What Would a UK Club Type Aire Look Like

GEandGJE replied on 10/07/2024 11:33

Posted on 10/07/2024 11:33

With all the recent discussion on CT around the different needs of Motorhome touring opposed to touring with a Caravan and the shift in club member ownership towards motorhomes let’s try looking forward for once and discuss what a UK Club type aire would look like.

My thoughts are that the club would have 3 options in providing a club type Aire.

1.       Build a new dedicated site. Basic needs would be a booking system, which is already in place, payment made in full before arrival, small change to the booking system required, ANPR, trials already in place. The site wouldn’t need a facilities block, just a chemical waste point to be provided, EHU if required would be by metering, trials already in place and fresh water could also be available by metering. I would limit the size of the site to 10 units and have a maximum stay of 2 nights. The biggest issues the club would face in providing this would be finding the right location at the right price and obtaining planning permission.

2.       Convert an existing site. Convert all or part of an existing site owned by the club. Same requirements as in option 1. Planning permission could be an issue.

3.        CL Network. Partner with the existing CL network owners to provide an aire type site, again with the same requirements as option1.

I think that either options 2 or 3 should be trialed first before committing major expenditure to option 1.  Again just my thoughts, neither right or wrong.

What would your club type aire look like and how would you implement it.

Cornersteady replied on 10/07/2024 13:56

Posted on 10/07/2024 13:42 by peedee

Exactly PD it has risen from 50% to over 70% in a few short years, highest membership ever (480,000 household was it?)

Where can I find such figures Corners?

The is now cash rich? Many a time you've poste that club finances are in trouble, occupancy and income down (as you posted very recently) and now it is cash rich?

There is a diference between cash reserves (£30 million plus last time I checked) available for investment and what is actually happening on sites in the last year.


Posted on 10/07/2024 13:56

It was given in one of the AGM or club magazines. I think you posted it actually but could be wrong.

Then if the club is cash rich as you call it and you claim club occupancy and therefore income is down (and you must admit the data is unknown of course) then I would say it's a good idea to keep that just in case it is needed to keep things going? Isn't that more prudent than spending it on something that may not work or something that there is no demand for? It also might affect income for CLs which you often champion.

What the club offers now is bringing new (MH owning) members and income from both caravans and MH owners.

And if some of that cash richness is for investment I would hope it is invested in things that all members can use, and indeed in things where there is a proven demand for, like SP or more sites and HS pitches, but again for all users.

peedee replied on 10/07/2024 14:12

Posted on 10/07/2024 14:12

It was given in one of the AGM or club magazines. I think you posted it actually but could be wrong.

Can you actually reference any of these because I think you are wrong? I just don't know where you get your information from.

As to what the Club does with its reserves, holds them just in case or spend some for better returns is entirely down to where it sees itself heading and the risks it wants to take.


GEandGJE replied on 10/07/2024 14:37

Posted on 10/07/2024 14:37

If we have to keep looking back, when the club changed it's name to include motorhomes, and the upset some members felt, who would have predicted then that motorhome ownership by members today would be greater than caravans. The club has to be looking 5, 10 years into the future and what the membership will look like and the sites and services they will want. I'm afraid that in today's modern world if you don't change and adapt you are moving backwards compared to your competition. If that happens I fear the club would find it very hard to survive and I personally want the club to continue and be successful long after I stop touring.

Cornersteady replied on 10/07/2024 14:43

Posted on 10/07/2024 14:12 by peedee

It was given in one of the AGM or club magazines. I think you posted it actually but could be wrong.

Can you actually reference any of these because I think you are wrong? I just don't know where you get your information from.

As to what the Club does with its reserves, holds them just in case or spend some for better returns is entirely down to where it sees itself heading and the risks it wants to take.


Posted on 10/07/2024 14:43

If I'm wrong then prove it PD? Equally I can't find your quoted £30m anywhere, but only £48m cash?  I distinctly remember those figures, either AGM (380,000) and an increase either stated in the magazine or by a serving warden who used to post, and the club itself talks about a Representing over one million members, which even I question  but in a sense it's not that important. MH on club sites, and more of them, indicate that MH owners want to use club sites. You yourself post that MH ownership within the club has gone. I recall 70%. It is not losing members as you suggestes?

I'm confused now PD, is this cash rich you talk about about either reserves, or for investment? Yoyu talk about both?

