I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

Tinwheeler replied on 12/05/2020 17:52

Posted on 12/05/2020 17:52

Exactly. It was always seen as our fault if our boy snapped at another dog even though he was on a lead and the other dog came running up🥺.

He was a lurcher - greyhound x collie. The speed of one with the intelligence of the other.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 23/05/2021 08:25

Posted on 23/05/2021 08:25

Good morning to every one of the wonderful Dog owners that care for & share their lives with 1(or more) devoted Dogs. It’s been over 2years since I last posted & in that time lives have changed so much & not all for the better. My Dogs 2 cockapoos-Mum & Daughter are both well but are now not so lively being 10yrs & 8yrs old. Their lives are way more quiet than the last time I posted. No more Forest work or Tree felling. I miss it in one way but I now have young Grandchildren to train(joke) & share nature’s joys with. I guess my life has taken the same path as others in that we’ve lost friends, neighbours & dearly loved family too. Throughout this pandemic I’ve been helped by my Dogs, when times & the walls have closed in, I’ve still got both ‘young un(not so now) & her mum’ to walk & ramble with-sometimes 4+ times a day to keep body & soul together. I still have my Log burner so I still need a fuel source(logs) which I get from a local farm that I finish off when they’re delivered. No more landscape work either. That has had a knock on effect on the diversity I used to see in the glorious woods & forests. A hunting Goshawk was the most astounding of my sightings, goosebump stuff. Stay safe & enjoy your life. May your four legged family prosper too.

Tinwheeler replied on 23/05/2021 09:02

Posted on 23/05/2021 09:02

Good morning to you and your dogs, Rocky. It's good to see you back in the thread with tales of your rambles, dogs and coping with life during these strange times.

It's nearly 5 years since we lost our Boy and there's still a gap that can't be filled. I enjoy meeting neighbours' dogs and those we meet on our strolls so it's some compensation.

Thanks for the catch up. May you and your dogs have a good day.👍


Takethedogalong replied on 23/05/2021 11:50

Posted on 23/05/2021 11:50

Five years Tinny, seems like yesterday.🥲 They never leave you. Little ghosts that catch you unaware every so often.

Our old lad is now 11, there are still traces of the mad chocolate super athlete lurking in there, and he’s as loving as ever. We lost our Golden Lab Millie three years ago, so now only the one dog. We’ed love another, but the old lad needs a lot of care and attention. He still loves a walk, has an internal body clock to the minute when it comes to dinner time and walkies. Still full of fun, still giving us unconditional love.👍

Rufs replied on 23/05/2021 12:29

Posted on 23/05/2021 12:29

When we moved south some 12 years ago we had 2 Westies that were quite old, we had had them since they were pups when we lived in Scotland. We soon realised that they were not long for this world, so we took on a Heinz 57 rescue pup, remarkably he gave the Westies an extra lease of life but alas time was not on their side, but they had a good innings and died peacefully.

Now we just have the Heinz 57, but so glad we took him on, when the first lockdown came, my OH decided to decamp and move 100 miles away to look after her mum, was I glad we had pooch, 8 weeks OH was away, pooch got me out of bed every morning, gave me a reason to walk twice a day, we even sat in the caravan and pretended we were away in Spain, should have been, now we have a dilema, pouch is 10 years old, fit and well, but do we now start thinking about his successor ?, difficult, we are both mid seventies so taking on a new dog is a difficult decision, at 80+ will we still be fit enough to walk a dog, will we still be here?, children say we should go for a handbag dog, not sure about thatundecided, we also have to consider the expense of getting 2 dogs overthere should we wish to continue visiting France/Spain, maybe wait a couple more years and see how things pan out, pooch is still good at chasing rabbits so still life in the old dog laughing 

neveramsure replied on 23/05/2021 12:33

Posted on 23/05/2021 12:33

Hi to all, it has been many months since I looked in on CT but this is one of the threads I miss the most. I’m so glad to see my old friends are still posting and keeping well.

Our Lurcher Tess is now 10 and has slowed down quite a bit but is more tolerant of other dogs than she used to be. We did have a scare last year when a large lump grew on the elbow of her right leg and she had to have it removed. Sadly a subsequent biopsy showed that it was cancerous and there are no guarantees that it has all been removed but so far all is well and Tess is doing well.

Great to hear from you all.cool

Tinwheeler replied on 23/05/2021 12:47

Posted on 23/05/2021 12:47

It is a difficult decision, Rufs, and the priority has to be the dog.

We decided our advancing years meant we wouldn't be able to give another dog the life it deserved and, with no family to share the care or take on the responsibility come the day, it was better for us to forego the pleasure of having a dog rather than rely on charity or make a dog unhappy.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 23/05/2021 16:15

Posted on 23/05/2021 12:29 by Rufs

When we moved south some 12 years ago we had 2 Westies that were quite old, we had had them since they were pups when we lived in Scotland. We soon realised that they were not long for this world, so we took on a Heinz 57 rescue pup, remarkably he gave the Westies an extra lease of life but alas time was not on their side, but they had a good innings and died peacefully.

Now we just have the Heinz 57, but so glad we took him on, when the first lockdown came, my OH decided to decamp and move 100 miles away to look after her mum, was I glad we had pooch, 8 weeks OH was away, pooch got me out of bed every morning, gave me a reason to walk twice a day, we even sat in the caravan and pretended we were away in Spain, should have been, now we have a dilema, pouch is 10 years old, fit and well, but do we now start thinking about his successor ?, difficult, we are both mid seventies so taking on a new dog is a difficult decision, at 80+ will we still be fit enough to walk a dog, will we still be here?, children say we should go for a handbag dog, not sure about thatundecided, we also have to consider the expense of getting 2 dogs overthere should we wish to continue visiting France/Spain, maybe wait a couple more years and see how things pan out, pooch is still good at chasing rabbits so still life in the old dog laughing 

Posted on 23/05/2021 16:15

Rufs-handbag or no they all give more than they take👍🏻. I’d have any Dog than no Dog.

Takethedogalong replied on 23/05/2021 20:26

Posted on 23/05/2021 20:26

We shall get another, never been without at least one dog all our courting and married life. As Rufs says, they get you up, get you walking, brilliant company. Such fun. 

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