An open letter to the Community Manager - reviews

Tinwheeler replied on 11/08/2019 19:02

Posted on 11/08/2019 19:02

Dear Rowena,

I think the time has come to press you on the issue of comments made on reviews. I know you are very busy but the situation is becoming rather discordant and inconsistent.

You have posted some information concerning the content of reviews recently but I can see nothing from you regarding the posting of comments. David Klyne, in the thread titled Reviews, posted some words on the subject on 04.08.19 and my post (pictured below) seeking further information was also reported to you in an effort to establish clarification. Unfortunately, I’ve not seen a response from any source.

Yesterday (10.08.19), a new review appeared which was clearly in breach of the Community Guidelines and several of us commented explaining how the Guidelines answered the poster's question. Seemingly legitimate responses were subsequently Deleted User fairly quickly yet the review remained until early afternoon today when it was quite rightly removed. Can you imagine the confusion this caused?

I have no intention of querying moderation here but, obviously, different people have different views on what is acceptable and what is not and it is that very difference and lack of guidance relating to comments which is causing a less than standardised approach.

Therefore, may I please ask for a definitive clarification of what is, or is not, permitted in comments on reviews to be included in the Guidelines? We, as posters, need to know what is acceptable to yourself and the moderators so that we can all sing from the same song sheet.




JVB66 replied on 14/08/2019 19:18

Posted on 14/08/2019 18:20 by

So for the point of this debate, 


You have read their review, and others they have written,  and dismissed them

I too have partially dismissed them


So you and I are in agreement


Let reviews stand as is, no harm being done, provided Fred doesnt come back from the Quarry!



Only a matter of time before you saw sense X


All I need now is JVB to tell me they have a distant cousin who drives a digger! Clocks ticking 

Posted on 14/08/2019 19:18

Oh dear  the shop  steward is on his feetundecided

replied on 14/08/2019 21:31

Posted on 14/08/2019 19:18 by JVB66

Oh dear  the shop  steward is on his feetundecided

Posted on 14/08/2019 21:31

58 minutes ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™ƒ

SeasideBill replied on 14/08/2019 21:33

Posted on 12/08/2019 14:02 by RowenaBCAMC

Hi Tinwheeler,

Thank you for your post and I apologise for any confusion. 

With regards to reviews we have always said we would like other members to be able to comment however the intention wasn't for the review to turn into a discussion as we have the forum for this type of conversation. This however has been happening more frequently. Because the conversations can often be about sites that people love they can understandably get quite heated when there are negative comments and arguments can happen when people have strong differing views.

We always want people to be able to review a site they have stayed at with their honest opinion about the site and their experience. We will remove reviews if they contravene the guidelines i.e. are offensive to Club Staff as we have a duty of care or if they may potentially be libellous. However wherever possible the Club will try and post a response. We do also ask that reviews aren't complaints and that complaints are sent directly to the Club to investigate via our complaints and compliments procedure. We do get a lot of reviews that are just a complaint about staff and do not actually review the site. If complaints are sent via the right channels they will be investigated so leaving a review is not the best course of action. 

We haven't had guidelines in place before about comments on reviews other than the Club's standard Community Guidelines as we haven't needed them specifically in the past however we do feel this needs to be reviewed in light of the way they are turning into discussions, which unfortunately we do not have the resource to moderate. Ideally responses should only be from someone who has also recently stayed or regularly stays on that particular site. As such we may need to remove the option for commenting in the future. However for now we would really appreciate it if members could avoid turning reviews into discussions and if there is a review you feel needs a response from the Club or that contravenes the guidelines please report this to us.

I hope this helps clarify and I will look to update the 'Guide to Club Together' and 'Community Guidelines' for further clarification. 

Posted on 14/08/2019 21:33


I suggest you remove the option to comment completely. Providing the option simply feeds the tiresome compulsion of some to comment and adopt a quasi official role to ‘police’ the review section. I find reviews very useful, but couldn’t care less what others think about the review or reviewer. We’re all big boys & girls here and can work out for ourselves whether a review has merit or not. 

replied on 14/08/2019 21:39

Posted on 14/08/2019 18:52 by JayOutdoors

Apologies for going off thread.

Wellys and Mac โ€“ Hope you donโ€™t mind me asking but just wondering if the big gaps between your sentences are part of the software you are using to type into then maybe you copy & paste into CT.

Posted on 14/08/2019 21:39

Hey Jay

It's a few things I'm thinking.

I use a mobile for 99% of my post's, its the type that the screen goes right to the very edge. If I'm not careful I can accidentally touch the side and the phone then goes to home screen, resulting in lost post. So I'm in the habit of posting then editing, hence some times the quoted me doesnt match the posted me.

The big gaps are I think the forum not exactly working with android, or the type of software I have running. On another thread I wanted chapter titles, but the big gaps appeared and I couldn't remove them.

So it appears it's a mixture of my fat thumbs and forum and me! 

Thank you for pointing it out, I'll have an experiment, see if I can sort things out so my posts appear better and dont take up nearly a whole page ๐Ÿ˜ก.

