What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DEBSC replied on 27/07/2024 09:40

Posted on 27/07/2024 09:40

Congratulations Mr & Mrs M. Our 50th was just after lockdown and our grandkids asked us not to go out so it was a Chinese takeaway. We have been in Devon for 40 years but it’s still jam first.

I don’t think our grandson is up for more learning and unfortunately no job lined up as yet. His younger brother is working a gap year between college and Uni to save some money up but now they are talking about both working for a few months and then going to visit Australia for a couple of months. He is talking about a career in engineering, maybe for one of the car manufacturers if he can get in, a friend of his wants him to join him in finance, so we shall see. Our son keeps their feet all firmly on the ground telling all three of them that all this uni learning had better pay off with good jobs, he once suggested they all get apprenticeships as he did, he is now self employed, he has also taken them to work with him to show them how hard he works to keep them, which I think is a good thing, he did pay them for the days they worked though.

DEBSC replied on 27/07/2024 10:55

Posted on 27/07/2024 10:55

Please forgive this post as it’s not ‘What we have been up to’ recently as we have been away, but it’s certainly affected us in the past. Our granddaughter has posted (on Facebook etc) that it would be good, lifesaving in fact, if everyone knew how to use an EpiPen on someone else in an emergency. After Rufs helping out with the girls medical emergencies and both him and TDA being a Good Samaritan and so many on here being out and about I thought I would bring it others attention as well. Many know roughly how to do CPR but an EpiPen can also be lifesaving. Like our granddaughter many suffering from anaphylaxis go into shock so quickly they may not be able to administer their Pen themselves. She is asking that everyone looks it up online and knows how to administer one in an emergency so I won’t go into it but just three things, the Pen goes through clothing, don’t hesitate, and call an ambulance, if you say anaphylaxis that usually brings a paramedic immediately. Thanks for reading

Our granddaughter had her second trial treatment yesterday, she won’t know for a while yet if it will decrease the episodes, they can’t take her off the steroids yet and she was rushed in to hospital twice last week but we have our fingers crossed. We were amazed to hear that the trial medication will change her D&A very slightly.

Oneputt replied on 27/07/2024 11:01

Posted on 27/07/2024 11:01

Congrats on the 50th Mr and Mrs M.  I like the Norfolk cream tea, cream/jam/cream, but each to their own.  We are now in Hampshire and after Thursdays wash out the weather has improved considerably.  Yesterday evening we spent a pleasant 3 hours watching son and foster grandson play cricket at Clanfield.

All those away keep enjoying 

Takethedogalong replied on 27/07/2024 11:31

Posted on 26/07/2024 21:00 by moulesy

I haven't posted much lately, but I have been reading and interested in everyone's posts. Glad that all the trips seem to be going well and that all the illnesses/maladies seem at least to be being dealt with (there does seem to be a renewed sense of optimism about the future of the NHS - wonder why that is? wink)

This weekend we are celebrating our Golden Wedding Anniversary and we are treating ourselves (and Ralph) to a rather nice hotel on Dartmoor, a stone's throw from Castle Drogo for those who know the area. Nice and peaceful, no mobile reception but good WiFi! Today we walked along through the Teign gorge to Fingle Bridge, a lovely stretch of the river. And back to the hotel for a Devonshire Cream tea (although I have to admit that I did put the jam on first!) Great food and wine here too - but sadly and totally coincidentally my trousers seem to have shrunk around the waistline! laughing

Planning to walk in the opposite direction to Chagford tomorrow and then climb Meldon Hill - well that's the theory anyway! surprised

Posted on 27/07/2024 11:31

How lovely🥰 Many congrats M, that’s a lovely milestone to reach. And such a gorgeous place to stay. We love Drogo, and close by Fingle Bridge is one of our favourite wild swim spots. If you get a couple of cooler or wet days, there’s a great little Motor Museum in Moretonhampstead, and the Prison Museum in Princeton is very interesting. We really like Chagford, some brilliant independent shops. We had hoped to be down there in a cottage this Summer, but sadly our old dog isn’t up to the journey, or if it’s hot. Have a lovely time. Some great little churches, full of history scattered across the Moor. I think it would be my number one choice of where to live🥰

KjellNN replied on 27/07/2024 12:00

Posted on 27/07/2024 12:00

The Olympic stuff did go on far too long, probably why I fell asleep.  Felt sorry for both athletes and spectators in that continuous rain.

We are now down at the flat, SIL and DD have moved the heavy door,  so we are now making progress with the floor.

