This web site

redface replied on 03/02/2017 18:38

Posted on 03/02/2017 18:38

Well - it is different. Still needs the odd tweak or two.

Like getting rid of that overlay that says 'we use cookies etc.' If absolutely necessary, it can be a single line of text on the home page.

Also why do I have to sign in to 'follow' a post?

If only the club had paid for professional web design from the outset, giving the clear instruction that it was to be user friendly!

If only!


TyandMaggie replied on 03/02/2017 19:27

Posted on 03/02/2017 19:27

I,m. Hopeless at computer stuff but struggling massively since it all changed , use to enjoy reading all the post here but I can't work the flipping thing now it just took me an age trying to find this post and I started the blooming thing 😮

Tinwheeler replied on 07/02/2017 14:20

Posted on 07/02/2017 14:20

Quote "sorry I meant to say East Grinstead and I pay the same as you TW".

Exactly, we don't pay any extra for the forum, Crusader.

I can't see the point in going over old ground and moaning in general about the site when the points are gradually being addressed. It's all been said.

The other thread isn't really the place for this type of general discussion as it's intended for constructive comments and facts. Why not add your specific points there? 




AutoAddict replied on 07/02/2017 17:14

Posted on 07/02/2017 17:14

As an ex Systems & Programming It consultant, this forum appears to have been developed without any consideration given to the users.

If any of my team had designed this, they wouldn't have been working for me for very long!

It's so in-user friendly, I can hardly be bothered to log in these days, and when I do, I'm probably online for about 3 minutes.

IanH replied on 07/02/2017 20:22

Posted on 07/02/2017 20:22

They've sorted the 'last post' thing it seems.......much better.

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