The future

malnik replied on 07/10/2020 22:04

Posted on 07/10/2020 22:04

I have been a member for 3 years now, I don't think i can continue my membership for the years ahead. As a young family i find this club not exactly "family friendly". More to the point, I have been looking at the make up of the people at the head of the table, the council members and commitee. 

We live in a diverse country and our nation is much better for that amazing diversity. Unfortunately the club seems to be a relic of the 70s, diversity seems to be something we as a club are unaware of. I'm sure they are all doing a great job but how can we go ahead without our club reflecting the make up of the country and the people they represent. Dont get me started on age groups being represented. I have no idea what ages everyone is, but i don't see young families represented and once again, they can't be ignored. Unless ofcourse the club is for elderly white people only. Again, this is no criticism of those people.

The easy answer is anyone can apply or put themselves forward. But the aptmosphere has to be right, it has to be friendly to people from other groups to be able to apply. Is it? What is the cub doing to encourage more diversity? Younger representation? It has to be more than just a token "anyone can apply". And this direction has to be from the leader, Mr Lomas.

On the basis of the above, I can't continue to be a member when it comes time to renew. 

LLM replied on 08/10/2020 10:24

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:24

The last few sites we have been on, both when kids were not in school and when they were, covered all types of camping accommodation.  All types were in evidence but without doubt caravans were predominant.  Strangely the large C&CC sites we used were about 50/50 caravans to motorhomes and with only a few tents and trailer tents.    

DavidKlyne replied on 08/10/2020 10:31

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:31

I was young once!!! We started caravanning in our early thirties with two young sons. The Club facilitated our travels both in the UK and in Europe. There is a danger of over thinking some things. As a motorhomer I could see that there might be reasons why the Club doesn't meet your requirements because it is still has the baggage of just being "The Caravan Club" Many of the people that contribute to the running of the Club are volunteers and by the nature of things older people generally have more time so it is not surprising that it seems to be biased towards older people making decisions. Having said that I am sure the Club do have an eye to the future. A couple of examples. They have started to provide more tent pitches which I am sure will be used more by young people. They have also introduced static accommodation of sites which is likely to appeal to a younger customer base. It would be interesting to know where you think the Club has overlooked the obvious? 


Takethedogalong replied on 08/10/2020 10:43

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:43

Good points DK. I had forgotten the alternative accommodation, friends of ours have had to give up their van, after decades touring. But they are still members and rocking the Glamping Pods up at Coniston. They are family friendly, two adults, two children, all mod cons provided.

JVB66 replied on 08/10/2020 10:47

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:21 by Takethedogalong

JV, have you ever paused to consider that some of your insights, snippets of information, suppositions drive home the very message that others think about the Club? 

Where does the “recent tent” thoughts come from? I camped under canvas with this Club thirty odd years ago. I wash pots with all sexes at the pot wash stations, have done for thirty plus years.

You are jumping to the conclusion younger families are buying they are not, they are buying campers, caravans and motorhomes as well. Don’t automatically “post hole” people on their age, perceived income or family group make up. Please.

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:47

jumping to conclusions? you seem to live it seems in as the latest speak Bubble ,and in the many years that we have been members of this club, have seen and noted very many changes in both the membership,  and how peoples attitudes have changed towards how they now holiday and what they expect/want for their money,

The tent comments i made are as your comments about other types of LVs,but it is all subjective

The clubs outlook is seems is stiil evolving ,they have had holiday lets for many years on some sites and are now( as many others) putting pods and even Airstream caravans on sites

on siAs you say Please! also take note of when others do not "jump to conclusuions" but put what has been noted on the 200 plus nights away we have until this year spent mostley on cc sites



brue replied on 08/10/2020 11:08

Posted on 08/10/2020 11:08

Agree with the above comments from DK and TDA, the clubs are making an effort to get a range of accomodation choices on board for the future which means more families can go together and friends can meet up too.

As for putting yourself forward to offer your services how do you know you won't be welcomed unless you try?! I'm sure the club would be pleased to see new faces offering their time and energy.


Takethedogalong replied on 08/10/2020 11:08

Posted on 08/10/2020 11:08

I agree our “speak bubbles” (🤔) do differ. I agree the Club has evolved, it’s possibly reached the 1990’s now. But there’s no getting away from the fact that the Membership has aged with it. And it’s still predominantly white, ageing and more affluent than the general population. That’s not the Club’s fault, in many ways it’s possibly a strength. But it’s an invisible barrier that the Club is probably looking to change. 

It’s also operating in a much bigger market as well. Lots more alternative provision out there, some very family friendly, some not family friendly at all. We don’t know what the OP truly means or wants from the term diversity. There are many family groups we see happy to be Members, but we also know other families that wouldn’t take Membership if paid. If it’s something beyond “family” then it’s a different aspect of diversity. Perhaps the OP might feel able to contribute more, but if not then that’s ok.

Tinwheeler replied on 08/10/2020 11:22

Posted on 08/10/2020 11:08 by brue

Agree with the above comments from DK and TDA, the clubs are making an effort to get a range of accomodation choices on board for the future which means more families can go together and friends can meet up too.

As for putting yourself forward to offer your services how do you know you won't be welcomed unless you try?! I'm sure the club would be pleased to see new faces offering their time and energy.


Posted on 08/10/2020 11:22

Following on from that, are you going to join in the online AGM via Zoom, Malnik? It's the ideal place to ask a question about diversity and age groups/families.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 08/10/2020 11:52

Posted on 08/10/2020 10:47 by JVB66

jumping to conclusions? you seem to live it seems in as the latest speak Bubble ,and in the many years that we have been members of this club, have seen and noted very many changes in both the membership,  and how peoples attitudes have changed towards how they now holiday and what they expect/want for their money,

The tent comments i made are as your comments about other types of LVs,but it is all subjective

The clubs outlook is seems is stiil evolving ,they have had holiday lets for many years on some sites and are now( as many others) putting pods and even Airstream caravans on sites

on siAs you say Please! also take note of when others do not "jump to conclusuions" but put what has been noted on the 200 plus nights away we have until this year spent mostley on cc sites



Posted on 08/10/2020 11:52

Living in the latest ‘speak bubble’ is far better than the mid to late 20th century ‘speak bubble’, it’s the future that pays/will pay the Bills & ensure survival hence the reasons for inclusivity & not the same old same old. The C&MC are walking a very thin line of trying to please all of the people all of the time. It just ain’t possible.

trellis replied on 08/10/2020 12:00

Posted on 08/10/2020 12:00

Not quite sure how the club can make itself more"family friendly"isn't that in direct relation to geographic/ size of site?. Take Alderstead Heath site for example , it caters for tents , has glamping pods ,has excellent walks from site , good play facilities , Tourer explorer for the youngsters, very close to main transport hubs, though appears to be in the middle of nowhere. Can't disagree with the age demographic , but as someone posted earlier , the more youngsters who put themselves forward for election the better the outcome.

JVB66 replied on 08/10/2020 12:12

Posted on 08/10/2020 11:52 by Rocky 2 buckets

Living in the latest ‘speak bubble’ is far better than the mid to late 20th century ‘speak bubble’, it’s the future that pays/will pay the Bills & ensure survival hence the reasons for inclusivity & not the same old same old. The C&MC are walking a very thin line of trying to please all of the people all of the time. It just ain’t possible.

Posted on 08/10/2020 12:12

I would think "walking a very thin line" trying to please even the majority let alone every one ,,,seems to be what very many organisations have been doing for more years  than the late 20th century and it is it seems getting thinner with the later generations 

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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