Non EHU site 289

Merve replied on 22/08/2017 17:09

Posted on 22/08/2017 17:09

May I just mention this site being as many offgridders come to these threads. If you are looking for an offgrid within the Lakes you may have rung and not had an answer. That's because the CL has been sold together with the rest of the farm and the phone number in the book has been discontinued. If you are interested in booking the site the number to ring is 07766 385286 and speak to Mark, the previous owner. He is really keen that this site remains open and continues to welcome guests. It has hard standing and although it is a little inundated with weeds, you can still make out easily where it is.   It is peaceful with the odd passing car. Views of Little Mell fell which is easily reached - we conquered it- hope no one has removed our flag! Penrith is not far and Ullswater Road Garage there fills Safefill. What more could you want?   

young thomas replied on 26/08/2017 08:31

Posted on 26/08/2017 08:15 by hitchglitch

Despite all the arguments for and against, it is obviously environmentally better to have refillable cylinders, solar panels etc. I admit also that it is satisfying to turn up at a site knowing that there is no need to get the hook-up lead out as I have everything I need. If you can save a few pounds on site fees as well then it's an extra benefit.

Posted on 26/08/2017 08:31

one of the advantages we like most is the ability to make use of Temporary sites, or indeed CLs, which can be sited close to town centres.

whilst we like the countryside, we also like to be able to get to 'civilisation' without making use of more than our bikes or legs.

often, these sites dont have the full facilities of main sites, regularly (in the case of Temporary sites) without electric.

purely from a personal perspective, if we couldnt make use of these, we would be missing out.....these sites are definitely not for everyone but we like them.

perhaps the fact that some are not interested make them easier for us, and others (who enjoy the simple process of pulling up, handbrake on, sorted) to get on them.

Merve replied on 26/08/2017 10:07

Posted on 26/08/2017 10:07

Well, finally been able to catch up. There seems to be an opinion that I am somehow trying to convert people to non EHU? Nothing could be further from the truth. I have said nothing that I haven't experienced or seen with my own eyes and if the way I use descriptive language upsets some on here, I apologise to you for you taking it the wrong way. I have tried to bring another way of doing things to the forum. That is all. Some have seen it as an insult to them personally which to me is unfathomable . I know of at least 5 people who have benefited greatly from the information, I and others,  have posted.  As said in an earlier post, the non EHUer is going to become rarer? Yes you may be correct. The Irony of this thread is that Site 289 appears in the closed section of the CL sites update (page45) in the Sept issue of the mag! I suspect however that the site will continue once the sale of the land is sorted out and the new owner gets herself sorted with it. I also notice that 10 out of the 19 closures are non EHU and of the 22 newly listed sites, 2 are non EHU. That may well put a smile on some faces with pure satisfaction! But the point I have made many times- we are all in the same club and if one sort of camping suits you, great! But, would I not, could I not,  be accused of dereliction of duty by those I and others have helped to a different and very satisfying way of caravanning had I not posted about the possibilities of new technologies? Is there no room on here for these ideas? For all the brickbats I have taken and all the snide comments, I am of course disappointed, as no lectures or brow beating was intended but of those who are now enjoying caravanning at 1/2 or a 1/3 of the price, I say there is no pleasure without pain! 😂😂😂😂😂. Have a great Bank Holiday everyone.

Cornersteady replied on 26/08/2017 10:37

Posted on 26/08/2017 10:37

Thanks for your reply, one point dereliction of duty 

why do you think you have that duty to them? and indeed to anyone to tell us about these new technologies. I often post about new products and ideas, trying to be helpful, but I don't see it as my duty to those I've helped or to anyone. It is a strange phrase to use in this context?


a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.

a task or action that one is required to perform as part of one's job

huskydog replied on 26/08/2017 10:46

Posted on 26/08/2017 10:46

I find it interesting how different members read a post by a member in different ways , some of the members are passionate about their hobby ,example ,Merve and safefill and AD with his overseas sites ,I don't see these members are trying to convert anyone ,you either read them or don't

I have learnt a lot reading posts ,but weather I doing anything about the subject is anther matter laughing

Cornersteady replied on 26/08/2017 11:04

Posted on 26/08/2017 10:46 by huskydog

I find it interesting how different members read a post by a member in different ways , some of the members are passionate about their hobby ,example ,Merve and safefill and AD with his overseas sites ,I don't see these members are trying to convert anyone ,you either read them or don't

I have learnt a lot reading posts ,but weather I doing anything about the subject is anther matter laughing

Posted on 26/08/2017 11:04

I don't want to labour this but just to make it clear, it's not the converting some of us are bothered about (I'm not), and true you don't have to read them. But when people are, perhaps not insulted, but criticised, or even made fun of for the way the wish to use their caravan or MH for example Most suffer with the herding instinct then don't you (or one) have a right to reply?



Tinwheeler replied on 26/08/2017 11:26

Posted on 26/08/2017 11:04 by Cornersteady

I don't want to labour this but just to make it clear, it's not the converting some of us are bothered about (I'm not), and true you don't have to read them. But when people are, perhaps not insulted, but criticised, or even made fun of for the way the wish to use their caravan or MH for example Most suffer with the herding instinct then don't you (or one) have a right to reply?