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs M, have a good weekend, the scones etc look delicious.

Time seems to fly by these days, really does not seem long since our 50th, but we are now on 55 and a bit (I think!)

Yes, we will need another holiday once all this work is done, not sure where to head yet, south I think.  While we were in Norway we got the  sad news that the wife of my colleague in Wales had died after a short illness.  He himself is waiting, and has been for 2 years, for heart surgery, some valve replacements I think, so if he is not in hospital in September we hope to fit in a visit.  His surgery, which is to be done in Liverpool, has already  been cancelled several times at short notice, so is now getting urgent as he is not in good shape.

Wherenext replied on 27/07/2024 13:30

Posted on 27/07/2024 13:30

I didn't have much planned for the day but nevertheless through habit I checked the weather forecast with the Met Office last night about 10 p.m. It was a thoroughly miserable forecast, dry until 9 a.m. then heavy rain, 90% chance, through until 13.00 being replaced by lighter rain, 60% chance until 17.00 when it had a reasonable chance of staying dry. I was a bit perplexed by the pictorial depiction of the sun peeking out from behind the light cloud.

So when stepping out of the door to go for a walk this morning I took a brolly. It's now 13.22 and there has not been a drop of rain and the sun is shining! OK it was cloudy this morning but how do they manage to get something which is their "raison d'etre" so, so wrong within just a few hours? It's not like it was a long range forecast.

We recently had a carnival postponed by the council as heavy rain and lightning forecast the day before the carnival. Didn't rain until gone 18.00 and no sign of lightning.

With all of their modern computer models you would think that forecasting would a lot more reliable. I wonder how many people changed their plans for today due to that forecast? Fortunately we didn't.

Rufs replied on 27/07/2024 14:15

Posted on 27/07/2024 11:01 by Oneputt

Congrats on the 50th Mr and Mrs M.  I like the Norfolk cream tea, cream/jam/cream, but each to their own.  We are now in Hampshire and after Thursdays wash out the weather has improved considerably.  Yesterday evening we spent a pleasant 3 hours watching son and foster grandson play cricket at Clanfield.

All those away keep enjoying 

Posted on 27/07/2024 14:15

Wow!!! if that was Clanfield cricket club i played there must be 60 years ago, I was a Radio Operator in the Royal Navy for my sins and i spent some time doing training at HMS Mercury which was close by, it is a housing estate now i believe, i keep promising myself i will go and visit some of my old haunts but never do, you should be getting some good weather just now gorgeous this morning but some cloud sweeping in but ok for swimming i think high tide around 1700 ish so will be popping down for a dip, cut the grass this morning and successfully saved a Robin chick from the neighbours cat, i shot the cat plum on the side of the head, dont panic with a water pistol, they dont often come into the garden now.surprised

richardandros replied on 27/07/2024 15:58

Posted on 27/07/2024 15:58

Many congratulations Mr & Mrs moulesy - hope you had a lovely day.

WN - totally agree about weather forecasts.  I usually check the BBC one - and to be blunt, it's rubbish. Both last month and this month, our time away in the van were predicted to be washouts, whereas in reality, the weather was wonderful. I did read some time ago, that it was due to a lot of their staff working from home where they didn't have access to the weather 'super' computers - but that sounds a bit far-fetched to me.

Had an 'interesting' afternoon, yesterday.  I was getting quite worried about my arm which is now completely black/purple from my shoulder down to my wrist.  It looks horrendous.  Took myself down to our Doctor's and when the Receptionist saw it - saying "what on earth have you done" - she gave me an emergency appointment with our own GP. I thought, based on the advice from the Doctor I saw on Tuesday that I was heading for A&E in Hull - which is akin to spending Friday night in Beirut (or perhaps Gaza, these days!)

Our Doctor was wonderful (as he always is) and spent ages explaining what was happening and why he wasn't overly concerned - although he was a bit horrified when he first saw it. Gave me some good advice and sent me on my way with the reassurance that a visit to A&E wasn't required.

I have to say that although I have been critical of our surgery in recent times, I couldn't have received better treatment.  I do think they do respond well when it is something potentially serious.

DavidKlyne replied on 27/07/2024 17:34

Posted on 27/07/2024 17:34


Your story about your arm reminded me of when I had my hip replaced. I left hospital with a reasonably looking leg, colour wise. I think the next day I was black and blue from my hip to my toes! I appreciate totally different circumstances but frightening none the less!!!!!


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