples/singles and younger family groups at weekends and during school holidays. Age group is possibly the main difference. Given that very new shiny outfits dominate on Club Sites, a decent disposable income would also indicate Members tend to have plenty to spend on their hobby. Away from Club Sites, on CLs, you do see more older outfits. The Club knows it’s demographic, caters for it, and gives the vast majority of Members exactly what they sign up for, with a small degree of something different. The only fly in this ointment is that it’s an ageing demographic, there are now younger folks with less disposable income, they might have restrictions on towing, and there are a lot of others out there in the market providing more for the younger, family groups. It’s the classic M&S dilemma, pander to the core, decent quality, slightly expensive, but tried and trusted? Or experiment, risk alienating some of that core, but find that others are now doing it better?  


replied on 30/08/2020 12:32

Posted on 30/08/2020 12:32

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

DavidKlyne replied on 30/08/2020 12:45

Posted on 30/08/2020 10:42 by brue

My question is always should the club be relying on FB?

When you look at CAMC pages on FB, the different input is noticeable, the staff interact, the users are fed positives. However too much back patting can lead to complacency.

Had the club set up a good web site in the first place (I'm not talking CT I'm talking about the whole site) there would not have been the need for the reliance on FB.

At this point, I will mention the failure of Late Availability again as both FB and the banners on the main web site point people to this function to find their "ideal" holiday...both links lead to an intermittent updating failure.

You can't book anything on FB, it isn't a functioning web site it's just a media outlet, everything has to link into the main web site and that's why it's important the web pages of CAMC work efficiently.

Posted on 30/08/2020 12:45


I think force of circumstances has made the Club take notice of Facebook. As you will know the Club were very late in coming to Facebook. I find it interesting the resources they give it compared to here. Whether we like it or not there are an increasing number of members who will use Facebook over a forum/website like this. They would prefer to use the App rather than the main website. You only have to look at those Facebook forums dealing with CMC members, the daily post count must be ten times or greater than the posts on here. You will rarely be able to convince a regular Facebook poster that this type of forum is better. One thing I notice is that if I post a link to my website on Facebook I get so many extra hits where as if i post on here or on other such forums the post count hardly moves. 


DavidKlyne replied on 30/08/2020 12:51

Posted on 30/08/2020 09:04 by eurortraveller

Sounds to me as though this staffing model might be due for change too - with more permanent UK staff instead of this shuttle of temporary staff to and from Spain - with better employment contracts and the provision of decent permanent staff accommodation on sites instead of bring your caravan and park it by the office. 

Posted on 30/08/2020 12:51

I think those sites that are open 12 months of the year do provide permanent accommodation for the main warden couple. It might be a static caravan or lodge style building. I suspect that many people who take on the role of Club warden do so knowing that it gives them a degree of freedom over the winter months to spend as they wish but with the knowledge that they have a fairly secure summer month job.

JVB66 replied on 30/08/2020 13:04

Posted on 30/08/2020 13:04

I understand that the staff this year will know before the end of the main sites season what they are doing the next year, a contract for that will be available for them to sign

Then if they go as many others do spend the winter overseas,  it applies to most seasonal workers in the leisure Industry

Phishing replied on 30/08/2020 13:53

Posted on 30/08/2020 11:58 by Takethedogalong

I am assuming that this relates to folks who over Winter abroad, doing their own thing, then come and work as Wardens (both Clubs) for the Summer here, much as JK does? I could be wrong of course. 

One of the very first questions I asked years ago on CT was about how diverse the Club was. Didn’t get much of an answer then, either from Club or other posters, but put simply, in our experience, depending on the time of year you visit a Club Site, you can almost guarantee the demographic you will find pitched up around you. It varies slightly between older couples/singles and younger family groups at weekends and during school holidays. Age group is possibly the main difference. Given that very new shiny outfits dominate on Club Sites, a decent disposable income would also indicate Members tend to have plenty to spend on their hobby. Away from Club Sites, on CLs, you do see more older outfits. The Club knows it’s demographic, caters for it, and gives the vast majority of Members exactly what they sign up for, with a small degree of something different. The only fly in this ointment is that it’s an ageing demographic, there are now younger folks with less disposable income, they might have restrictions on towing, and there are a lot of others out there in the market providing more for the younger, family groups. It’s the classic M&S dilemma, pander to the core, decent quality, slightly expensive, but tried and trusted? Or experiment, risk alienating some of that core, but find that others are now doing it better?  


Posted on 30/08/2020 13:53

TTD some very good points, particularly the ageing demographic, even if the membership does have some younger members the site usage is dominated by older middle income people. As you say its the M&S dilemma of pander to the core or risk doing something else that may radically change things.   

The problem is that if you just drift and assume that the next generation will do the same as the last then you just dont survive. I am pretty sure the current core demographic were fans of Rumbelows, Freeman Hardy Willis, Dixons, Woolworths, C&A, Barratts, and BHS. 

They all realized far too late that not having a good digital offering to a diverse customer base would result in their ceasing to be relevant. 


Phishing replied on 30/08/2020 14:19

Posted on 30/08/2020 10:54 by JVB66

 what is your take on diverse?

Posted on 30/08/2020 14:19

 Diversity is fairly well defined for many different user cases but I would think the club would benefit from a policy on ensuring diversity and inclusion strategy with respect to Age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and disability.

Curiously I can find a policy statement on the diversity of their workforce (legal requirement) and the diversity of the plant species on campsites but nothing on the membership.

Having diversity and inclusion strategy with external benchmarks ensures the club is reaching all facets of society and thus maximizing its revenue potential by being inclusive.

We may be the most diverse inclusive group in existence catering for the requirements of everybody but I have looked at the club hierarchy and been on sites. I really think they need to consider an initiative in this area or if they have one then make it known.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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