Please contact the site directly for prices, online booking and availability.
Send non-refundable £25 deposit (deductible from site fees on arrival) + sae for confirmation. Cheques payable to Huntly Castle Caravan Park. Credit cards accepted.
Midweek discount of 50% of pitch fees on the following 2023 dates:
17 Apr-20 Apr, 24 Apr-27Apr, 2 May-4 May, 8 May-11 May, 15 May-18 May, 22 May-25 May, 30 May-1 Jun, 5 Jun-8 Jun, 12 Jun-15 Jun, 19 Jun-22 Jun, 26 Jun-29 Jun, 28 Aug-31 Aug, 4 Sep-7 Sep, 11 Sep-14 Sep, 18 Sep-21 Sep, 25 Sep-28 Sep, 2 Oct-5 Oct, 9 Oct-12 Oct, 16 Oct-19 Oct, 23 Oct-26 Oct.
The standard discount of £1 per night cannot be used in conjuction with the above discounts.