New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


JVB66 replied on 05/12/2021 16:29

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:17 by

Any such scheme will always have small print to cover the owners. However we have done it  about a dozen times at 3 different sites and they have always been  available except the time we arrived a day early.wink

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:29

Off peak it may not be a problem? as you have found surprised

MikeyA replied on 05/12/2021 16:33

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:17 by

Any such scheme will always have small print to cover the owners. However we have done it  about a dozen times at 3 different sites and they have always been  available except the time we arrived a day early.wink

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:33

At these sites that you mentioned, what was the level of occupancy when you arrived?


replied on 05/12/2021 16:44

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:33 by MikeyA

At these sites that you mentioned, what was the level of occupancy when you arrived?


Posted on 05/12/2021 16:44

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Arch replied on 05/12/2021 16:50

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:27 by JVB66

Have you not been on sites that at busy times have to have regular  cess pit honey wagons in to empty them , the whole area down wind gets the "smell"smile 

So you have also not been on a CL or site near, to a farm that has animalscool

the only time we have had any smell?  from a ccep is on the very rare  occasions some one who  does not use any form of add fluids In their cassette m and then it is only as you would be in your own toilet with an upset tummywink

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:50

I'm a country boy who has plenty of first hand experience of farms and smells but I still wouldn't be happy to land on a pitch where 2-3mtrs away a regular troop of people empty their bodily fluids and turds into the pit while I'm sitting there having my breakfast or evening meal, some may not mind but not me no thanks.

JollyKernow replied on 05/12/2021 17:04

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:42 by DavidKlyne

I am not sure I would encourage the Club to go down the road of booking specific pitches. That might be all well and good on sites where people book in multiples of a week at a time but the club doesn't really work like that. OK there are a lot of members who do stay a week or maybe two or three but would they want to be dictated to that they must arrive on a set day the week as is the usual case for many sites offering this option? With people arriving for all sorts of lengths of stay it would be very difficult to neatly dovetail everyone in the make the maximum use of occupancy. The biggest problem for me is, unless I have been to the site before, how do I select a pitch from a site map and know when I actually get to the site that it will suit me?


Posted on 05/12/2021 17:04


Specific pitch number choice won't be an option DK only the surface type.


JollyKernow replied on 05/12/2021 17:07

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:50 by Arch

I'm a country boy who has plenty of first hand experience of farms and smells but I still wouldn't be happy to land on a pitch where 2-3mtrs away a regular troop of people empty their bodily fluids and turds into the pit while I'm sitting there having my breakfast or evening meal, some may not mind but not me no thanks.

Posted on 05/12/2021 17:07

Ah, the smell of the countrysideyell

We had a member this summer wanted to be as close to a service point as possible because of a bad back and lugging water rolls etc, then constantly moaned about the amount of people using that service point and the associated smellswink

As TW says above you can please some of the people some of the time


Arch replied on 05/12/2021 17:17

Posted on 05/12/2021 17:17

Yes that old Chinese proverb "take care what you wish for" šŸ˜”

young thomas replied on 05/12/2021 17:27

Posted on 05/12/2021 12:59 by JVB66

But then you are yet again talking about very large sites during off peak periods in mainland europewink

Posted on 05/12/2021 17:27

Our New Year commercial site at Henley has such a system, it's adjacent to Four Oaks, which hasn'tšŸ˜‰

....we know where we want to be and have booked a serviced pitch alongside our's not that difficult.

Weve booked a mixed surface site at Black Knowl for June...if the new system is in and everyone has booked HS, well obviously be left with the grass.

Shouldnt be a problem in June but this shows what might happen during the crossover....

Navigateur replied on 05/12/2021 18:00

Posted on 05/12/2021 18:00

The emptying of toilets, whether with chemicals or without, will produce microscopic droplets as well as the bigger splashes which are left behind by some users.  The likelyhood of breathing in such droplets and becoming unwell as a result is probably quite low but I personally choose to reduce it further by being a greater distance away.

Excrement has a smell to warn one it is there and encourage keeping away from it.  So I would always try to book a pitch well away from a sewage point.

JollyKernow replied on 05/12/2021 18:00

Posted on 05/12/2021 17:27 by young thomas

Our New Year commercial site at Henley has such a system, it's adjacent to Four Oaks, which hasn'tšŸ˜‰

....we know where we want to be and have booked a serviced pitch alongside our's not that difficult.

Weve booked a mixed surface site at Black Knowl for June...if the new system is in and everyone has booked HS, well obviously be left with the grass.

Shouldnt be a problem in June but this shows what might happen during the crossover....

Posted on 05/12/2021 18:00

 "might" being the key word there BBwinkwink


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