What have they done?

GTrimmer replied on 11/09/2022 21:23

Posted on 11/09/2022 21:23

Well, I waited until it went live. Where do l start ? UTTER PANTS best describes my experience.  The queuing system failed to direct me where I wanted to go, I ran out of battery trying to search CLs and to cap it my wife's smart phone "is not compatible with the CAMC app ". sealed

DavidKlyne replied on 13/09/2022 15:25

Posted on 13/09/2022 11:40 by peedee

At least it has brought out some new posters if only for this topic! laughing


Posted on 13/09/2022 15:25

Controversial subjects always seem to bring people onto the forum. Lots of new names who don't seem to have posted before. Lets hope some of them stick around so we have a wider view of all things CMC generally.


Freddy replied on 13/09/2022 15:28

Posted on 13/09/2022 15:28

What was wrong with the original online booking service?

I have tried to book a site waited 45 minutes not the 20 it said and eventually got on line started to book a site and then it cut off and put me back on to waiting list!

I decided to phone the site and a recording said go on line to book or leave contact details which I did the site didn’t call back .I tried the site A further 4 times complete waste of time

I called a private site near to the caravan Club site and got a booking straight away with all the facilities of the club 

I agree with most people on this discussion why change some thing that worked with the Old system

as far as I can see the new system is a utter waste of caravan club money I think that a few members will be leaving 

Rant Over 

Freddy a dissatisfied member 


rayjsj replied on 13/09/2022 15:31

Posted on 13/09/2022 15:31

I am staying at Exmoor house in Dulverton on my way down to Cornwall, tried booking a few days for our return journey,  Warden couldn't do the booking ?? Said book directly,  tried, massive queue, couldn't be bothered, waited until after midnight, then tried again, hurrah got through to new booking system, managed to enter my debit card details........guess what, they took the WHOLE amount, not just a deposit, I was fuming  this new system is really terrible, as user friendly as an anti-personnel mine.  The CMC is becoming a very Member unfriendly expensive, awkward joke.


GEandGJE replied on 13/09/2022 16:06

Posted on 13/09/2022 16:06

While waiting again for the second time today I put my old IT Supply Chain hat on and did a little digging. The queuing system is a Third Party Plug In from a Danish company called Queue.IT. So when you click Make a Booking it offloads you (their words not mine) to a waiting room on their servers and when there's capacity on the CAMC booking system you are then directed back. The capacity thresholds are set by CAMC. Lets hope that they have been set low as the new system beds in.

Still 15 mins to go. 

wellum1959 replied on 13/09/2022 16:10

Posted on 13/09/2022 16:10

Another consequence of the change over is the midweek discount on the sites that still offered it, is now listed under expired offers.

A stealth price rise to add insult to injury.

Kasspa replied on 13/09/2022 16:19

Posted on 13/09/2022 12:42 by mbee1

I logged in to check my site bookings and find I have to wait in the queue just to check them. 

The app doesn't seem to work at all and the length of time it's taken me to get to the end of this thread is ridiculous.

I've made a booking under the new system but hy do they need to know the names and dates of birth of other visitors?

I see there now seems to be an automatic charge for a second car which wasn't there before.

Posted on 13/09/2022 16:19

I daresay all the extra information required (if you can get it all in, in the allocated 20 minute slot) is to do with website algorithms, data that will help the club target us for whatever ads they include in the flyers of the club magazine etc, etc

If it ever works & I get to book anything, will just include myself & pay for any additional people when I arrive on site.....

I do this now with my grandchildren as circumstances may change from when I make the booking until the arrival dates.....

rayjsj replied on 13/09/2022 16:48

Posted on 12/09/2022 18:53 by Takethedogalong

“Unexpected b*lls up in the booking area……”🤭


🤔Actually……..that’s not strictly true!🤣


For sale: Slightly used, slightly out of date Site Directory. Still in wrapper, makes good kindling for stove.


Posted on 13/09/2022 16:48

No don't, that book, and the precious paper map that came with it, plus a list of site phone numbers is a solid link to booking a site in the future, as the Website and Contact numbers are no longer fit for purpose. As for the App  less said the better.

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