Thanks again.



 Edit, seems ok/better?

replied on 14/08/2019 21:56

Posted on 14/08/2019 19:01 by Tinwheeler

No, what?

With respect, Brit, you are making huge leaps there and imagining things I have not said. Thatโ€™s the polite version of my thoughts.

Posted on 14/08/2019 21:56

Tinny I dont genuinely understand your frustration.

You did post this:-........A perfect example of the review section being used inappropriately and another instance where the 'reviewer' has not understood the club's policy. 

Your implying they should not review, full stop. 

Your implying because they "not understood the clubs policy" a warden can speak to them with a choice of words, manner that left the member feeling angry and worse! Becaude that is what the reviewer was saying, and you dont want to tackle that, you rather remove them. As in delete the review. How does that help your fellow member?

That's worthy of a review in my opinion, and as Bill says, and I earlier, its upto the wider membership to read and decide if the review is of any value or merit.

As I say, limited options to reply, 3 say, you can post your usual stuff against any negative reviews, Corners can do +1, and JVB can tell us that coincidentally he has an 8 year old cousin twice removed thats an astronaut!

Tinwheeler replied on 14/08/2019 22:11

Posted on 14/08/2019 21:56 by

Tinny I dont genuinely understand your frustration.


You did post this:-........A perfect example of the review section being used inappropriately and another instance where the 'reviewer' has not understood the club's policy. 

Your implying they should not review, full stop.

Your implying because they "not understood the clubs policy" a warden can speak to them with a choice of words, manner that left the member feeling angry and worse!

That's worthy of a review in my opinion, and as Bill says, and I earlier, its upto the wider membership to read and decide if of any value or merit. 

Posted on 14/08/2019 22:11

Brit, I genuinely don’t understand why you assume the warden has been in the wrong almost every time and why you cannot accept that all members should abide by the guidelines. I’ll repeat what I said early on in this thread - 

"Thanks, Brit. All I seek to do here is to obtain clarification regarding comments, not the review itself as that has already been given. I’m not intending this to be a debate of the rights and wrongs of the Guidelines. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป"

It is for the club to set those guidelines and for we members who have agreed to accept them to stick to them. If we disagree with the GLs we should either seek to change them through the correct channels or not be in this club. The option of simply ignoring them is not on the table.

replied on 14/08/2019 22:17

Posted on 14/08/2019 22:11 by Tinwheeler

Brit, I genuinely donโ€™t understand why you assume the warden has been in the wrong almost every time and why you cannot accept that all members should abide by the guidelines. Iโ€™ll repeat what I said early on in this thread - 

"Thanks, Brit. All I seek to do here is to obtain clarification regarding comments, not the review itself as that has already been given. Iโ€™m not intending this to be a debate of the rights and wrongs of the Guidelines. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป"

It is for the club to set those guidelines and for we members who have agreed to accept them to stick to them. If we disagree with the GLs we should either seek to change them through the correct channels or not be in this club. The option of simply ignoring them is not on the table.

Posted on 14/08/2019 22:17

I'm not interested per say whether the warden is right or wrong, I'm interested in the right for a member to air their views, appropriate language.

The rules or guidelines are in my opinion not stopping people complaining about wardens in a site review. That's why we are at different sides of the debate.

There has to be rules about how a member complains, agreed, but not a ban.

The example Corners chose highlighted "touring" non prebooking a thing held dear by some, on this site, at this time, didnt work.

No to emptying toilet, petty.

And again, manner, attitude, putting rules across without hurt. 

Worthy things for a site review


Rocky 2 buckets replied on 14/08/2019 22:35

Posted on 14/08/2019 22:17 by

I'm not interested per say whether the warden is right or wrong, I'm interested in the right for a member to air their views, appropriate language.

The rules or guidelines are in my opinion not stopping people complaining about wardens in a site review. That's why we are at different sides of the debate.

There has to be rules about how a member complains, agreed, but not a ban.

The example Corners chose highlighted "touring" non prebooking a thing held dear by some, on this site, at this time, didnt work.

No to emptying toilet, petty.

And again, manner, attitude, putting rules across without hurt. 

Worthy things for a site review


Posted on 14/08/2019 22:35

The warden knows & the complainant/reviewer knows-the rest is conjecture & gum beating๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍โ™‚๏ธ

replied on 14/08/2019 23:01

Posted on 14/08/2019 23:01

No to emptying toilet, petty.

I disagree. I have no desire to see CC sites used as a service centre. On a facility site we probably pay £8 a day to use site facilities and see no reason why those not using the site should have access. 

replied on 15/08/2019 01:00

Posted on 14/08/2019 23:01 by

No to emptying toilet, petty.

I disagree. I have no desire to see CC sites used as a service centre. On a facility site we probably pay ยฃ8 a day to use site facilities and see no reason why those not using the site should have access. 

Posted on 15/08/2019 01:00

We are talking within the chosen example.

A one off after being denied access is not a new procedure. 

Discretion used could have eased tensions  rather than inflame!

I'm beginning to think I've missed my vocation.

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