New rule regard'g caravan parking either way round

Evening92220 replied on 15/06/2023 11:31

Posted on 15/06/2023 11:31

When I parked on site and set up my caravan, awning and chairs, we sat down to relax and within half an hour a caravan pulled up on the next pitch and set up facing us with not a care in the world.

Unlike our opposite we like our privacy and did not sit out for the rest of our week.
This has also happened to my brother and family and another caravaning  friend.

As we all do not agree with this new rule except on certain sites with beautiful views, we will be reviewing our membership for next year.

Other opinions on this please.



mickysf replied on 21/06/2023 08:34

Posted on 21/06/2023 08:34

There are so many assumptions being made in many of these posts.
Primarily the assumption that it is a new rule to allow, it isn’t, there are many sites and individual pitches across many sites where it is commonplace and always has been in my knowledge. But the assumption that by going in nose first will cause issues is quite faculty taking the biscuit. It’s not the presence of an awning, or a car, or a caravan next to you which is a potential discomfort is it!

young thomas replied on 21/06/2023 09:03

Posted on 16/06/2023 21:43 by Wherenext

The OP and some supporting comments make me realise why I prefer to use CLs.

We returned from our last CL last week where 2 of us were parked sideways with another unit between us parked nose in with 2 others parked normally opposite the 3 of us. Everyone was exceedingly friendly. It's like that a lot of the time.

Is it just that the clientele that use CLs regularly are more laid back? Maybe.  I do tend to see a slightly more reserved attitude on club sites.

Posted on 21/06/2023 09:03

I agree, WN.

perhaps the specific way vans on a club site have to be parked to maintain spacing regs yet maximise the number of pitches, requires a certain discipline.

Folk park to a peg(s) and everyone gets around the same amount of (precious) space. 

on many CLs, with a max of five vans in usually a decent amount of space, each can be placed better to suit the owner yet still maintain required spacing.

parking to maximise sun, or shade, or indeed privacy is a simpler job with more room and less required 'regimentation'....

does this make visitors more relaxed?....I would say it does and less likely to be concerned about how their neighbour has pitched.

Less formality, more well for many.

JollyKernow replied on 21/06/2023 13:33

Posted on 21/06/2023 13:33

The criteria for a cl is a minimum of half an acre of reasonably level ground. Half an acre for 5 vans which roughly equates to 400 square meters per van. The average size of a club pitch is 90 square meters. Hardly comparable to any campsite really.


young thomas replied on 21/06/2023 13:52

Posted on 21/06/2023 13:33 by JollyKernow

The criteria for a cl is a minimum of half an acre of reasonably level ground. Half an acre for 5 vans which roughly equates to 400 square meters per van. The average size of a club pitch is 90 square meters. Hardly comparable to any campsite really.


Posted on 21/06/2023 13:52

Hence why so many love 'em...๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

loads more space, less formality, loads cheaper and relaxed neighbours... what's not to like?


Tinwheeler replied on 21/06/2023 14:09

Posted on 21/06/2023 14:09

"what's not to like?"

…..quite a bit if you read some of the reviews. Like everything, there’s good and there’s not so good. 

JollyKernow replied on 21/06/2023 14:22

Posted on 21/06/2023 13:52 by young thomas

Hence why so many love 'em...๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

loads more space, less formality, loads cheaper and relaxed neighbours... what's not to like?


Posted on 21/06/2023 14:22

I agree there's lots to like. But you were comparing cl's with club sites which I pointed out that there is no comparison at all.


Takethedogalong replied on 21/06/2023 14:28

Posted on 21/06/2023 14:28

We much prefer the space and relaxation of CLs, particularly well established older CLs. Occasionally, depending on the layout, even some of these can feel a tad tight.
Not sure how old the Club’s recommended pitch sizing is (both Club Sites and CLs), but we started to notice how tight some Club Site pitches started to feel down at Marazion. Late 1990’s, early 2000’s saw larger caravans come onto the market, and if you got a huge deep awning, occasionally with bedroom extensions next door to you, it could feel very tight on certain pitches there. Some of the older Club Sites can’t cope with big outfits well either. We were pitched next door to a huge MH at YRP last time, warden made him park in on a slant, so the roadway wasn’t impeded. That said, it didn’t bother us, we happily got along fine.๐Ÿ˜

nelliethehooker replied on 21/06/2023 20:58

Posted on 21/06/2023 14:09 by Tinwheeler

"what's not to like?"

โ€ฆ..quite a bit if you read some of the reviews. Like everything, thereโ€™s good and thereโ€™s not so good. 

Posted on 21/06/2023 20:58

But isn't that the same as reviews for club sites, some good and some not so or worse?

Tinwheeler replied on 21/06/2023 21:27

Posted on 21/06/2023 21:27

That’s why I said "Like everything, there’s good and there’s not so good".

I was attempting to bring some balance to the discussion. I’ve been to some awful CLs and to some crackers as I’m sure you have too. Likewise, there are some club sites I would never visit again and some I will miss. 

nelliethehooker replied on 21/06/2023 21:51

Posted on 21/06/2023 21:51

I apologise, as I took it that you were replying to YT/BB's post regarding CLs.

As you well know I have reviewed some not very good CLs and "Club"  sites, ones that we would not return to, as well as many that we have visited on numerous occasions.

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