Thank you for an act of kindness.

Porsche 100 replied on 25/04/2016 16:53

Posted on 25/04/2016 16:53

About to leave a site for home, our motorhome developed a mechanical fault which involved calling the RAC and a considerable delay. The lady caravanner on the pitch next to us very kindly offered us a coffee during the wait and whilst we did not take up the offer we very much appreciated the gesture especially as we had inflicted a strong smell of diesel to their plot. We offer our sincere thanks to her. We so enjoy the friendliness of fellow campers.

Tinwheeler replied on 25/04/2016 19:02

Posted on 25/04/2016 19:02

It's nice to hear a positive story, P100. I think that's actually fairly typical of what happens on site. It's mainly on CT that we experience the less pleasant aspects of human behaviour.

Rubytuesday replied on 25/04/2016 20:20

Posted on 25/04/2016 20:20

Hoy !! speak for yourself Tinny boy I'm a barrel of laughs Smile

and yes it always nice to here something positive from other campers 

hope you got home o k porsche 109 

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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