Dog Tic's

hostahousey replied on 01/06/2016 08:51

Posted on 01/06/2016 08:51

I am looking after my Grandsons  small cross Westie and Jack Russel terrier whilst they are away on holiday. I also walk him each morning and keep him until about 1700hrs . But this week I have found tic's stuck to him ,as the week went on they became more numerous. I did manage to remove 3 but now he knows what's going to happen and has started to growl, due to this I have used Doc Martin's clear Spot On tic and flea remedy . I have also ordered some tic removal tools. I wondered if anyone had , had, the same problem and how they deal with it , also if they used Spot On and the removal tools ? ?

DSB replied on 13/06/2016 21:27

Posted on 13/06/2016 21:27

We've always been lucky - fortunately she has not picked up a tick, to our knowledge.  When going to France/Italy, the vet advised us to stop the Advantage but to give her Advantix while abroad.  After saying all that, she hardly ever gets into long grass, so perhaps that's why we've been lucky 


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