Meatless Mondays

mickysf replied on 30/01/2016 07:04

Posted on 30/01/2016 07:04

With an ever growing problem globally with feeding our fellow humans there is now a move to address issues related to meat production and consumption. So, given this Meatless Monday campaign, are there any veggy recipes you can recommend?

Kennine replied on 31/01/2016 09:43

Posted on 31/01/2016 09:43

A healthy diet is not just to remove meat completely.  We must have a balanced diet which can include a whole range of foodstuffs.  Including fish and meat.

Those who decide not to eat any previous living animal like Meat, Fish. Etc do so as a lifestyle choice and who are we to critisise them for their choice.

Where we have a challenge is when somebody wont eat anything which is cute and cuddly before slaughter and quite happly eat slaughtered animals/fish which are not so attractive. Then consider themselves  better than the rest of us..... Also they seem to be happy to wear the results of slaughtered animals. -----------------Two faced or what !!!!

So in conclusion I can appreciate the views of those who cannot countenance the slaughter of any living thing and live their lives accordingly.  Good for them.

Me, - I am happy to eat meat, fish ETC as long as it is done as part of a healthy balanced diet.  So I could happily comply with the thread title  -- Meatless Monday.





Goldie146 replied on 31/01/2016 13:10

Posted on 31/01/2016 13:10

Tonight it's a Meat Teat for me - Paella with chicken, Chorizo and prawns. Then it will a few days of Veggie Chillis and Misc Veg Soup.

I'm a bad advert for a famer - no red meat, no cheese, very little dairy. But the rest of the family make up for it!

Spriddler replied on 31/01/2016 13:20

Posted on 31/01/2016 13:20

 some of the concoctions were really tasty like 'bubble & squeak', goodness knows why my mum called it that!  

I thought everyone knew it's called Bubble and Squeak due to the digestion disturbing effect of fried veg. Especially the sprouts.

eyebrowsb replied on 31/01/2016 13:35

Posted on 31/01/2016 13:35

Cherry tomatoes, finely sliced garlic cloves, rosemary.  Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and black pepper.  Roast in a 200c oven for 15-20 mins.  

Meanwhile, cook some spaghetti until al dente, then drain. Mix roasted tomatoes with some mascarpone cheese, add to spaghetti and toss together.  Serve with parmesan shavings, freshly ground black pepper and garlic bread Smile  

Wherenext replied on 31/01/2016 14:43

Posted on 31/01/2016 14:43

Nothing wrong with an omelette with finely sliced feta cheese placed on top whilst the omelette cooks then fold the omelette over the cheese. Serve with a salad with cubed feta and olives added and hey presto you're transported to Greece.





ABM replied on 31/01/2016 15:29

Posted on 31/01/2016 15:29

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