I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

Bakers2 replied on 05/11/2017 18:17

Posted on 05/11/2017 17:21 by Milothedog

The Fox or the Lobelia cool

The Lobelia was bought about 5 years ago (3 plants) and has so far proved indestructible cool  

Posted on 05/11/2017 18:17

Both really. Oh not the penstemon hot lips then? It' doing well regardless.

Milothedog replied on 05/11/2017 18:39

Posted on 05/11/2017 17:50 by Tinwheeler

Thanks for the story and the pic, Milo. It’s great to see.

Posted on 05/11/2017 18:39

Thanks TW, despite living in an inner city we have an amazing range of wildlife visit or is resident. In our pond we have Frogs and Newts, I have only ever put fish in there which amazingly breed every year, and apart for the more common birds you would expect to see we have Blue Tits, Gold Finches, Wag tails, Wrens, Jay's, Green & Spotted Wood Peckers as well as the Parakeets. I put of lot of this down being very close to a large cemetery (the end of our road) with many trees and suitable habitats for them. We also have resident Bat's, I don't know what kind but its great to sit out on a summers night in the failing light and watch them darting about. The only thing that saddens me is many years ago we had a lot of Hedge Hogs but I have not seen one in a long time. And all within a Stones throw of Wimbledon Stadium although sadly that has now been closed and sold to Galliard Homes who will be building  600 + flats on the site. 




Wherenext replied on 05/11/2017 19:23

Posted on 05/11/2017 19:23

Just a wish to all you canine owners. Hope all of your 4 legged friends make it safely through  Bonfire night. I know some of our friends have a fearful time of it, having had a beloved Westie die in my arms of a heart attack on the dreaded 5th, so always think of them at this time of year.

I also hope no hedgehogs suffer because they've crawled into the bonfires to be lit. Highlight of the year was to find a hedgehog snuffling around our awning in the wee hours in June. We set her right and off she trundled, very slowly but with a purpose. Twas lovely even if she did wake us up, after all I was only resting my eyes.

Milothedog replied on 05/11/2017 19:33

Posted on 05/11/2017 19:23 by Wherenext

Just a wish to all you canine owners. Hope all of your 4 legged friends make it safely through  Bonfire night. I know some of our friends have a fearful time of it, having had a beloved Westie die in my arms of a heart attack on the dreaded 5th, so always think of them at this time of year.

I also hope no hedgehogs suffer because they've crawled into the bonfires to be lit. Highlight of the year was to find a hedgehog snuffling around our awning in the wee hours in June. We set her right and off she trundled, very slowly but with a purpose. Twas lovely even if she did wake us up, after all I was only resting my eyes.

Posted on 05/11/2017 19:33

Thanks, our 8 year old Border Collie is fine with it, in fact he takes great delight in going out and baking at them. the younger Collie Cross was a bit distressed last night by it all, or was it just him being crafty so he could get up on our bed for a cuddle smile

Sorry to hear about your Wesite, we fostered one for 6 months 2 years ago, Barney  was a lovely old boysmile

briantimber replied on 05/11/2017 23:16

Posted on 05/11/2017 08:27 by Rocky 2 buckets

Out at around 6:30am this morning, Young un & Her Mum bounding over the meadow as soon as I opened the gate. I’d donned my wellies because of the heavy dew, next years hay is not too high but the Dogs will be soaked by the time we get back-guaranteed. It was a beautiful start to the day, no clouds, cool to 7c, misted breath-ideal conditions. We headed for the small copse to welcome the new day, back in our regular routine now the understory of vegetation has begun dying back allowing us access. The dome of light preceding the rise of the sun is now in the South East, there will be no spectacular burst of colour today due to the lack of cloud. I sat on the old log, after a quick nosing around in the immediate area of the log both Young un & Mum came to wait for me to allow them access to their ‘resting platform’ that’s my knees. I pulled them in securely & they rested. After all these years they still display a blasé attitude to the birth of a new day. My heart quickens in eager anticipation, my eyes widen in wonderment, my senses alert to the first glimpse of intense light, I look down to see 2 furry bundles. . . .Asleep. I despair, I really do. They are with me, that’s all I really need. Before the sun’s rays hit us I noticed to my right slinking along the field edge was a Fox, partially crouching & moving very slowly towards us. Obviously hoping to catch a Rabbit unawares sat outside the copse warren. He was in beautiful condition, it was not the body of a hungry Fox. I watched him constantly only losing sight as the Trees of the copse obscured my view for a few seconds. He was 20’ or less from us, there was no breeze so I hoped He’d get even closer. Then Young uns Mum started whimpering & doing the Doggy paddle on my knee as She dreamed. By the time I looked back for Charlie Fox He was a good 60’ away heading south at speed, it worked out ok as my legs were numb. I gently woke the Dogs, put them onto the ground, watched them stretch as the feeling came back in my legs & we came home. They’re now towel dried, they’ve had their porridge & they’re snoring happily in their crate. Enjoy your day.

Posted on 05/11/2017 23:16

Thanks for sharing Rocky....laughing

Early morning sunrise, ones faithful friends and the wonders of nature, It doesn't get much better than that. The joy of life....laughingcool

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 06/11/2017 08:38

Posted on 05/11/2017 23:16 by briantimber

Thanks for sharing Rocky....laughing

Early morning sunrise, ones faithful friends and the wonders of nature, It doesn't get much better than that. The joy of life....laughingcool

Posted on 06/11/2017 08:38

It’s a total joy BT, thanks. Each day regardless of weather made better by those companions. Yup, life is goodsmile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 06/11/2017 08:42

Posted on 06/11/2017 08:42

What is it about Dogs & frost, or even Snow. My 2 act like Puppies when they encounter either frost or snow. Out on their walk today we found ourselves in a winter wonderland of thick hoary frost & thick mist. The grasses crunching underfoot, muffled by the blanket of white, both Young un & Her Mum shot thru the gate into the white stalked grasses of the meadow like 2 pups on their first foray without a lead. It was a joy to see  & share their excitement. They ran around the meadow until panting they returned with their usual black noses speckled white with hoar frost. They continued this until we returned home. I however was awe struck looking out over my little world reduced to a few yards of winter white vegetation in front of me. When the sun finally appeared over the horizon it was as a fuzzy white ball with a wide halo of mist surrounding it. Such a cold sun only seen in winter, but the beauty of the landscape being barely penetrated more than made up for the cold. The glories of autumn & the ensuing winter there for all to see. From 2 happy Dogs & one childishly content person. . . .Enjoy your day.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 06/11/2017 14:23

Posted on 06/11/2017 14:09 by Tinwheeler

It must have been a chilly walk this morning, Rocky. 

Enjoy yours, too.

Posted on 06/11/2017 14:23

Yes, very but boy was it glorious. Great start to the day👏🏻👏🏻

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