What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

Wherenext replied on 21/09/2023 18:26

Posted on 21/09/2023 18:26

A wonderful day spent at Frampton Marsh RSPB site.

After the recent 2 days of full on rain and high winds the weather played ball today with hazy sun, light winds and warmth. We had a great days birdwatching.

In no particular order we saw Lesser Yellowlegs (a vagrant wader), Common Crane flying southwards down the Wash marsh, Little Stint, quite a few Curlew Sandpipers, Spoonbills and numerous other more common waders, ducks and birds of prey.

We also had an encounter with a Devils Coach Horse Beetle, a beetle that lifts its tail like a scorpion if threatened and emits a foul smell. We were spared the smell. smileUnfortunately it scuttled off before we could get a photo.

nelliethehooker replied on 22/09/2023 20:46

Posted on 22/09/2023 20:46

Heard lots of geese passing overhead early this morning, long before we got up. Yesterday there were still Swallows about, flying along the cliffs between Overstrand and Cromer.

Wherenext replied on 23/09/2023 18:12

Posted on 23/09/2023 18:12

Returned to Frampton today.

Even more people there, even allowing for it being a weekend. Several American rarities have arrived, probably on the back of Hurricane Lee. 

We managed to get a really close sighting of both Lesser Yellowlegs and White Rumped Sandpiper.

Also nice to see a Peregrine and some late Yellow Wagtails and a lone Whooper Swan who flew off probably in search of his mates, also saw most of the other birds we saw on Thursday.

Didn't see the Pectoral Sandpiper but have seen one here before or the Blue Winged Teal but quite happy with time spent here.

nelliethehooker replied on 28/09/2023 21:28

Posted on 28/09/2023 21:28

Over the last few evenings there have been a flock of around 150 Greylags feeding on the stubble near to the site. In among them were 5 Egypian Geese and a large, bigger than any Greylag, mainly white Goose, which had a white face, grey head and neck and small grey patches in its plumage. Could t possibly  be a cross between a farm goose and a Greylag?

Today during our walk by the R.Thurne at Repps OH spotted this young Banded Grass Snake on the path. This is the first that we have ever noticed. 

mickysf replied on 29/09/2023 08:34

Posted on 29/09/2023 08:34

Travelling through the Vale of Pickering yesterday, saw Little Egret, Grey Heron and Great White Egret all within fifty meters of each other. Also buzzards and a solitary Red Kite. Then into the Howardian Hills, wasn’t there a rumour a couple of years ago about the purchase of a site by the CaMC  here? Some good examples of land stewardship to be seen with corrective work on the river and its tributaries with water courses and ancient meadows taking place. Rosedale Abbey CaMC site probably closest to the Eastern Edge of this quiet area.

JohnM20 replied on 29/09/2023 09:07

Posted on 29/09/2023 09:07

Yesterday morning, and very high up, there was an enormous skein of geese (probably 3 - 400) flying above me due west to east. About 10 minutes later there was another skein but only about 50 or so in this one. What make wink they were I don't know and even too high to see clearly with binoculars. Any suggestions where they might have been coming from and going to? It was their calls that alerted me to them in the first place.

Pliers replied on 29/09/2023 16:56

Posted on 29/09/2023 09:07 by JohnM20

Yesterday morning, and very high up, there was an enormous skein of geese (probably 3 - 400) flying above me due west to east. About 10 minutes later there was another skein but only about 50 or so in this one. What make wink they were I don't know and even too high to see clearly with binoculars. Any suggestions where they might have been coming from and going to? It was their calls that alerted me to them in the first place.

Posted on 29/09/2023 16:56

My guess is pink-footed geese. Probably wrong. 🙂.

Oneputt replied on 04/10/2023 13:07

Posted on 04/10/2023 13:07

Took a walk to the beach this morning and spotted at least 25 Turnstones that have just returned from their summer vacation.  Some are still in their summer breading colours.  Need to go buy some mealy worms for them. Just love these busy little birds.

On the way back up the river a seal surfaced close to us, first we’ve seen on the river since early Spring

nelliethehooker replied on 04/10/2023 20:14

Posted on 04/10/2023 20:14

While having our lunch yesterday by Walberswick Common a Marsh Harrier flew overhead, and then walking along the river bank there were over 100 Barnacle Geese,and a few Curlew, feeding on the field between the river and the village. Today we saw a couple of Red Kites near our current CL at Woolpit, near Stowmarket.

Wherenext replied on 04/10/2023 21:06

Posted on 04/10/2023 21:06

I think  those Barnacle Geese are now resident as they are always there even in very early September/late August.

If you travel east more or less in a straight line you will come across them breeding on the Biesbosch reserve in the Netherlands. They have very cute goslings.

Always nice to see a Barney though.

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