Is This Selfish Queue Jumping?

JohnM20 replied on 29/01/2021 09:32

Posted on 29/01/2021 09:32

Yesterday an acquaintance forwarded to me a link to the NHS booking  system for the Covid jab telling me that she had booked her two appointments. Her daughter, who appears to have both condoned and encouraged her mother, phoned me last night to ask if I had now booked my place. I queried with her when her mother had received her invitation letter as I hadn't had mine yet to which she replied that she hadn't had one, it was a neighbour of hers who had forwarded the link to her so she booked her place telling me that there were lots of appointments available.

Commenting to her that I didn't think it was right she said that as her mother was in the relevant age group, (she is 73) it was permissible to book whenever she wanted to. This is the first and only time I have heard this claim. I clicked on the link out of curiosity and it quite clearly states "Do not use this link until you have had an invitation" (or similar words).

Is it me being prepared to wait my turn (I'm 74) or is she right in what she has done?

replied on 29/01/2021 12:31

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:01 by Cornersteady
Content has been removed.

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:31

I have little doubt that it can be achieved.

LLM replied on 29/01/2021 12:36

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:12 by moulesy

Agreed - and surely it makes sense to book the second jab at home since travel for holidays may still not be permitted anyway when that second jab is due?  undecided

(Quite apart from taking a jab destined for someone local to that holiday area? frown)

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:36

There are four centres within 20 miles of me.  I booked the one that provided the earliest date for my first jab.  The system then works out the time (date) interval to your second jab but as availability varies across the centres the dates also vary.  I chose to go to another not because of the date but for another personal reason.   I could have got it earlier had I chosen to go to a different centre. There is no limitation on distance / location.  Don't over think it.  Don't nit pick it.  The system is flexible and it works.  


Rufs replied on 29/01/2021 13:06

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:36 by LLM

There are four centres within 20 miles of me.  I booked the one that provided the earliest date for my first jab.  The system then works out the time (date) interval to your second jab but as availability varies across the centres the dates also vary.  I chose to go to another not because of the date but for another personal reason.   I could have got it earlier had I chosen to go to a different centre. There is no limitation on distance / location.  Don't over think it.  Don't nit pick it.  The system is flexible and it works.  


Posted on 29/01/2021 13:06

Well i can think of several scenarios where doing this would not seem to be a good idea but as you say "Don't over think it", i wont, will be staying local until well after my second jab laughing

moulesy replied on 29/01/2021 13:17

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:36 by LLM

There are four centres within 20 miles of me.  I booked the one that provided the earliest date for my first jab.  The system then works out the time (date) interval to your second jab but as availability varies across the centres the dates also vary.  I chose to go to another not because of the date but for another personal reason.   I could have got it earlier had I chosen to go to a different centre. There is no limitation on distance / location.  Don't over think it.  Don't nit pick it.  The system is flexible and it works.  


Posted on 29/01/2021 13:17

Um ... there you go again, diving in to contradict something I've posted. But, again, I don't think you read, or understood my post which specifically referred to booking a destination where one was going for a holiday (particularly when one might not be able to go there anyway.) Nothing to do with choice of different local centres.  No over thinking, no nit picking - just common sense I'd have thought.

replied on 29/01/2021 13:44

Posted on 29/01/2021 13:44

No idea why my previous post was removed. 

Moderator  Edit:

Neither have I so I've restored it.

Rufs replied on 29/01/2021 13:50

Posted on 29/01/2021 13:44 by

No idea why my previous post was removed. 

Posted on 29/01/2021 13:50

Dont worry about it, if what your FM said at lunch time today is correct you will not need to consider queue jumping there will be enough vaccine for all and you will all get it asap laughing

JVB66 replied on 29/01/2021 13:52

Posted on 29/01/2021 13:52

OH and I have had between us so far 5 texts and 3 letters  inviting us to go for our vacine jabs at various centres around this area from between 1.5 miles to 10 miles, 3  letters after we had already had our first jab


Cornersteady replied on 29/01/2021 13:54

Posted on 29/01/2021 13:54

It is a sad fact of CT that for some posters when someone replies to their post offering a different viewpoint, the first line of defence/attack is to say they are nit picking or picking their post apart. Why not just argue your case rationally without such phrases? 

M and others have a made a good point. Surely get your vaccinations done as quickly as possible. Delay means you're playing with someone's else life.

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