I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 29/01/2017 10:29

Posted on 29/01/2017 10:14 by Pippah45

Rocky I hope you are keeping all your stories to be saved for publishing!  You really bring your walks alive.  smile

Posted on 29/01/2017 10:29

Maybe not for publishing Pip but considering we've all lost a mass of great stories & interaction from the switch to the new forum I wish I'd kept everything that was postedfrown I will from now on, good ideasmile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 29/01/2017 11:13

Posted on 29/01/2017 11:13

Pip, Thankyou for your post it prompted me to check back in my notes.

After a walk if I see anything during the walk worth writing about I compose the story in notes then C&P it to CT. Because the thread has been going for a few years now I used to delete all the notes every 6months or thereabouts. As I looked back thru the notes in my old pad I found a couple from late 2015 & 2016 that'd not been Deleted User, on reading them again it took me back to the walk I had. Thankyou again for waking me up to the pleasure & importance of keeping these thingssmile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 29/01/2017 16:21

Posted on 29/01/2017 16:21

Thanks Tinny, I did find some & lucky for me a good friend also sent me some after reading the posts to Pip. Pukka folk eh?smile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 02/02/2017 08:52

Posted on 02/02/2017 08:52

Another gorgeous Winters day, another trip to the big copse/wood on the coast, I have unfinished business after being chased out previously by an irate Squirrel. Young un & Her Mum bounding over the meadow, today they turned & ran back straight to me for a quick stroke, words of encouragement & away again. We skirted our favourite copse with the log for sunrise watching, which will soon be in heavy use now the sun is making its way back from its Winter quarters after the solstice. We entered the coast copse thru the same Deer track, same acclimatising to the lower light levels. We walked past the stump from the first visit into the heart of the copse. I found a good thick windblown Tree, this Winters casualty, it was ideal for a resting spot. I'm down, Young un & Her Mum are up. The centre of a copse/wood has a sense of muffled security about it, literally hundreds of Trees & bushes & thousands of branches filter all noise & wind sounds. As my heartbeat calmed & my senses became more acute a feeling of tranquility reigned, that ahhhh sensation of solitary happiness. My 2 companions again struggle with the sense of wonder as they shuffle around deciding on the best position & waiting for me to ensure their ultimate comfort, I love these Dogs, they keep me grounded. I'm not that special after all, more a reasonable replacement for a sofa really. I leant down & wrapped my coat around them, I did get a lick of thanks from Young un, not Mum mind-She was already gently snoring. We 3 just calmed, surrounded by a most beautiful environment of Silvan solitude. It wasn't the return of the Squirrel nor the fact time had moved on that prompted me to move, it was my back aching due to the most unnatural position I was in. It was time to set off home, I did so with a heavy heart & aching back. My Dogs didn't mind one bit, it's just a big adventure on a daily basis for them, even the wander home excites them. Deer, Roe Deer that is feature heavily in my walks as they are so plentiful in this area of few folk but many woods & copses. To such an extent I hear the authorities are considering a cull to reduce the numbers. I hope that never comes to pass. A World with less guns & more Deer to me is far better for nature. Enjoy your day.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 02/02/2017 17:26

Posted on 02/02/2017 16:11 by Tinwheeler

Mmm, I remember the irate squirrel. Better luck today. 

Thanks for sharing the tale of silvan solitude, Rocky. Your dogs loved it as well.

Posted on 02/02/2017 17:26

They always do Tinster, it's the one part of the day they know what to expect, as we know-Dogs love consistencysmile. It's our 'us' time. It is a wonderful dovetail, the 2 Girls, me & the landscape-nirvana?, oh yes my day starts with joy & ends with it too. It gives me pleasure to share it with like minded souls such as you.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 03/02/2017 12:10

Posted on 03/02/2017 12:10

This morning felt like Spring had Sprung, it's the 3rd day of February 2017, but it feels like late March. The Sun was just about to creep above the horizon as we set off, blue sky & mild temps with a light breeze. Young un & Her Mum raced over the meadow as soon as I gave them the word, prior to that they just padded frantically with their front paws in anticipation. The morning is awash with Birdsong, gone has the Winter lament to be replaced by the burgeoning tune of Spring. Nowhere near the true morning chorus but far from the solo fluting of the brave Winter songsters. I realised that the Winter has not finished with us yet but it is a welcome taste of what's to come. I had more purpose as I strode out & was caught up in the moment. The Dogs just running wild in total abandonment also caught up in the joys of the promise to come. They both returned panting heavily with tails wagging. Sparrows in small groups fighting for supremacy as the breeding season approaches, so much so that they barely recognised the danger of 2 Dogs not 3 feet from them as they land in a combative maelstrom. I was close enough to the Dogs to kneel & hook my arms around them in case they acted instinctively. It's as if someone has turned the switch from Winter to spring today. Because of Young un & Her Mums excitement I realised there would be scant chance of any ground wildlife today so I just enjoyed the gentle warmth of the sun as it climbed above the hedgerows. A short walk today as I have Logs to deliver. I hope I'm not alone in my feelings of contentment at the surprising weather. Enjoy your day.

Metheven replied on 03/02/2017 12:29

Posted on 03/02/2017 12:29

 I hope I'm not alone in my feelings of contentment at the surprising weather. Enjoy your day

Not at all Rocky, although my wife took Cassie on her morning walk today I'm taking advantage of the cloudless sky and mild temperature. You will know the area but we are about to leave to go on a walk from Great/Little Hatfield to Hornsea and back, but most of it on paths and  that run parallel to the rail track through Goxhill. It's much quieter and Cassie can be off lead most of the time with minimum road walking, a nice 6/7 mile round trip. smile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 03/02/2017 13:33

Posted on 03/02/2017 12:29 by Metheven

 I hope I'm not alone in my feelings of contentment at the surprising weather. Enjoy your day

Not at all Rocky, although my wife took Cassie on her morning walk today I'm taking advantage of the cloudless sky and mild temperature. You will know the area but we are about to leave to go on a walk from Great/Little Hatfield to Hornsea and back, but most of it on paths and  that run parallel to the rail track through Goxhill. It's much quieter and Cassie can be off lead most of the time with minimum road walking, a nice 6/7 mile round trip. smile

Posted on 03/02/2017 13:33

Excellent area Dave, I'm often down there going from New Ellerby(parking behind the Pub) & up to Hornsea on my MTB on the old tracksmile I've not seen the walk you are doing, I'll keep my eyes open next time I'm outcool

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