I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 14/01/2017 08:23

Posted on 14/01/2017 07:37 by richardandros

K - thank you so much - most kind, but I think you are being more than generous!  If it wasn't for the excellent stories posted on here by R2B. I wouldn't have been motivated to share my little anecdotes. Rocky is to be congratulated for putting into words the joy and pleasure we all derive from our special relationship with our four-legged friends.


Posted on 14/01/2017 08:23

Rich, we all put into this thread & the more the better. It's about the sharing whether it's long or short stories or just a few lines does not matter. We all share a love of Dogs. That love deserves to be shared. I just hope you continue sharing your stories, it adds to the richness. The fact I motivated you is a wonderful thing, the fact you pointed it out with such good grace is a gift. You'll find that some days it's-'we were out today, nothing much happened' I get a lots of those, just being out with a Dog is good enough. . . .Thats lifelaughing

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 17/01/2017 17:33

Posted on 17/01/2017 17:33

I was asked to look in on an elderly Lady in the village earlier, She was having problems with a large branch of a Tree on Her property. I reversed up the drive to see a branch had fallen & was creating problems for Her to access Her side entrance & bins. She is in Her 80's plus used a wheeled frame, the mess wouldn't really be a problem to the more abled but to Her it was a barrier. I took Young un, not Her Mum, I'm afraid Mum is not as steady as Her Daughter. I dropped the tail gate of the Truck, took my gear out & set up Young uns bed so She could watch me. The Lady appeared, said good morning & walked straight past me to Young un, story of my life is that. Everyone loves the Dog & accepts I'm with Her(no complaints here mind) I set to dismantling the large branch after the Lady stepped back into Her Home. She came back out after I stopped, She brought a big foil package full of Chicken & started feeding Young un. I watched Young un lift Her paw, the Lady shook the paw then gave Her a piece of chicken. When She'd finished I managed to talk to Her. Her Husband has been in a care home For a couple of months, shortly after Him leaving She'd lost Her beloved Westie. This Lady was so strong & yet so weak to look at. She was adoring the interaction with Young un, so was I. I noticed scratches on Her wrist from Young uns attention, after mentioning it She said-"it's nothing, everytime I see those scratches I'll think of your lovely Dog & relive the time I spent with Her" that nearly had me in tears, that Lady is a Dog lover, & a wonderful person. A Dog is not just a Dog to some of us it's a companion, a friend a spirit lifter & a gift. I purposely left some work to allow me to return with Young un on another day. After refusing payment She told me She'd show me Her Husbands workshop & insisted I take something for my work. I will too, barter is always better than payment particularly when I got so much pleasure from meeting the Lady, so did Young un. Enjoy your evening.

N1805 replied on 17/01/2017 18:21

Posted on 17/01/2017 18:21

I’m the other half [the wife] & just wanted to say what a pleasure it is to read your post & all the others posts on this thread.  Brings back lots of happy memories as it is some years since we lost our lovable scruffy mongrel.    We do dog/house sit 2 Springer Spaniels on occasions so still have contact with dogs.  Happy dog walking.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 17/01/2017 18:48

Posted on 17/01/2017 18:48

Thankyou N18(Mrs), I too look forward to reading all the posts. You could always share a story of your Doggysitting days with us. I think you'd be a first for our Threadsmile. Possibly a little about their characters, how alike/different they are etc. 

Metheven replied on 17/01/2017 22:54

Posted on 17/01/2017 22:54

 Damn it all Rocky cry I'm in bed and my wife asked why my eyes were glistening. Touching story I hope she has good contact with people seeing she's living alone, I tend to get a bit lost in story's sometimes.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 18/01/2017 14:29

Posted on 18/01/2017 14:29

Dave, it's called having soul, empathy is a deep emotion. Fear not, it was the Lady's younger(60's) neighbour who asked me to look in. She's well likedsmile.

Tinny, you reckon right, I've been back already. It's Young un She longs to see, I'm happy to share the lovelaughing

Pippah45 replied on 18/01/2017 15:56

Posted on 18/01/2017 15:56

Nice one Rocky and Young un - I can't imagine being without a dog - even in my 80s (so somewhat glad I am booked into daughter's for my end of life care if all things work out of course.)

I think therapy dogs do a wonderful job - sadly I don't think either of mine could qualify - the Labrador is far too nervous and the Rottie x GSD is too boisterous I and have failed to calm her down and prevent her jumping all over people! 

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 18/01/2017 21:44

Posted on 18/01/2017 21:44

Pip, it's about the fact they put a smile on your face & a spring in your step. If they continue to do that then they've earnt their rationslaughing. Mine do, every second of every day.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 19/01/2017 08:23

Posted on 19/01/2017 08:23

Today I was up well before dawn, out by 7:10am. It was overcast, mild at +6c, no breeze & dark. I donned my head torch, considering the need for my head torch it was obvious to me I'd not be encountering much wildlife nor great panoramic views of my landscape. Young un & Her Mum were sat at the crate front wagging their tails, they just saw it as another day so I could hardly explain my lack of usual excitement. Off we wandered over the meadow. I was seeing my world in a tiny circle of light. It was still enjoyable, the 3 of us together, the Dogs never really wandered much more than a few yards away, I skirted the copse & log & continued to a gap in the Hedge, over the irrigation channel & headed home. Not a tweet, not a single bit of movement was caught in the light. I tried to keep the torch's beam in front & low, I didn't want to spook any roosting Birds into flight to then leave them in confusing darkness. It worked well. We 3 had a subdued walk with little anticipation of any encounter or sightings. A lot of my walks are like this to a greater or lesser degree. The sightings I enjoy are a bonus not an expectation. The real joy is the sharing & further bonding with my companions, that bit was a complete success. I am leaving them for a few hours this morning so I sat on the kitchen floor with them as we all had some breakfast. We had a 'love in', I always miss them even for a few hours. They may have enjoyed my complete attention & fuss, but I needed to have the closeness for selfish reasons. Enjoy your day.

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