Security devices for your motorhome

We have some recommended devices for you to consider when reviewing your motorhomes security.

Theft is a sad fact of life and the reality is that leisure vehicles are a tempting target for thieves. Even though there have been huge advances in security devices, making it more difficult than ever to steal modern motorhomes, it's still not impossible. Most recently we have seen an increase in motorhome thefts, potentially due to the increased demand for outfits and the lack of supply at dealerships. This is why the Club encourages outfit owners to take extra precautions when it comes to security.

In reality, it is difficult to stop a really determined thief with the right tools, so your objective is to deter them from targeting your vehicle in the first place with as much visible security as possible, and if this doesn't work, to slow them down when in the act.

We recommend that you regularly review your outfit's security, and consider these things:

Trackers that are professionally monitored and can initiate a police response are relatively effective. The cheaper systems that are unmonitored can still be useful particularly if your outfit is stored remotely as these systems alert you directly. However thieves are becoming smarter at defeating trackers and so the Club is currently carrying out research into where your money can be best spent.

Depending on where you store your motorhome or campervan, will depend on how effective an alarm will be. Alarms that alert you remotely by a phone message may be effective if you’re not around to hear the alarm sound. If you store your caravan at home and are usually at home yourself then an alarm would certainly be useful to warn you if your outfit is being interfered with.

Wheel locks or clamps
A variety of wheel locks and clamps are available on the market. Products that are accredited and are installed correctly on a motorhome or campervan will usually deter casual thieves and delay more professional criminals.


Depending on how much space you have, storing your motorhome or campervan at home will normally be cheaper and more convenient. However security depends on how often someone will be there to react to an attempted theft. If it’s possible try to keep your outfit out of sight from the main road and preferably make it difficult to access, perhaps in a back garden or behind a locked gate. Fit an alarm or tracker and consider installing automatic security lights and CCTV.

If you’re storing your outfit away from your home, use a secure storage site like the ones run by the Club, that are accredited by CaSSOA, in particular their ‘Gold’ or ‘Platinum’ sites. Be mindful that availability near to you might be limited and that the standard of some sites varies quite a lot, so do make sure you check out the features that the sites have before committing.

Accreditation schemes

When purchasing a mechanical product look for an accredited ‘Sold Secure’ item, preferably at ‘Gold’ or ‘Diamond’ level: or the Dutch SCM MP03 accreditation. For electronic security products (alarms, immobilisers and trackers), the recognised authority is Thatcham Research, an insurer-funded test and safety research organisation. For trackers, Thatcham S7 and S5 categories were introduced in 2019 and replace the former 7, 6 and 5 categories. The general rule is the lower the number, the more sophisticated the system. S5 for instance includes a driver identification device for further protection, although 7/S7 are still very good. Make sure that the products you purchase are optimised for motorhome or campervan use, looking at the energy they use so that they keep the battery power while your outfit is in storage.

You can find more information on the Club website that lists the security devices we have on offer. 

Call our Motorhome or Campervan Insurance team on 01342 649 919 to find out what discounts they can offer on your outfit. Plus, compare your motorhome insurance with the Defaqto Compare tool on our website to see how the different motorhome insurance products compare.

Updated March 2024.

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