Exorbitant Site Pitch Fees

JWF replied on 12/08/2024 20:11

Posted on 12/08/2024 20:11

I am sure so I am not and will not be the last one to mention this. But the huge increase to site fees over the past couple of years or so and certainly since the covid pandemic can surely not be justifiable. I really don’t think that the management have a clear marketing policy  as it appear to be changing on a regular basis. 

I have been in business all my life and for over 45 years, with over the 25 of them running my own retail family furniture business. During that period you have to show respect and loyalty to your many existing customers, and different to many businesses out there now, treat your existing customers with respect and offer transparency and incentives to retain their likewise loyalty to us the business, not to offer new customers a bigger incentive. Your prices have to be likewise transparent and have to be competitive. Sales and promotions often are needed to elevate your presence and to beat the competition, but not to reduce the price down to what should be a more competitive price in the first place. This is what I see the club is now doing, making us believe that the promotions and discounts offered present exceptionally value for money, when it doesn’t and only reduces the price to a little closer to where the prices should be in the first instance. 

My wife and I use to use the club sites on a regular basis, and although we very rarely use the shower facilities and as such consider the cost for a site not the best value for our money spent, have done so, as the cost was not greatly more expensive than CACC sites, CL sites or independent sites. Now the cost differential is considerably more. We can afford to pay the sites cost and much more if needed, but this gripe and reason for using the club sites less and less has now become a matter of principle. I really don’t believe that the club will take much notice, until there are more and more voids on their sites, which at that stage will announce that they have dramatically reduce ALL their site price costs and to a huge fanfare ….. haven’t we done well!!

Takethedogalong replied on 12/08/2024 21:29

Posted on 12/08/2024 21:29

Sadly, I empathise with much of your post, and there have been a good deal of other posts about the cost of Club Sites, and some of us have seen Sites a lot less busy than usual.  Others seem perfectly happy with prices, and are not seeing empty pitches, so I suppose that only time will tell, and the next couple of Club financial reports will give a better indication of how things are going. 🤷‍♀️

Takethedogalong replied on 12/08/2024 22:24

Posted on 12/08/2024 22:24

It wasn’t expensive up to a few years ago for us, and given that we happily search out vfm stopovers, it still isn’t. No storage fees for either MH or caravan, no back and forth to dealers for design faults, warranties, things falling to bits, caravan isn’t insured and MH is very reasonable. We can do most of the checks/repairs on MH ourself, it has sailed through its MOT all of the ten years we have owned it, and we get close to 40mph on a trip. Club Sites, particularly no facility sites used to be great vfm. But the no facility sites are dwindling fast, and Club Site prices are now way down our list of choice. It’s still camping to us, a cheap way of seeing the places we love for extended periods. We get luxury elsewhere, usually with the money we save on not using Club Sites🤣

If you have been a Club Member for a long time, you will have seen so many changes, particularly these last four five years. It’s no longer what we joined, has to move on of course, but it’s catering for a different market now on Club Sites. Hence we tend to take our custom elsewhere…..

SteveL replied on 13/08/2024 08:18

Posted on 13/08/2024 08:18

It’s certainly true that CAMC prices have increased more than the general rate of inflation. Over the last 10 years Google tells me this is 34%. Checking what we paid for a couple of sites in 2014 and comparing them with current prices for the same dates, I found a 58% increase at a not so popular site (Breacon) and 84% at a honeypot (Chatsworth). We’ve only stayed on one CL  and that has increased by 60%.

How this relates to the sector in general I have no idea, 10 years ago we exclusively used club sites, therefore I’ve no others, except the CL, to compare.

Given what makes up the cost structure of a typical site it would be realistic to expect a rise above the general 34% level of inflation. Therefore the 58% figure for Breacon doesn’t  seem far from what might be expected. The 84% figure for Chatsworth is just the club milking it as they can. The same as York and Baltic Wharf.

astartup replied on 13/08/2024 08:39

Posted on 13/08/2024 08:39

What really annoys me is smart pricing. Every weekend is very slightly more expensive. Surely it costs exactly the same then as other days in the week. Also some sites are stupidly expensive, I'm thinking about Brighton. It's over £40 all the time it's open and over £50 in high season. It's also the closest site to Newhaven for the ferry. 

As to electric I don't favour metering. I don't want to spend my holiday worrying about how much we're using. We don't use a great deal but we need it to charge our e-bikes which allow us to leave the motorhome on site and is good for climate change. I'd rather the supply was restricted to 10 amps which would limit how much could be used for heating in particular.

A couple of years ago, I calculated that it was cheaper to stay in sites in France for 3 weeks in August, including Dover Calais ferry crossing than it was to stay in uk for 3 weeks! And the weather is better. Diesel wasn't included in my calculations but if you don't go too far in France it doesn't make a huge difference.

We've only spent 3 weeks on CAMC sites this year due to cost. I've also considered leaving the CAMC. We've been members for over 20 years. My parents were members for around 50 years.

peedee replied on 13/08/2024 10:12

Posted on 13/08/2024 10:12

How this relates to the sector in general I have no idea, 10 years ago we exclusively used club sites, therefore I’ve no others, except the CL, to compare.

An independent site I use almost every year has only increased its price 38 percent in the last 10 years for a hard standing pitch with 16amp EHU. This shoulder season a serviced pitch, similar to that of the CLub, is £26.50


Takethedogalong replied on 13/08/2024 10:55

Posted on 13/08/2024 10:55

I think the Club is going to have to weather a perfect storm in the next few years. It’s squeezing everything it can from Club Site loving Members, giving back the odd teaser offer with too many T&Cs attached for a lot of others. I find it all rather sad really. 

peedee replied on 13/08/2024 11:13

Posted on 13/08/2024 10:55 by Takethedogalong

I think the Club is going to have to weather a perfect storm in the next few years. It’s squeezing everything it can from Club Site loving Members, giving back the odd teaser offer with too many T&Cs attached for a lot of others. I find it all rather sad really. 

Posted on 13/08/2024 11:13

I don't think it will be just the Club that will almost certainly have to have a rethink. Independent sites seem to be much more able to control their costs, the Clubs and those owning multiple sites with more overheads, not so. There are several factors that seem to be demanding a rethink, not least the increase in motorcaravans, even this may well slow down as people realise owning a leisure outfit and using sites is not cheap.


Seasider replied on 13/08/2024 12:09

Posted on 13/08/2024 12:09

I do think that site fees have rocketed, unjustifiably so in some cases. You can't help but compare and recently we had a stopover at an independent site near Carlisle en route to Scotland, called Greenacres. Absolutely fantastic facilities, immaculately kept, service pitch, easily comparable to Club 'flagship' sites - £33. Troutbeck Head not far away was over £40 last year. The Club used to be the byword for caravanning but lots of sites have caught up now and, in the case of Greenacres - in my opinion - surpassed the standard. Makes you wonder about renewing.

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