An open letter to the Community Manager - reviews

Tinwheeler replied on 11/08/2019 19:02

Posted on 11/08/2019 19:02

Dear Rowena,

I think the time has come to press you on the issue of comments made on reviews. I know you are very busy but the situation is becoming rather discordant and inconsistent.

You have posted some information concerning the content of reviews recently but I can see nothing from you regarding the posting of comments. David Klyne, in the thread titled Reviews, posted some words on the subject on 04.08.19 and my post (pictured below) seeking further information was also reported to you in an effort to establish clarification. Unfortunately, I’ve not seen a response from any source.

Yesterday (10.08.19), a new review appeared which was clearly in breach of the Community Guidelines and several of us commented explaining how the Guidelines answered the poster's question. Seemingly legitimate responses were subsequently Deleted User fairly quickly yet the review remained until early afternoon today when it was quite rightly removed. Can you imagine the confusion this caused?

I have no intention of querying moderation here but, obviously, different people have different views on what is acceptable and what is not and it is that very difference and lack of guidance relating to comments which is causing a less than standardised approach.

Therefore, may I please ask for a definitive clarification of what is, or is not, permitted in comments on reviews to be included in the Guidelines? We, as posters, need to know what is acceptable to yourself and the moderators so that we can all sing from the same song sheet.




huskydog replied on 13/08/2019 12:21

Posted on 13/08/2019 11:39 by Cornersteady

Well, yes, you should look into cyber bullying (ask any teacher or google it).

Fred has no right of reply, it may be true or may not. Fred may be upset that he is being called rude on a public forum for anyone to read. It may affect his professional reputation.


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person

Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.

Cyberbullying can take many forms. The following are just a few examples:
Harassing a user over an instant messaging session.
Posting derogatory messages on a user's Facebook or MySpace page.
Circulating false rumours about someone on social networking websites.

Cyberbullying Effects. Like all forms of bullying, cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress. 

Posted on 13/08/2019 12:21

So I will have to be very careful what words I use on CT ,incase I upset anyone sealed

every day is a school day wink


MikeyA replied on 13/08/2019 17:51

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:51

Am I correct in saying I that there is no information online or anywhere in print that publicly lists the names of site staff or which sites they are based on. If this is true how can stating a site staff member at Site X is  rude be construed as bullying. 

replied on 13/08/2019 17:53

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:53

If you identify a warden, Fred, then you have by vertue made a personal statement.

But by saying "Warden" you are identifying a role.

If that role is not being performed to standard, a member has every right to say so.


Fred the warden did this. Not allowed.

The warden did this. Is allowed.


If Fred is so insecure that a comment on a forum would push him over the edge, the club has already failed him, within Duty of Care, as not identifying him as unsuitable for the post!

Cornersteady replied on 13/08/2019 17:57

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:51 by MikeyA

Am I correct in saying I that there is no information online or anywhere in print that publicly lists the names of site staff or which sites they are based on. If this is true how can stating a site staff member at Site X is  rude be construed as bullying. 

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:57

their names are still displayed on the site, and of course if a review is about that site, they have in effect been targeted. 

JVB66 replied on 13/08/2019 17:57

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:51 by MikeyA

Am I correct in saying I that there is no information online or anywhere in print that publicly lists the names of site staff or which sites they are based on. If this is true how can stating a site staff member at Site X is  rude be construed as bullying. 

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:57

The staff names are all on display at each site,so a reviewer has access to that plus each staff member has name badge on their "uniform" the annual published list of site with the staff names was withdrawn a few years ago ,and also the reason that unless advised ,they are not allowed to give "visitors" the name and pitch numbers of members on site


Cornersteady replied on 13/08/2019 18:00

Posted on 13/08/2019 17:53 by

If you identify a warden, Fred, then you have by vertue made a personal statement.

But by saying "Warden" you are identifying a role.

If that role is not being performed to standard, a member has every right to say so.


Fred the warden did this. Not allowed.

The warden did this. Is allowed.


If Fred is so insecure that a comment on a forum would push him over the edge, the club has already failed him, within Duty of Care, as not identifying him as unsuitable for the post!

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:00

not quite, the rules have been made very clear by Ro, 

We always want people to be able to review a site they have stayed at with their honest opinion about the site and their experience. We will remove reviews if they contravene the guidelines i.e. are offensive to Club Staff as we have a duty of care or if they may potentially be libellous. However wherever possible the Club will try and post a response. We do also ask that reviews aren't complaints and that complaints are sent directly to the Club to investigate via our complaints and compliments procedure. We do get a lot of reviews that are just a complaint about staff and do not actually review the site. If complaints are sent via the right channels they will be investigated so leaving a review is not the best course of action.

as you can see no mention of names, just staff

replied on 13/08/2019 18:06

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:06

I was replying to your point, it was Fred afterall.

Where? I dont see it.

All it says is dont be offensive.


"I thought the Warden misread a situation, and their manner towards myself was not upto the standard I would expect from a CMC site xxxxx, this cannot be the first occasion this warden has acted this way, I felt my stay compromised"


Cant see anything wrong with that ficticous account,  complies even if I named a specific site 

replied on 13/08/2019 18:13

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:10 by JVB66

He left was head hunted by a big comercial organization as head of customer relations wink

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:13

Yeah, Slate, Rock and Gravel company took him on!


Kept him well away from the public!

JVB66 replied on 13/08/2019 18:16

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:13 by

Yeah, Slate, Rock and Gravel company took him on!


Kept him well away from the public!

Posted on 13/08/2019 18:16

Could be, site staff need to be tough these dayswink

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