And yes it is up to the club yet you have and posted to say it should:

The Club is cash rich and I am sure many landowners (councils?) would welcome an injection of capital in return for a portion of the income.

So why do many MH use club sites if as you suggest MH owners need less?

Cornersteady replied on 10/07/2024 14:49

Posted on 10/07/2024 14:37 by GEandGJE

If we have to keep looking back, when the club changed it's name to include motorhomes, and the upset some members felt, who would have predicted then that motorhome ownership by members today would be greater than caravans. The club has to be looking 5, 10 years into the future and what the membership will look like and the sites and services they will want. I'm afraid that in today's modern world if you don't change and adapt you are moving backwards compared to your competition. If that happens I fear the club would find it very hard to survive and I personally want the club to continue and be successful long after I stop touring.

Posted on 10/07/2024 14:49

Yet MH membership continues to increase and more MH on the sites we have at present as they are. I can't see anything to suggest that the MH membership of the club want aire type sites? Are they popular outside the club? Is there a growing demand nationally?

All I'm reading is that  because of greater MH ownership within the club and greater numbers on sites (a success story surly) we should change the way the club operates? We should spend reserves/investments to provide something we don't know will generate income and the expense of something that does?

I just cannot see the logic in that, even if I owned a MH.

peedee replied on 10/07/2024 15:49

Posted on 10/07/2024 15:49

To quote you above Corners;

Exactly PD it has risen from 50% to over 70% in a few short years, highest membership ever (480,000 household was it?)

Now you say it is 380,000, which I will not dispute but where do you get 70 percent from, certainly was not from me?

Anyway this post is about looking forward not about stats. so enough from me other than to finish with saying the Club has the money, it is just about the question of what it does with it. Currently there is little sign of doing anything other than spending it on existing sites. At least we will eventually see all of them with electricity meters and ANPR.


Cornersteady replied on 10/07/2024 16:08

Posted on 10/07/2024 15:49 by peedee

To quote you above Corners;

Exactly PD it has risen from 50% to over 70% in a few short years, highest membership ever (480,000 household was it?)

Now you say it is 380,000, which I will not dispute but where do you get 70 percent from, certainly was not from me?

Anyway this post is about looking forward not about stats. so enough from me other than to finish with saying the Club has the money, it is just about the question of what it does with it. Currently there is little sign of doing anything other than spending it on existing sites. At least we will eventually see all of them with electricity meters and ANPR.


Posted on 10/07/2024 16:08

Did you notice the question mark after 480,000 PD? I was not certain hence why it was there. But the club does appear to state it has 1 million members or 500,000 member households which is near my figure. The 70% came from either a magazine article or on here from JK I recall or someone else. Either way just looking at MH on club sites will tell you it's on the increase.

Equally where does your £30m (without a question mark I notice) come from when it's really £48, works both ways PD.

The club does have the money but I recall (?) that the last club site from scratch was £21m, and yes the club through us should decide what to do with it, but again you were the one suggesting to spend it not anyone else.

ANPR, certainly, but metering? I'm not so sure, the trial isn't over and if enough people don't like it, ie go to those sites, then who knows. Also what was the cost to install meters all over the network, quite a few million I recall (?)

But again you say MH owners need less, yet why do so many of them go to club sites?

Oh and PD you posted on a club thread earlier this year (do you want details?) where it was given out on at an official club meeting that it was now 65% MH ownswership.

Now from 50% to 65%, which is  a 30% increase in a couple of years must in my view show that the club is attracting and catering for certain MH owners in the manner I described.

Tinwheeler replied on 10/07/2024 16:11

Posted on 10/07/2024 16:11

Looking at site reviews, PD, I see many people saying how many sites are in need of a refurb and maintenance. Those folk can’t all be wrong so it doesn’t make sense for CAMC to spend their money on glorified car parks just for MHs, does it?

Cornersteady replied on 10/07/2024 16:19

Posted on 10/07/2024 16:11 by Tinwheeler

Looking at site reviews, PD, I see many people saying how many sites are in need of a refurb and maintenance. Those folk can’t all be wrong so it doesn’t make sense for CAMC to spend their money on glorified car parks just for MHs, does it?

Posted on 10/07/2024 16:19

And many from MH owners too.

eurortraveller replied on 10/07/2024 16:22

Posted on 10/07/2024 16:22

There is no need for the Club to re invent the wheel. The model already exists for them to copy or partner with. Jim E has described it earlier in this thread.


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