Posted on 26/08/2017 11:26

Corners, you omitted to mention the repeated use by some of the word 'ignorant' (or 'ignorance') in respect of people who choose to use EHU. 

I find that rather offensive as I think others probably do, too. Choosing not to do something a certain way is not ignorance but merely means a person has chosen a different way.

As an example, I drive a diesel powered car. I looked at petrol models but chose diesel. That does not mean I am in ignorance of petrol models but simply that diesel suits me better.

Merve replied on 26/08/2017 11:44

Posted on 26/08/2017 11:44

There is a more salient point here too. One that I have touched on in the past but I will say the full fat version. We elders of society have lived through a time of plenty, a time when greed and avarice was not so obvious as it is today. We have been very lucky. I remember my first caravan purchase. I had said to my wife that the only way we were going to afford a holiday with our 4 kids was to buy a caravan. She was not amused! Some months later she had given some thought to it and had come to the same conclusion. We had a legacy and only a legacy allowed us to buy our first caravan- a ten month old Avondale Leda Penine 5/6 berth. The OH soon realised it was great fun and never looked back but we couldn't afford much as far as sites were concerned so we always went to CLs. EHU CLs. We stored the caravan with a friendly farmer who charged us nothing. We did Mildenhall air show each year at Round Spinney which was non EHU but was only for 2 days so the battery on board just about lasted. Now, my point is this. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who was struggling financially but had there been a cheaper way of doing things I would have grabbed at it with both hands. Had it allowed us more time on site, what a great thing it would have been but alas, the van stood idle for many months due not only to work and family commitments but finances did play a part. Some sit in their 50, 60, £70,000 and above motor homes and knock the fact that someone is trying to show the less well off (yes, there are such people)and that there is a way of getting out on site more and try to suggest that I and others are somehow trying to 'bully' them into a new way of doing things! Shame on you! The herding instinct comment was tongue in cheek but still, it seems to have missed the target. Boring it may be to some, but if I and others, by experience, can help to ease the financial burden of some caravanning families or the not so well off solo caravanner who enjoys their hobby through my posts by suggesting a way of camping that does not require £25 and above everyday, that does not cost a fortune to set up and that will save them oodles in the future as it has me, then so be it- knock away! These days, we are very comfortable, but that does not allow me to splash the cash even though I have it. Yes, I do get a kick out of going away, living well, thoroughly enjoying a holiday and paying £300 or so less than the guy up the road on a club site. This is why this section of CT has been so successful- because people from all walks of life find it fascinating in some cases and interesting in others. If you have the money, fine, go spend it how you want to- that is your pleasure and privilege - you have earned it- but please, don't come and knock those of us who simply want to talk about non EHU and thereby spread a little happiness to places where it might not be so abundant. Again, wherever you are and what you are doing, enjoy your bank holiday.

Cornersteady replied on 26/08/2017 12:01

Posted on 26/08/2017 11:26 by Tinwheeler

Corners, you omitted to mention the repeated use by some of the word 'ignorant' (or 'ignorance') in respect of people who choose to use EHU. 

I find that rather offensive as I think others probably do, too. Choosing not to do something a certain way is not ignorance but merely means a person has chosen a different way.

As an example, I drive a diesel powered car. I looked at petrol models but chose diesel. That does not mean I am in ignorance of petrol models but simply that diesel suits me better.

Posted on 26/08/2017 12:01

Very true. 

Tinwheeler replied on 26/08/2017 12:14

Posted on 26/08/2017 12:14

We've all been there, vanning on a shoestring, Merve, (actually your first van was almost new - what an achievement!) and not once have I knocked the value of economy camping. Good for you for sharing your knowledge. 

However, you clearly can't/won't see that you are using offensive terms in trying to convince the masses that your way is right. How dare you say "Shame on you" when it is you who should take stock and carefully consider your words.

I have no issue with you talking about non-EHU and, I repeat, have never knocked it. Just for the sake of harmony tone it down, stop seeing it as your duty and stop using terms such as ignorant and herding. 

replied on 26/08/2017 12:30

Posted on 26/08/2017 12:30

but please, don't come and knock those of us who simply want to talk about non EHU

It should not come as a big surprise Merve that you get a little ribbing when you take over non EHU threads to spread the gospel. And I say that as one who is capable of having a little dig in such regard but also as one who sees the potential benefits of being set up to go off grid. 

Many of we older members have spent a number of years without EHU or solar and running on gas and (in my case the car's) battery. We were quite capable of going away for a week or two and the last holiday that was not using EHU was 53 days. That was 23 years ago and by that time we could afford to use main sites. 

We, like many others of our age, had enjoyed holidays wihout EHU for 15 years and so of course I know that to do so is totally possible and that there are tremendous savings to be had in doing so should one make that choice. Some of course always want sites with facilities which as a long term caravanner I don't fully understand if people are fit and well. Indeed we are all different.

For me I have no interest in saving money which might be surprising to most rational people - however I never made a claim as to being rational. 

I think that providing info to people is good Merve. 

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