Bus pass time!

robsail replied on 26/08/2016 21:47

Posted on 26/08/2016 21:47

Well that's it I have reached the age that I can apply for my bus pass! Does it hurt when things start dropping off me? Do I qualify as a grumpy old man or is there a form to be filled in?


Metheven replied on 28/08/2016 21:11

Posted on 28/08/2016 21:11

That's it the rot has started! Remember about bits dropping off?

Bit a blueberry muffin .....a filling came out!

What Surprised you got real teeth Laughing

replied on 28/08/2016 21:16

Posted on 28/08/2016 21:16

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

KjellNN replied on 28/08/2016 22:06

Posted on 28/08/2016 22:06

I have had mine for 14 years now, but rarely use it.

Came in handy when visiting Edinburgh, and use it when taking the car(s) to be serviced.

Takes a very long time to travel 10 miles across the city by bus.

brue replied on 29/08/2016 08:53

Posted on 29/08/2016 08:53

Ah well Kj, if you become a motorhomer you might find your bus pass is used a bit more. Wink

Hmm, I remember 21st birthdays and the "key to the door" now it's the bus pass!

johndailey replied on 29/08/2016 09:59

Posted on 29/08/2016 09:59

I have had mine for 14 years now, but rarely use it.

Came in handy when visiting Edinburgh, and use it when taking the car(s) to be serviced.

Takes a very long time to travel 10 miles across the city by bus.

Write your comments here...I find it a nice change to let somebody else drive now and then, and the jouney's that we undertake by bus (Cornwall), it is also pleasant to sit upstairs on the bus and see the countryside that you never see as a driver.

SteveL replied on 29/08/2016 11:25

Posted on 29/08/2016 11:25

I've found that the ground is much lower than it used to be.

Write your comments here...

But it is much more difficult to get up from it.

have you tried getting up from a deckchair? known as an OAP trap in our house

we like our bus passes because they extend our walking scope. Bus out to furthest point, walk back. Do tend to only use them out of rush hour though!

KjellNN replied on 29/08/2016 14:32

Posted on 29/08/2016 14:32

Ah well Kj, if you become a motorhomer you might find your bus pass is used a bit more. Wink

Hmm, I remember 21st birthdays and the "key to the door" now it's the bus pass!

Indeed, but it would be far more useful if the bus pass scheme was UK wide.

KjellNN replied on 29/08/2016 14:39

Posted on 29/08/2016 14:39

I have had mine for 14 years now, but rarely use it.

Came in handy when visiting Edinburgh, and use it when taking the car(s) to be serviced.

Takes a very long time to travel 10 miles across the city by bus.

Write your comments here...I find it a nice change to let somebody else drive now and then, and the jouney's that we undertake by bus (Cornwall), it is also pleasant to sit upstairs on the bus and see the countryside that you never see as a driver.

We would use ours far more if there were actually regular buses that went into town,  Getting from here into the centre of Glasgow involves 2 buses, takes well over an hour, and is only a distance of about 7 miles.

If we go into town we either drive and park, or drive to our daughter's house and get the bus from there.

Taking the car to be serviced, to get home (or back to the garage) involves a 10 minute walk at one end, 2 buses and then the necessity for a lift from bus to house.

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