Gardening: Hints and Help!

Takethedogalong replied on 22/02/2015 10:58

Posted on 22/02/2015 10:58

Gardening is probably my favourite hobby, and at this time of year, I love to have a good look around my own garden and decide what needs doing, does everything thrive where it is planted, and do I have space for anything else to change the look of the garden a little bit!

With this is mind, I wondered if like minded enthusiasts are interested in sharing good ideas, suggesting help or remedies for problems and just generally "chatting gardens and gardening"?

As an opening suggestion, there may be a few out there that share my love of a tiny but utterly lovely little flower, Convallaria Majaris, beloved of Spring Brides and flower arrangers, better known as deliciously scented "Lily of the Valley". Usually gorgeous in white, but you can actually find it, with a bit of searching, in shades of pale to quite bright pink! It is called CM var "Rosea", and smells just as lovely.

Anyone else got ideas to share?

Bakers2 replied on 30/05/2020 17:14

Posted on 30/05/2020 17:14

Our barrels are very near empty, I'm very sparing in their use I rarely treat garden planted plants to any of it - tap water from the hosepipe is good enough for them!

However I'm wondering whether to fill up the water butts and allow it to stand - that'll make it rain quicker than you can say knife!

We've not had a hosepipe ban for some years, thankfully, they increased the capacity at some resoviours, probably topped them up with other folk's water 😱, buy I fear this dry spell and the amount of new house building, over 3,000 on just one site on the outskirts of town 😱😱, they will return before long.

 A few years back folk were offered free water butts by Essex and Suffolk Water, can't remember full details, but you had to sign to say you'd empty your waterbutts into your garden when rain was forecast so they'd be empty to save run off and floods. All seemed bizarre to me so didn't apply, anyway hard pushed to put another in neatly!

huskydog replied on 30/05/2020 17:27

Posted on 30/05/2020 17:27

We’ve had no rain here for a while , I’ve got 7 waterbutts and all of them are empty ! , hoping for some rain soon ( but only over night) 

brue replied on 30/05/2020 18:02

Posted on 30/05/2020 18:02

Our water butts are empty, I expect the water meter is spinning around but will hate to see the warm weather depart, can't win. wink

Bakers2 replied on 03/06/2020 08:28

Posted on 03/06/2020 08:28

Delighted to see the red poppy seeds given by a neighbour are beginning to flower. Rather different, I'd not seen them, she offered them in exchange for seeds of my pink ones which escaped into a tub in the front garden.

I love them with the pink, totally accident of seed scatter.

Bakers2 replied on 03/06/2020 08:34

Posted on 03/06/2020 08:34

Takethedogalong and brue there are buds on that rose. Fingers crossed it is mum and dad's birthday rose πŸ˜€. I will post photo regardless. Timing seems right dads birthday would have been 21 June.

It appears the lovely lady rose is alive, but suffered a shock - surprise surprise πŸ˜‰. I'm 99.9999% certain my daughters rose has died, heyho, the survival rate still exceeds 50%. 

brue replied on 05/06/2020 10:44

Posted on 05/06/2020 10:44

Bargain basement news! This was a £2 sell off from Lidl a couple of years ago, neglected and unwanted etc. Saved by OH it's an olive tree and it's flowering, wondering with this early warm weather if we'll see any fruit later? smile

Takethedogalong replied on 05/06/2020 20:16

Posted on 05/06/2020 20:16

Yes a true bargain buy, they usually cost a fortune. Our water butts are half full now from last two days. Not been bad today, plenty of sunshine, but a couple of sharp showers as well. OH says I am grumpy because it’s raining on the roses......

Good news about those roses Bakers. I have one that’s struggling at the moment, put into ground after a couple of years in a pot, and doubt it’s going to do much this year, a couple of small buds have come out. Fingers crossed🀞

Bakers2 replied on 06/06/2020 19:44

Posted on 06/06/2020 19:44

Waterbutts full again πŸ˜€. Not particularly noticeable on the pond level still about 5 inches down.

Awaiting germination of my runner beans.

I have several fruits on my cherry tomatoes, outside grown from seeds from supermarket tomato πŸ˜€. My brother also passed on, as well as cherry tomatoes, 2 beefsteak tomato plants same source for seeds. He also  bought over a butternut squash plant, that turned out to be 4 😱 so gave 2 away. They're all looking good.

Might have to cut the grass again 😱 but it needs to recover a bit!

Takethedogalong replied on 13/06/2020 10:50

Posted on 13/06/2020 10:50

Another dull day here, but at least it is dry. We have another big outdoor project on at the moment. Ivy is invading my greenhouse, so we are going to take all glass out, get to the ivy through the frame and try and cut it back so it doesn’t invade again. Suspect we shall lose some panes doing it, and just emptying it will take some time, but got to be done.

(Hope this post makes it out there, never known website as bad as this.)😑

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