Additional Information
General information
- Earliest departure: 05.30 all season if prearranged.
- Latest arrival if prearranged: low season 20.00, high season 21.00.
- Please note that some on-site facilities e.g. restaurant etc... may be closed outside of peak season at manager`s discretion.
- No charge for dogs. Maximum 3 dogs per pitch.
- Many European site receptions close for an extended lunch break so check-in is not possible until mid-afternoon.
- Twin axle not accepted all season
Booking conditions
No booking allowed on Electric Hook up pitches (01/10/25 - 23/10/25).
2 nights on weekends Friday/Saturday all season.
3 nights on bank holiday (14/03/25 - 16/03/25, 18/04/25 - 20/04/25 , 02/05/25 - 04/05/25, 30/05/25 - 01/06/25, 01/08/25 - 03/08/25 & 24/10/25 - 26/10/25).
7 nights on Electric Hook Up Pitches all season.
Over 9m on request all season.
Serviced Pitches are adults only.
Only weekend bookings (Friday/Saturday) allowed between 01/10/25 - 29/10/25 on Serviced pitches. Serviced pitch area which is normally adults only may have children present.
Extra charges
- €1.00 per person for use of the showers (6 minutes)*
*Payable locally along with any other applicable charges eg. trailer, extra car, pup tent etc...