FREE Canvas Print 12 x 8 inch.

Danny and Karen replied on 24/10/2012 16:41

Posted on 24/10/2012 16:41

Hey guys, here's one i thought i'd share with you guys! Sorry it's not a caravaning tip, as such. But we all love a bargain!

OK so a company called were doing a promotion a while back £28.99 off prints, which ment a FREE 12 x 8 inch Canvas mounted print! So me and a few other guys banged in the code, and we got our prints (got mine today). Just had to pay the £5.99 postage!

We didnt think we'd get them, seemed too good to be true! Anyway quality is ok, not brilliant, but hey, it cost me £6! The print it's self is fine, the mounting to the frame is a little slack, some guys said theirs wasn't tight, mine wasnt centred, anyway we've corrected the issues, 10 min with a staple gun!

Anyway, now we know it works, we all jumped back in for some more freebies and i was gonna post on here, but the code ended. Booo! Game over!

UNTIL! They're doing the same thing on FACEBOOK! Same offer! SO if anyone fanices one, here ya go!

You have to be a facebook user, i've just sent for my second print!

Great gift with xmas coming, or treat your selfs 

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