
Merve replied on 14/06/2016 05:05

Posted on 14/06/2016 05:05

Well, I for one have reached that age when the pounds gather around the lower regions almost secretly- you wake up one morning and realise that you are not what you were. You find that you are more tired, can't move so well and get out of breath a little quicker than you used to. If you look down, you may see the reason why and if you havent got to that stage, grab your midriff and you'll discover the reason why.  I lived with this for a number of years I suppose, telling myself that 'you put weight on as you get older' and indeed you are more likely to but you can do something about it. Apart from a fantastic app I found called Nutracheck I also watched a programme by Dr Michael Moseley in which he was investigating 'fasting' To cut a long story short, I decided to fast for three days just having tea, no sugar, lots of water some with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in and fruit. My daily intake of calories was 100 - 150 a day for 3 days. What happened next was amazing. I was dreading it and thought that on the afternoon of the fist day I would be trying to eat anything I wasn't disciplined enough to say no to. Not a bit of it! Yes, I got hungry at the times I would have normally got hungry but then I found it passed and I wasn't bothered about eating. Into the second day and exactly the same. The tiny bits I did eat were entered into the app to keep a check on the cals I was having. I was having my daily Kefir with fruit in it( see food and drink section) but very little else. But the thing that really amazed me was that rather than feeling I wanted to sit around through lack of food, my energy levels went through the roof- I was actually working all day ( not hard physical work but very active) and I didn't find myself wanting 40 winks as had been the case before I started this regime. On the evening of the second day, now two days without a meal I bent down to tie my boots and found I wasn't panting for breath!!  in fact it was all pretty easy!! On the third day, much the same and I had lost about 7 lb! Fasting is a fantastic way of cleansing the body and reducing weight. It's a natural thing and I have now moved on to 5 days eating normally( with reduced portions) followed by 2 days fasting. I havent felt this good for years!! It works for me.

Peterpam replied on 14/06/2016 08:26

Posted on 14/06/2016 08:26

I had been putting it of for months but I finally did the fasting diet last summer, starting at 4/3 and then down to 5/2 of around 400 - 500 calories a day. The weight dropped off and I had no ill effects at all. But the really interesting thing is that, even after a family Xmas of the usual indulgence and now at the end of 3 months inactivity and comfort eating with a broken ankle, the weight seems to have mostly stayed off! I am amazed as I've spent most of my life on and off diets and the gain is usually short lived. I will certainly go back to it when I'm feeling less like an invalid, I would certainly recommend trying it if everything else has failed for you.

RichardPitman replied on 14/06/2016 09:35

Posted on 14/06/2016 09:35

I was summoned to my GP for a health check a couple of months back, first one I've attended, age 62.

Now, I knew that I'd put on a few pounds over the last few years, but was put out to be told that my blood pressure and cholesterol were both raised, and that my BMI was in the obese sector. This despite plenty of walking and a reasonably heathly diet, plenty of salad and vegatables, olive oil etc.

To cut a long story short, I'm now on statins. No ill effects, unless moring headache and thirst is not coincidental.

I have bought a blood pressure monitor, and satisfied myself that BP is fine, high readings at GP down to 'white coat syndrome'.

Diet wise. I've stopped eating any fried food, no pies, drastically reduced red meat consumption, no cheese, reduced amounts of bread and pasta. Increased consumption of fish and chicken. Already eat brown rice, wholemeal bread, swapped olive spread for Benecol, swapped Activia yoghurt for Benecol version. Cut down on beer drinking, gave up red wine some time ago. Eat an apple at morning break, banana in afternoon. Salad for lunch, with Quorn instead of ham in my sandwich / roll.

Changed my breakfast cereal to Shredded Wheat, like eating straw but not bothered. Already using fully skimmed milk.

I don't feel hungry, think about food less now than before. I try to finish eating by 7:00pm.

Started out at 80kg ( I'm 5'6"-5'7" ish), now down to 73.5kg. Rate of weight loss is not so rapid now, first few kilos dropped off very quickly. But at this rate, I shall weigh 0kg next year !

Kennine replied on 14/06/2016 09:56

Posted on 14/06/2016 09:56

Just started a strict eating regime last night. My weight has been gradually increasing over the last 3 months and I have no intention of going over 75 kgs. My normal weight is 72.5 kgs.  Training weight was 69kgs.

No intention of stopping the glasses of wine with my evening meal or the dram or two, Beer is now rationed. I eat healty food thanks to my wife being such a great cook.

Where the problem has been is the grazing between meals and the biccys with coffee throughout the day. I reckon if my new regime stops the grazing and the biccys, I will soon get back to my usual weight. At the moment my BMI is 23.2. This will reduce. 


taffyY replied on 14/06/2016 11:42

Posted on 14/06/2016 11:42

It takes a huge amount of exercise to burn off calories, best to limit intake in the first place....of course, sled dogs run about 20miles a day so no problem for you Husky!!  Laughing

tombar replied on 14/06/2016 11:53

Posted on 14/06/2016 11:53

One thing you should never, ever do is "fasting", eg, liquid diet as Merve is doing.  Its healthy, you are not getting your daily vitamins.  You need a properly controlled diet.  To diet, you need to eat about 1,000 calories a day not 150.  You are actually starving yourself to death.  Those in the concentration camps were on more than you are eating (or drinking).  You will have health issues in the not too distant future.  I myself am attending Slimming World.  You have a healthy diet, you eat 3 meals per day (you can even have a full English breakfast) and still lose weight.  If so, go to your GP and he will give you a diet sheet to lose weight and believe me, it will not include drinking only days

volvoman9 replied on 14/06/2016 14:40

Posted on 14/06/2016 14:40

I did a crash course in weight reduction after christmas.I cut out white bread and cakes altogether and stopped snacking inbetween meals have smaller portions and less beer and within eight weeks i lost one and a half stone and i,ve maintained that weight since Happy


tombar replied on 14/06/2016 15:44

Posted on 14/06/2016 15:44

I did a crash course in weight reduction after christmas.I cut out white bread and cakes altogether and stopped snacking inbetween meals have smaller portions and less beer and within eight weeks i lost one and a half stone and i,ve maintained that weight since Happy


That's perfect V9.  Most often, that's all you need to do, just to cut out the inbetweeners to reduce weight.

tombar replied on 14/06/2016 15:45

Posted on 14/06/2016 15:45

As Jasper Carrot said, "what goes in the top hole is more than what comes out of the bottom hole" - you need to reverse this to reduceHappy

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