Discussion Forum or Information Provision?

crissy replied on 23/11/2016 19:22

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:22

A discussion I've recently started, along with several others,  has today been closed.

The reason given is that there were apparently too many similar threads. (Taking dogs abroad)

The implication appeared to be that people only look on the forum for information, not to actually discuss their concerns.

My opinion is that  people log onto a forum not only to ask questions and receive answers but also to actually discuss these answers and give opinions, ask for/provide reassurance etc.

We all know there are books, web pages, information sheets but sometimes you actually want to discuss something, with people who may have experience and knowledge you lack.

This is why each year there are recurring topics. Does this matter?  We're all human. We want to be involved in a discussion not just read ones which have already taken place.

Am I getting it wrong? Are discussion forums not for discussion?

brue replied on 23/11/2016 19:35

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:35

It might be better if the pet section was the area to visit for all discussions about animals. That could include travel related subjects in the uk and overseas? edit Perhaps a separate Pet Travel Section. The forum has gradually expanded and it's a bit ad hoc at the moment maybe an improved presentation is in the pipe line?

IanH replied on 23/11/2016 19:39

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:39

Good point Crissy.......this forum is severly over-moderated.

moulesy replied on 23/11/2016 19:49

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:49

In fairness, I believe the thread was closed and the "catch-all" one opened at the request of a fellow member. As the saying goes "you can't please all the people all the time"! Happy

huskydog replied on 23/11/2016 20:14

Posted on 23/11/2016 20:14

In fairness, I believe the thread was closed and the "catch-all" one opened at the request of a fellow member. As the saying goes "you can't please all the people all the time"! Happy

Yes a non-dog owning member!!!!, made the request Undecided

crissy replied on 23/11/2016 20:19

Posted on 23/11/2016 20:19

I agree with Brue. I suspect that the request was from a none dog owner and  the opinions and wishes of dog owners have not been considered in this case.

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