I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

ggregu replied on 08/02/2017 16:51

Posted on 08/02/2017 16:51

Me too Dianne! So much so that I have three! 6 month old brother and sister Isla and Angus and 9 year old Jasmine. I have had 6 Westies including these over the last 22 years.

Its the pups first time away in the van next week. We've had a one night trial on the drive and they loved it!

Westies are such great little characters. Lots of fun but stubborn too when they want to be!


JVB66 replied on 08/02/2017 17:38

Posted on 08/02/2017 17:38

We have been looking for our next family member for nearly a year,after our beloved Border Collie left us 14months ago,and are finding that the Tinternet in one way is good as it is easier to see what the rescue centres have,but on the other hand as we are finding that if they are "available" they are now nearly always  "problem "dogs,  our last two Collies have been from rehoming centres,but more and more seem to be "strays" from overseas now,Ireland especialy,We have Visited several centres,after seeing a dog online and reading their "CV",and advised to visit only to be told the Whole story,and then they have tried to "encourage" us to take a dog they have had Long term,or found that the dog we have travelled fifty miles or more is "reserved"subject to home checks,and the major rehoming centres use call centres,so there does not seem to be direct communication with where the dog is at the timefrown

Sorry for rant but needed to get it off my chest

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 10/02/2017 11:35

Posted on 10/02/2017 11:35

Another Joyous Winters day, a light dusting of snow overnight, we all walked in a light snow shower, Young un & Her Mum loving it, Mum with Her wax coat on. The levels of Bird activity is rising now, as I walked I could hear both blue & great tits calling & flitting around the hedgerows as the sound of the pre dawn chorus is discernible, not cacophonous but more than it was a few weeks ago. Young un & Her Mum were more adventurous today, they are both making forays across the snow topped growing wheat, as always they are together in their shared happiness. We were heading to the copse & log today for a drinking session, that is drinking in the beauty of a Winter's day. Just on cue we were joined by 2 squabbling male blackbirds in a dispute over who has the rights to the territory, I love the wildlife theatre, front row seats as the actors perform for us, I say 'us' I mean me as both the Dogs are again ensconced in the folds of my jacket & held in comfort & warmth. The territorial dispute came to nothing really, they stood side by side eyeing one another, one of them flew closer to the other & made a probing run at the trespasser, the trespasser flew off. No fisticuffs at all. Just in the distance I noticed the old rookery is getting a Spring clean since the snow had stopped, a number of rooks are making repairs to the mass of nests, I can hear them cawing to each other as the call of Spring is heeded. I look forward to the pace of the the sensing of Spring growing within the bird & animal world regardless of the snow as the next couple of months unfold. According to the experts we have almost 2hrs of light more than at the Winter Solstice & it's that extra light that is driving the interest of the birds. Young un & Her Mum just laid on my lap sharing our warmth for mutual benefit. Each day that passes I wonder if it will ever be bettered, sometimes it is but it's always matched. This is were the story ends as I just stare down at my 2 companions gently breathing, I never want it to end, contentment comes cheap in my small world. Enjoy your day.

Kennine replied on 10/02/2017 12:41

Posted on 07/02/2017 18:33 by DianneT

These are the dogs I love.

Posted on 10/02/2017 12:41

Nice picture Dianne. Shows their character off to perfection.

Cheers .......................K

Tinwheeler replied on 10/02/2017 13:12

Posted on 10/02/2017 11:35 by Rocky 2 buckets

Another Joyous Winters day, a light dusting of snow overnight, we all walked in a light snow shower, Young un & Her Mum loving it, Mum with Her wax coat on. The levels of Bird activity is rising now, as I walked I could hear both blue & great tits calling & flitting around the hedgerows as the sound of the pre dawn chorus is discernible, not cacophonous but more than it was a few weeks ago. Young un & Her Mum were more adventurous today, they are both making forays across the snow topped growing wheat, as always they are together in their shared happiness. We were heading to the copse & log today for a drinking session, that is drinking in the beauty of a Winter's day. Just on cue we were joined by 2 squabbling male blackbirds in a dispute over who has the rights to the territory, I love the wildlife theatre, front row seats as the actors perform for us, I say 'us' I mean me as both the Dogs are again ensconced in the folds of my jacket & held in comfort & warmth. The territorial dispute came to nothing really, they stood side by side eyeing one another, one of them flew closer to the other & made a probing run at the trespasser, the trespasser flew off. No fisticuffs at all. Just in the distance I noticed the old rookery is getting a Spring clean since the snow had stopped, a number of rooks are making repairs to the mass of nests, I can hear them cawing to each other as the call of Spring is heeded. I look forward to the pace of the the sensing of Spring growing within the bird & animal world regardless of the snow as the next couple of months unfold. According to the experts we have almost 2hrs of light more than at the Winter Solstice & it's that extra light that is driving the interest of the birds. Young un & Her Mum just laid on my lap sharing our warmth for mutual benefit. Each day that passes I wonder if it will ever be bettered, sometimes it is but it's always matched. This is were the story ends as I just stare down at my 2 companions gently breathing, I never want it to end, contentment comes cheap in my small world. Enjoy your day.

Posted on 10/02/2017 13:12

Thanks, Rocky. You have there a mixture of winter weather with the burgeoning of Spring breaking through. A blend of the seasons. You and your dogs had the best of both worlds this morning.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 10/02/2017 13:24

Posted on 10/02/2017 13:24

Thanks Tinnysmile, it was grand, cold, breezy & a bit of Snow, add to that the wildlife coming back. Good for the soul Mucker.

Kennine replied on 11/02/2017 13:43

Posted on 08/02/2017 16:51 by ggregu

Me too Dianne! So much so that I have three! 6 month old brother and sister Isla and Angus and 9 year old Jasmine. I have had 6 Westies including these over the last 22 years.

Its the pups first time away in the van next week. We've had a one night trial on the drive and they loved it!

Westies are such great little characters. Lots of fun but stubborn too when they want to be!


Posted on 11/02/2017 13:43

Good post ggregu. -- Concise and informative. Sound like you have great fun with your dogs


Spriddler replied on 11/02/2017 18:22

Posted on 07/02/2017 18:33 by DianneT

These are the dogs I love.

Posted on 11/02/2017 18:22

Here's Bobby, a rescue Westie who's been with us for 6 years. We love him to bits. Stubborn 'aint the word for it! If I start to go down one fork of a footpath when we're over the fields he just sits down and stare me out unless I retrace my steps and go down 'his' choice of route. I don't mind, after all, it's his walk.



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